As used in this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed in this section.
CANDIDATE. Every person who declares for or files for any office of the city to be filled by election.
OFFICER. The mayor, a member of the city council, the city manager, the city attorney, the city secretary, the city internal auditor, the chief financial officer and the judges of the municipal court.
(1964 Code, § 43-5) (Ord. 7650, § 1, passed 10-25-1977; Ord. 7784, § 1, passed 8-15-1978; Ord. 10617, § 1 (2), passed 6-26-1990; Ord. 20837-08-2013, § 1, passed 8-6-2013; Ord. 21845-08-2015, § 1, passed 8-25-2015)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 1-2
(a) Every officer shall file a verified personal financial statement with the city secretary in the same form as required by Chapter 145 of the Texas Local Government Code, except that a newly appointed officer shall file the verified personal financial statement with the city secretary within 30 days from the date he or she is sworn into office.
(b) The reporting period for the personal financial disclosure for newly appointed officers is 12 months preceding the date the officer is sworn into office.
(c) Every candidate shall file a verified personal financial statement with the city secretary in the same form as that required by Chapter 145 of the Texas Local Government Code not later than the earlier of:
(1) The 20th day after the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot in the election; or
(2) The fifth day before the date of the election.
(d) The reporting period for a statement required under this subsection shall be the 12 months preceding January 1 of the year in which the election is held.
(1964 Code, § 43-6) (Ord. 7650, § 1, passed 10-25-1977; Ord. 10617, § 1 (2), passed 6-26-1990; Ord. 16265, § 1, passed 1-18-2005; Ord. 21845-08-2015, § 2, passed 8-25-2015)
(a) Persons filing financial disclosure statements shall use the form designed by the Texas Ethics Commission as required by Chapter 572, Texas Government Code.
(b) The city secretary shall provide copies of the forms required by this division to:
(1) Officers and candidates as required by state law; and
(2) Newly appointed officers upon their swearing in and no later than the tenth day before the deadline.
(1964 Code, § 43-7) (Ord. 7650, § 1, passed 10-25-1977; Ord. 10617, § 1 (2), passed 6-26-1990; Ord. 21845-08-2015, § 2, passed 8-25-2015)
(a) The city secretary shall maintain all statements required to be filed with the city secretary under this division as public records and retain them for a period of three years after which time he or she shall return them to the person filing them or destroy them.
(b) The financial disclosure statement file maintained by the city secretary under this section shall be kept in alphabetical order for each year in which statements are filed. Such files shall be open to public inspection during normal business hours. The city secretary shall maintain a list of all persons requesting to inspect such files identifying the file or files inspected.
(1964 Code, § 43-8) (Ord. 7650, § 1, passed 10-25-1977; Ord. 10617, § 1 (2), passed 6-26-1990)
Editor’s note:
Section 1 of Ord. 12027, adopted July 11, 1995, repealed §§ 2-276 through 2-280. Formerly, said sections pertained to microfilming and retention of records in administrative departments and agencies of the city, and derived from §§ 2-63 through 2-67 of the 1964 Code, and § 1 of Ord. 8700, adopted December 14, 1982.
(a) The city recognizes that the citizens of Fort Worth have a right to expect, and the city has an obligation to foster, efficient and cost-effective government and further recognizes the central importance of city records in the lives of its citizens.
(b) It is the policy of the city to provide for efficient, economical and effective controls over the creation, distribution, organization, maintenance, use and disposition of all records of the city. This policy will be implemented through a comprehensive system of integrated procedures for the management of records from their creation to their ultimate disposition, consistent with the requirements of the local government records act or any successor statute and accepted records management practice.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995)