Charter reference:
Authority of city to establish and maintain airport, see Ch. II, § 3
Emergency management, see Ch. 11.5
Planning and development department, see §§ 2-310 et seq.
Public utilities, see Ch. 28
Transportation and public works department, see §§ 2-146 et seq.
Zoning regulations, see App. A
Statutory reference:
Authority generally, see Tex. Transportation Code Ch. 22
Article I: In General
3-1 Definitions
3-2 Penalty for violations of chapter
3-3—3-15 Reserved
Article II: Aviation Advisory Board
3-16—3-19 Reserved
3-20 Aviation advisory board
3-21 Same—Limit on number of terms
3-22 Reserved
3-23 Meetings
3-24 Same—Powers; jurisdiction; scope of activities
3-25—3-29 Reserved
3-30—3-45 Reserved
Article III: Landing Fields
3-46 FAA approval required
3-47 License—Required; application
3-48 Same—Approval procedure
3-49 Same—Revocation; hearing
3-50 Limitation of approval
3-51 Reserved
3-52—3-65 Reserved
Article IV: Helicopters
3-66 Operation of helicopters, heliports
3-67 Injunctive relief
3-68—3-80 Reserved
Article V:
Regulations Governing Airports
Division 1: Generally
3-81 Title
3-82 Intent
3-83 Scope
3-84 Federal Aviation Administration regulations and procedures
3-85—3-95 Reserved
Division 2: Regulation of Vehicles
3-96 Generally
3-97 Traffic-control devices
3-98 Parking
3-99—3-100 Reserved
3-101 Impeding flow of traffic
3-102 Vehicle and pedestrian communications in airport movement areas
3-103 Maintenance of vehicles
3-104 Reserved
3-105 Access to airport property
3-106 Unauthorized AOA access
3-107 Trailers and recreational vehicles
3-108 Airport perimeter roads
3-109—3-115 Reserved
Division 3: Regulation of Aircraft
3-116 Parking; fees
3-117 Illegally parked aircraft; remedies
3-118 Accidents; damaged property; repairs to aircraft
3-119 Lien on impounded aircraft
3-120 City free from liability
3-121 Aircraft operations generally
3-122 Aircraft movement
3-123 Aircraft noise
3-124 Radar
3-125—3-135 Reserved
Division 4: Personal Conduct
3-136 Generally
3-137 Restricted areas
3-138 Animals
3-139 Soliciting
3-140 Advertisements
3-141 Litter
3-142 Airspace hazards
3-143 Demonstrations
3-144 Recreational activities
3-145 Commercial videography
3-146 Tampering with private or public property
3-147 Grills
3-148—3-154 Reserved
Division 5: Aircraft Fueling and Fire Safety
3-155 Uniform Fire Code adopted
3-156 Self-fueling aircraft
3-157—3-159 Reserved
Division 6: Enforcement
3-160 Intent
3-161 Airport security
3-162 Enforcement authority; penalties
3-163—3-175 Reserved
Article VI: Airport Zoning Regulations
Division 1: Generally
3-176—3-190 Reserved
Division 2: Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
3-191 Short title
3-192 Definitions
3-193 Incorporation of hazard zoning maps
3-194 Imaginary surfaces
3-195 Height limitations
3-196 Use restrictions
3-197 Existing nonconformities
3-198 Permits required
3-199 Notice to FAA
3-200 Variances
3-201 Hazard marking and lighting
3-202 Administrative agencies
3-203 Rules of procedure
3-204 Board of adjustment
3-205 Appeals
3-206 Judicial review
3-207 Enforcement and remedies
3-208 Penalties
3-209 Effect of conflict with other ordinances or regulations
3-210 Amendments
3-211—3-225 Reserved
Division 3: Meacham Field
3-226 Title
3-227 Definitions
3-228 Incorporation of zoning map
3-229 Imaginary surfaces
3-230 Height limitations
3-231 Use restrictions
3-232 Permits required
3-233 Division not relieve owner, etc., of duty to give notice to FAA
3-234 Variances
3-235 Hazard marking and lighting
3-236 Administrative agencies
3-237 Rules of procedure
3-238 Board of adjustment
3-239 Appeals
3-240 Judicial review
3-241 Enforcement and remedies
3-242 Penalties
3-243 Conflicting regulations
3-244—3-259 Reserved
Division 4: Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning Overlay District
3-260 Short title
3-261 Definitions
3-262 Incorporation of zoning maps
3-263 General provisions
3-264 Development zone and airport height control area
3-265 Compatible land use regulations
3-266 Height regulations
3-267 Administrative agency
3-268 Nonconforming uses and structures
3-269 Permits
3-270 Board of adjustment
3-271 Variances
3-272 Judicial review
3-273 Enforcement and remedies
3-274 Penalties
3-275—3-279 Reserved
Article VII: Fort Worth Alliance Airport Access
3-280 Short title
3-281 Definitions
3-282 Access right
3-283 Off-airport parcel uses; access area; access taxiways; prohibited uses
3-284 Access permit
3-285 Access permit fee; landing fee; fuel flowage fee; time for payment; amount of fee; abatement of fee; use of fees by city
The following terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
AIR OPERATIONS AREA or AOA. Any area of the airport, both public and leased, used or intended to be used for the landing, takeoff, taxiing or parking of aircraft, or any other area designated so by the director.
AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL or ATC. Personnel, equipment and air traffic control services provided by the Federal Aviation Administration, or other person, firm or corporation contracted to do so by the City of Fort Worth.
AIRCRAFT. Any weight-carrying structure for navigation in the air and which obtains support by the dynamic reaction of the air to any obstruction connected with the structure. Gliders or ultralights, either powered or unpowered, helicopters, hot air balloons and airships will be considered aircraft.
AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY or EMERGENCY. A problem or condition involving an aircraft either in flight or on the ground, which could endanger lives or property. An AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY can be declared by the pilot, ATC or other personnel responsible for the safe operation of the aircraft or airport.
AIRPORT, AIRPORTS or AIRFIELD. All of the land, improvements, facilities and development of the Fort Worth Meacham, Alliance and Spinks Airports, or any other city-owned airport, except for the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.
AIRPORT CERTIFICATION MANUAL or ACM. The FAA approved manual containing the minimum operating standards of a specific Airport, as prescribed in FAR part 139, for certification of that Airport.
AIRPORT CERTIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS or ACS. The FAA approved specifications containing the minimum operating standards of a specific airport, as prescribed in FAR part 139, for certification of that airport.
AIRPORT MANAGER. The specific manager or assistant aviation director responsible for the efficient administration of a specific airport. The airport manager acts in the absence of the director, or upon specific instruction of the director.
AIRPORT OFFICIAL. The director, airport manager, airport operations superintendent, airport operations supervisor, or any other aviation department employee designated by the director to be responsible for the safe operation of the airports and specifically designated with the authority to do so by the director.
AIRPORT RESCUE AND FIREFIGHTING or ARFF. The primary airport firefighting personnel and equipment responding to emergencies on the airports.
AIRPORT ROADWAY. Those portions of the airports designated and made available temporarily or permanently by the director for vehicular traffic and not located on ground leased by others.
AVIATION DEPARTMENT. The aviation department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, the department employing those city employees whose primary task is to administer, operate and maintain all airports.
DIRECTOR. The aviation director, the head of the aviation department, being responsible for the administration, operations and maintenance for all airports.
FAA. The Federal Aviation Administration.
FAR. The Federal Aviation Regulations found in C.F.R. Title 14.
HELICOPTER. Any rotorcraft which depends principally for its support and motion in the air upon the lift generated by one or more power-driven rotors, rotating on substantially vertical axes.
MOVEMENT AREA. The runways, taxiways and other landing areas of the airport which are utilized for taxiing, hover taxiing, air taxiing and landings and takeoffs of aircraft, exclusive of ramp areas.
NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION or NFPA. A global nonprofit organization devoted to preventing death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.
OPERATOR. Any person who drives, pilots, controls or maintains, either directly or indirectly, an aircraft or vehicle.
PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, company (including any assignee, receiver, trustee or similar representative thereof), or the United States of America or any foreign government, state or political subdivision thereof.
RAMP or RAMP AREA. Those portions of the airport, both public and leased, designated for the parking or storage of aircraft.
RESTRICTED AREA. Any portion of the airport to which no ingress is permitted except upon specific authorization by the director.
RUN-UP. Any operation of a stationary aircraft engine above idle power except to overcome inertia for taxiing.
SELF-FUELING. The fueling or servicing of an aircraft by the owner of the aircraft with his or her own employees and using his or her own equipment.
VEHICLE or MOTOR VEHICLE. Any automobile, golf cart, truck, bus, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, bicycle, push cart, fuel servicing vehicle, tug or any other device in or by which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a roadway, other than a device used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks.
VEHICULAR PARKING AREA. Those portions of the airport designated and made available temporarily or permanently by the director, or his designee, for the parking of vehicles but not including parking areas under lease to others.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 1, passed 8-15-2017)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 1-2