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   With the exception of Place No. 1 to be held by the mayor as provided for in section 2 of Chapter III of this Charter, the City Council shall provide by ordinance for ten (10) single member districts so that with the exception of the mayor, one (1) member of the City Council shall be elected from each of such defined districts by the voters residing therein, and each candidate therefrom shall be a qualified elector of the city and shall have continuously resided in the Council District for which he or she seeks election for 180 days before the first allowed filing date for the election. The first allowed filing date shall not be included in calculating the 180 days.
   The City Council shall, as often as census data is available, determine as nearly as practicable the population of the respective districts and shall, by ordinance, revise the boundaries of any or all of said districts to maintain a substantial equality of population in each, provided, however, that such boundaries need not be described by reference to metes and bounds. Within sixty (60) days after passage of this amendment, the City Council shall, by ordinance, designate the original district limits.
(Ord. 16797, § 1(VIII), 1-24-2006, approved 5-13-2006; Ord. 22081-02-2016, § 2(II), (VI), 2-2-2016, approved 5-7-2016; Ord. 25328-02- 2022, § 2, 2-8-2022, approved 5-7-2022)
Editor’s Note:
   Proposition 2 of Ord. 22081-02-2016, adopted 5-7- 2016 increased the number of Councilmembers from nine (9) to eleven (11). This increase will not go into effect until after the 2020 census.