Alarm permit required, see § 12-2
Alcoholic beverage license fees, see § 4-2
Alcoholic beverage permit fees, see § 4-1
Dog and cat licenses, see §§ 6-21 et seq.
Escort drivers permit, see §§ 34-86 et seq.
Food handler’s certificate required, see § 16-111
Food manager’s certificate required, see § 16-113
Franchise required for cable television system, see § 8-1
License and certification required for ambulance drivers, attendants and EMS dispatchers, see § 5-31
License and permit required for parkway contractors, see §§ 30-32 et seq.
License required for house number painters, see §§ 30-14 et seq.
License required for motor vehicle escort businesses, see §§ 34-56 et seq.
License required for moving and demolition contractors, see § 7-224
License required to operate aircraft landing field within the city, see § 3-47
Licenses and permits for street and storm drain contractors, see §§ 30-52 et seq.
Permit required for erection of wire-bearing poles, etc., see §§ 30-73 et seq.
Permit required for moving and demolition of buildings, see § 7-216
Permit required for street excavations and obstructions, see § 30-66
Permit required for swimming in certain areas of Lake Worth, see § 18-1
Permit required for temporary obstruction of public ways with building materials or rubbish, see § 30-75
Permit required to attach wires, etc., to trees, see § 33-5
Permit required to park vehicle for sale on street, see § 22-18
Permit required to plant, prune, etc., trees located on public property, see § 33-6
Permit required to turn water on or off at street, see § 35-11
Permits required for certain businesses, occupations and vocations, see §§ 16-346 et seq.
Article I: In General
20-1 Occupation tax
20-2 Conducting or soliciting sales, etc., on city property without permit
20-3—20-15 Reserved
Article II: Amusements
Division 1: Generally
20-16—20-25 Reserved
Division 2: Bingo Tax
20-26 Levied
20-27—20-40 Reserved
Division 3: Carnivals, Circuses and Tent Shows
20-41 Permit—Required; fee
20-42 Same—Application
20-43 Same—Revocation; forfeiture of fees
20-44 Scope of permit and fee
20-45 Operation near residences, schools, churches
20-46 Operation after expiration or revocation of permit
20-47 Exemptions
20-48 Aiding or abetting violation
20-49—20-60 Reserved
Division 4: Dance Halls
20-61 Definitions
20-62 Applicability
20-63 Classification and fees
20-64 License—Required
20-65 Same—Application
20-66 Same—Contents; display
20-67 Same—Duration; refund policy
20-68 Same—Nonassignable; transfer
20-69 Fingerprinting of license applicant
20-70 Rejected license applications; appeal
20-71 License revocation hearing; appeal
20-72 Misrepresentation in license application
20-73 Investigation of premises
20-74 Hours of operation
20-75 Dancing in unlicensed halls
20-76 Age restriction
20-77 Sleeping rooms prohibited; exception
20-78 Toilet facilities
20-79 Right of entry of police
20-80 “Taxi dance halls” prohibited
20-81—20-90 Reserved
Division 5: Pool Halls
20-91 Definitions
20-92 Applicability
20-93 License—Required
20-94 Same—Application
20-95 Same—Fees
20-96 Same—Duration; refund policy
20-97 Same—Contents; display
20-98 Rejected license applications; appeal
20-99 License cancellation hearing; appeal
20-100 Misrepresentation in license application
20-101 Investigation of premises
20-102 Hours of operation
20-103 Age restrictions
20-104 Gambling
Division 6:
20-105—20-121 Reserved
Article III:
20-122—20-140 Reserved
Article IV: Vendors
Division 1: Door-to-Door Vendors
20-141 Purpose
20-142 Definition
20-143 Registration certificate
20-144 Registration information
20-145 Regulations
20-146—20-160 Reserved
Division 2: Reserved
20-161—20-185 Reserved
Article V: Reserved
20-186—20-205 Reserved
Article VI: Railroads
20-206 Reserved
20-207 Obstructing street crossings
20-208 Jumping on or off trains
20-209 Crossings, culverts, bridges—Construction required upon notice
20-210 Same—Service of notice to construct
