      I.   IN GENERAL
   Abandoned and junked vehicles, see §§ 22-301 et seq.
   Administration, see Ch. 2
   Animals and fowl, see Ch. 6
   Building regulations, see Ch. 7
   Health and sanitation, see Ch. 16
   Human relations, see Ch. 17
   Motor vehicle junkyards, see §§ 20-291 et seq.
   Planning and development department, see §§ 2-310 et seq.
   Water and sewers, see Ch. 35
   Zoning regulations, see App. A
Editor’s note:
   Ord. 9664, § 1, adopted June 24, 1986, adding a new Ch. 11A to the 1964 Code, has been included as Appendix B hereof at the editor’s discretion, in order to retain the section designations as enacted. Amendments to Ord. 9664 will be indicated by a history note cited in parentheses following the amended section. Absence of such a note indicates the section derives unchanged from said ordinance. Subsequently, Ord. 14698, § 1, adopted July 17, 2001 amended the title of Appendix B to read as herein set out.Section
Article I: Reserved
   11A-1—11A-5   Reserved
Article II: Code Compliance
Division 1: Generally
   11A-6   Authorization
   11A-7   Definitions
Division 2: High Weeds and Grass
   11A-8   High weeds and grass prohibited
   11A-9   Abatement of high weeds or grass
   11A-10   Abatement of weeds or grass in excess of 48 inches
   11A-11   Assessment of expenses; lien
   11A-12—11A-16   Reserved
Division 3: Nuisances
Subdivision A: Generally
   11A-17   Purpose
   11A-18   Accumulations of animal feces and urine
   11A-19   Keeping of swine
   11A-20   Distance requirements for kennels; number of dogs and cats at residences
   11A-21   Reserved
   11A-22   Keeping of pigeons and certain fowl
   11A-22.2   Continuance permits
   11A-23   Discharge of liquid waste
   11A-24   Miscellaneous sanitation nuisances
   11A-25   Clotheslines in front yards and on front porches
   11A-26   Storage of discarded, used and broken items
   11A-27   Littering prohibited
   11A-28   Duty to maintain property free from litter
   11A-29   Nuisance vegetation prohibited
   11A-30   Abandoned shopping carts
   11A-31—11A-51   Reserved
Subdivision B: Abatement
   11A-52   Nuisance abatement order
   11A-53   Hearing after abatement without notice
   11A-54   Assessment of expenses; lien
   11A-55—11A-89   Reserved
Division 4: Graffiti
   11A-90   Graffiti declared a nuisance
   11A-91   Failure to remove graffiti
   11A-92   Offer to remove
   11A-93   Notice and abatement
   11A-94   Assessment of expenses; lien
   11A-95   Penalty
   11A-96—11A-99   Reserved
Division 5: Enforcement
   11A-100   Criminal remedies
   11A-101   Civil remedies
Editor’s note:
Section 20 of Ord. 24030-02-2020, adopted February 4, 2020, repealed §§ 11A-1 through 11A-4, which pertained to Departments Established and Organized, Responsibilities Generally, Duties of the Department, and Appointment of Employees. See the Code Comparative Table.
§ 11A-1—11A-5 RESERVED.
Editor’s note:
   Ord. 12931, § 1 adopted March 25, 1997, amended Art. II, §§ 11A-6 through 11A-11, 11A-17 through 11A-35, 11A-52 through 11A-71, 11A-90, 11A-91, concerning code enforcement, in its entirety and added new §§ 11A-6 through 11A-11, 11A-17 through 11A-26, 11A-52 through 11A-54, 11A-90 through 11A-94, 11A-100, 11A-101. Former §§ 11A-6 through 11A-11, 11A-17 through 11A-35, 11A-52 through 11A-71, 11A-90, 11A-91 derived from Ord. 10815, § 1, adopted April 2, 1991; Ord. 10941, § 1, adopted October 22, 1991; Ord. 11139, § 4, adopted July 28, 1992; Ord. 11528, §§ 2, 3, adopted April 5, 1994; Ord. 11630, § 1, adopted July 26, 1994; Ord. 11676, § 1, adopted September 20, 1994; Ord. 12274, § 1, adopted November 28, 1995; Ord. 12533, § 1, adopted May 8, 1996.