The department of code compliance shall have the following duties.
(a) The director of the department shall act to coordinate activities within the department. The director shall provide overall management functions for the department, including contract management, fiscal control and personnel/safety programs.
(b) The director shall designate employees to enforce city code provisions. The code enforcement personnel shall be responsible for performing recurring inspections of properties in order to cause abatement of environmental, health, zoning and housing nuisances. These employees shall prepare cases for review by the building standards commission and the city council. They will initiate and participate in legal action, when required, to be processed through the municipal court and the Tarrant County court system and in nuisance abatement actions performed by the city.
(Ord. 24030-02-2020, § 14, passed 2-4-2020)
In accordance with established personnel procedures and as provided by the city budget, the director of code compliance shall have the power to appoint, employ and remove such officers, assistants, employees and personnel as he or she may deem necessary for the efficient administration of the affairs of the department of code compliance and to prescribe and fix their duties and scope of authority within the budget approved by the city council.
(Ord. 24030-02-2020, § 14, passed 2-4-2020)
The department of transportation and public works shall be under the supervision of the director of transportation and public works, who shall be subject to appointment and removal by the city manager. The salary of the director of transportation and public works shall be in accordance with the compensation plan of the city.
(1964 Code, §§ 42-1, 42-2) (Ord. 8658, § 1, passed 10-5-1982; Ord. 18319-09-2008, § 2, passed 9-30-2008; Ord. 23503-12-2018, § 1, passed 12-11-2018)
(a) The director of the department of transportation and public works shall be the custodian of and responsible for maintaining all maps, plans, profiles and field notes, grid coordinates and other records and memoranda belonging to the city pertaining to his or her office and the work thereof, all of which he or she shall keep in proper order and condition, with full indexes thereof. All maps, plans, profiles, field notes, grid coordinates, estimates and other memoranda of professional work made or done by him or her or under his or her direction and control shall be the property of the city.
(b) The director of transportation and public works shall have charge of the opening, construction, paving, lighting, signing, marking, maintenance, reconstruction and repair of all streets, boulevards, alleys, sidewalks, thoroughfares, stormwater facilities and public ways other than those solely serving or within water and sanitary sewer facilities. He or she shall have charge of the development and implementation of all city transportation programs to provide for the efficient mobility needs of Fort Worth citizens in all areas of public transportation. He or she shall have charge of the planning, design, construction, maintenance and repair of all public facilities owned and operated by the city except those specifically delegated to the Property Management Department, the water department or otherwise by this chapter. He or she shall have the right to delegate this responsibility in writing to other departments, under mutually agreed terms, where special circumstances deem such action appropriate.
(c) The city engineer shall be a professional engineer registered and licensed to practice in the State of Texas. If the director of the department of transportation and public works is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas, he or she may serve as the city engineer or he or she may appoint a duly licensed employee of the department to serve as the city engineer. The city engineer shall approve or accept all plans and specifications relating to the construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of public or private facilities located on, under, above or along city property and rights-of-way, such approval or acceptance to be evidenced by his or her signature on such plans and specifications. No such work shall be commenced unless and until such approval or acceptance has been obtained.
(d) The city traffic engineer shall be a professional engineer registered and licensed to practice in the State of Texas. If the director of transportation and public works is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas, he or she may also serve as the city traffic engineer or he or she may appoint a duly licensed employee of the department to serve as the city traffic engineer. The city traffic engineer shall exercise the powers and duties so provided in Chapter 22 of this code and other ordinances of the city relative to traffic.
(e) The director of transportation and public works shall act to coordinate activities within the department. The director shall provide overall management functions for the department, including contract management, fiscal control, personnel/safety programs and administration of the city’s infrastructure improvement projects in cooperation with other city departments.
(f) The department shall be responsible for enforcing compliance with city construction contract provisions and specifications by performing recurring inspections during the construction of city projects.
(g) The department of transportation and public works shall be responsible for providing planning, design, construction inspection, project management and related engineering services for city infrastructure improvement projects as requested in cooperation with other city departments and which are not otherwise covered in Chapter 35 of the code.
(h) The department shall be structured, in part, as an internal services fund for the provision of services to other city departments. As such, the department will establish rates to recover the cost of service from the other city departments. Costs will be allocated to other city departments based upon actual level of services provided by the department of transportation and public works for the respective departments.
(i) The department of transportation and public works shall be responsible for providing survey services as requested by other city departments.
(1964 Code, §§ 42-2, 42-3) (Ord. 8658, § 1, passed 10-5-1982; Ord. 18319-09-2008, § 2, passed 9-30-2008; Ord. 21650-02-2015, §§ 3, 5, passed 2-17-2015; Ord. 23503-12-2018, § 2, passed 12-11-2018; Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 2, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)
The director of transportation and public works shall have the power to appoint, employ and remove such officers, assistants, employees and personnel as he or she may deem necessary for the efficient administration of the affairs of the department of transportation and public works and to prescribe and fix their duties, scope of authority and qualifications.
(1964 Code, § 42-4) (Ord. 8658, § 1, passed 10-5-1982; Ord. 18319-09-2008, § 2, passed 9-30-2008)