20-211 Same—Repair, maintenance
20-212 Same—Notice to repair
20-213 Lights at crossings—Notice to provide
20-214 Same—Time and manner
20-215 Crew member to flag certain crossing
20-216 Duty of crew members
20-217 Failure to use crew member
20-218 Lights on locomotives
20-219 Companies to file map with city
20-220 Changes in tracks, switches, etc
20-221 Grades of new lines
20-222 Raising street between tracks
20-223 Maintenance of track, roadbed at curves, crossings, intersections
20-224 Maintenance of tracks in streets
20-225 Filling of tracks on trestles
20-226 Forming intersections with other railways
20-227 Digging from sides of tracks
20-228 New grant or concession
20-229 Existing rights not affected
20-230 Restoration of excavated streets
20-231 Reserved
20-232 Switchman required; duty
20-233 Switchmen on five cars or more
20-234 Connecting air couplings
20-235—20-250 Reserved
Article VII: Secondhand Dealers and Related Businesses
Division 1: Generally
20-251 Definitions
20-252 Required records and reports
20-253 Identification of articles purchased
20-254 Holding period prior to resale
20-255 Removal, obliteration of manufacturer’s brand name or serial number
20-256 Inspection of purchased items
20-257 Purchases from minors
20-258 Exemptions
20-259—20-270 Reserved
Division 2: Secondhand Dealer Licenses
20-271 Application; fee; duration
20-272 Grounds for denial
20-273 Exhibiting for inspection
20-274 Transfer
20-275 Revocation
20-276 Appeal
20-277—20-290 Reserved
Division 3: Motor Vehicle Junkyards
20-291 Definition
20-292 Prerequisites for establishment, operation and maintenance
20-293 Application for proper zoning, board of adjustment approval
20-294 Certificate of occupancy
20-295 Inspections
20-296 License
20-297 License denial; appeal
20-298—20-310 Reserved
Division 4: Reserved
20-311—20-335 Reserved
Article VIII: Reserved
20-336—20-351 Reserved
Article IX: Sidewalk Cafés
20-352 Definitions
20-353 Requirements
20-354 Permits
20-355 Permit applications
20-356 Locations
20-357 Hours of operation
20-358 Permit fees
20-359 Permit renewal
20-360 Permit suspension
20-361 Bond requirement
20-362 Notice
20-363 Appeal
20-364, 20-365 Reserved
Article X: Minority and Women Business Enterprises
20-366 Definitions
20-367 Purpose and application
20-368 Business equity goal setting
20-369 Joint ventures and mentor-protégé
20-370 Contract award compliance procedures
20-371 Contract administration procedures
20-372 Contract exceptions and waivers
20-373 Violations and sanctions
20-374 Appeal
20-375 Sunset date
20-376—20-382 Reserved
Article XI:
Metal Recycling Entities
20-383 Purpose
20-384 Definitions
20-385 Records required
20-386 Notice to sellers
20-387 Facsimile, electronic mail or similar equipment required
20-388 Restrictions on the purchase of regulated material
20-389 Penalties
20-390 License required
20-391 Application for issuance of license; fees; posting
20-392 Expiration of license; renewal
20-393 Suspension
20-394 Revocation or denial
20-395 Appeal
20-396 Transfer of license
Article XII: Outdoor Events
Division 1: General Provisions
20-401 Scope
20-402 Purpose and intent
20-403 Responsible city department
20-404 Definitions
20-405 Permit required
20-406 Exceptions
20-407 Rules and regulations
20-408 Fees
20-409 Timeframes
Division 2: Special Events and Parades
20-410 Events calendar
20-411 Events calendar committee
20-412 Pre-event meeting
20-413 Notification requirements
20-414 Special event permit process
20-415 Parade permit process
20-416 Parades in the central business district
Division 3: First Amendment Events and First Amendment Parades
20-417 Permit process
Division 4: Public Park Events
20-418 Permit process
Division 5: Outdoor Event Districts
20-419 Downtown Outdoor Events District (DOED)
20-420 Near Southside Outdoor Events District (NSOED)
20-421 Stockyards Outdoor Events District (SOED)
Division 6: General Provisions for Special Events and Parades
20-422 Additional permits required
20-423 Projected attendance estimates
20-424 Emergency services and fire safety, traffic control and parking plans
20-425 Gating and fencing of events
20-426 Prohibited conduct during events
20-427 Retention of permit
20-428 Security deposit
20-429 Supplemental service fees
20-430 Tent requirements
20-431 Use of city logo or name
20-432 User agreement
Division 7: Approval, Issuance, Modification, Denial or Revocation of a Special Event or Parade Permit
20-433 Approval
20-434 Issuance of a permit
20-435 Modification or denial of an events permit
20-436 Revocation of a permit
Division 8: Appeal of Denial or Revocation of a Special Event or Parade Permit
20-437 Appeal
Division 9: Neighborhood Events and Neighborhood Parades
20-438 Permit process
20-439 Neighborhood event and neighborhood parade regulations
20-440 Approval, issuance, modification, denial or revocation of a neighborhood event or neighborhood parade permit
20-441 Appeal
Division 10: Offenses
20-442 Offenses
Division 11: Penalties
20-443 Penalties
Article XIII: Credit Access Businesses
20-450 Short title and purpose
20-451 Definitions
20-452 Violations; penalty
20-453 Defenses
20-454 Registration required
20-455 Registration application
20-456 Issuance and display of certificate of registration; presentment upon request
20-457 Expiration and renewal of certificate of registration
20-458 Non-transferability
20-459 Maintenance of records
20-460 Restriction on extension of consumer credit
20-461 Requirement of consumer understanding of agreement
20-462 Referral to consumer credit counseling
Article XIV: Boarding Homes
Division 1: General
20-470 Purpose
20-471 Definitions
20-472 Authority of the director
Division 2: Administrative
20-473 Permit required
20-474 Exemptions
20-475 Permit application
20-476 Notification of change of information
20-477 Fees
20-478 Issuance and denial of permit
20-479 Suspension of permit; prohibition of new residents
20-480 Revocation of permit
20-481 Appeals
20-482 Expiration and renewal of permit
20-483 Nontransferability
20-484 Posting requirements
20-485 Inspections; fees
20-486 Reports to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Division 3: Structure and Maintenance
20-487 Construction, remodeling, and maintenance
20-488 Sleeping rooms
20-489 Telephone
20-490 Kitchen
Division 4: Resident Health and Safety
20-491 Emergency precautions
20-492 Poisonous, toxic, and flammable materials
20-493 Food and drink; meals
20-494 Reporting and investigation of injuries, incidents and unusual accidents and the establishment of policies and procedures to ensure resident health and safety
20-495 Assistance with self-administration of medication
20-496 Requirements for in-service education of boarding home facility staff
20-497 Criminal background history checks
20-498 Assessment and periodic monitoring of residents
Division 5: Enforcement
20-499 Violations; penalty
The city may levy an occupation tax on any occupation for which it has specific state statutory authority to do so, and the amount of the tax shall conform to state statutory and constitutional provisions regarding the collection of occupation taxes by municipalities.
(1964 Code, § 24-1)
Statutory reference:
Occupation taxes levied by local governments, see V.T.C.A., Tax Code, § 101.008
Occupation taxes, see Texas Constit. Art. VIII, § 2
It shall be unlawful to conduct any business, to sell or offer for sale any goods or services, and/or to solicit any business or trade in, on or under any building, grounds or place owned by the city or used or occupied by or/on behalf of the city without a lawful permit, franchise, concession or consent agreement issued pursuant to authority granted by the city council or a duly authorized administrative agency or board of the city.
(1964 Code, § 27-48) (Ord. 7117, § 1, passed 1-20-1975)
Editor’s note: