Authorized emergency vehicles to have right-of-way, see § 22-80
Health and sanitation, see Ch. 16
Interference with authorized emergency vehicles, see § 22-81
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles, see § 22-79
Privileges of drivers of authorized emergency vehicles, see § 22-8
Vehicles for hire, see Ch. 34
Editor’s note:
Ord. 10094, § 1, adopted April 12, 1988, effective August 1, 1988, repealed and reenacted Ch. 5, to read as set out in Exhibit “A” of said ordinance, which has been included as a new Ch. 5, §§ 5-1 through 5-6, 5-16 through 5-22, 5-31, at the editor’s discretion. Subsequently, Ord. 13667, § 1, adopted December 1, 1998, amended Ch. 5, in its entirety. Ord. 22613-02-2017, § 1, adopted February 21, 2017 then repealed and reenacted §§ 5-1 through 5-3, 5-16 through 5-21, and 5-31 through 5-33 to read as herein set out. See the Code Comparative Table.
Statutory reference:
Emergency Medical Services, see V.A.C.S. Art. 4447o, §§ 1.01 through 3.18
Municipal authority to regulate staffing or equipment of emergency medical services vehicles, see V.A.C.S. Art. 4447o, § 3.10
Article I: In General
5-1 Statutory authority
5-2 General purposes and intent of chapter
5-3 Definitions
5-4—5-15 Reserved
Article II: Boards; The Authority
5-16 Emergency physicians advisory board
5-17 Metropolitan area EMS authority
5-18 Powers and duties of metropolitan area EMS authority
5-19 Membership of metropolitan area EMS authority
5-20 First responder advisory board
5-21—5-30 Reserved
Article III: Violations; Penalties; Traffic Law Exemption
5-31 Violations
5-32 Penalties
5-33 Traffic laws; exemption
5-34—5-39 Reserved
Article IV: Automated External Defibrillators
5-40 Definition
5-41 Training
5-42 Maintenance
5-43 Notifying local emergency medical services provider
5-44 Possession of automated external defibrillators
5-45 Hospital exemption
This chapter is enacted by the City of Fort Worth ("this Jurisdiction"), pursuant to Tex. Health and Safety Code § 773.051, which provides that local governments may establish standards for ambulances, and pursuant to Tex. Government Code Chapter 791, which authorizes combinations of local governmental units to contract for the provision of governmental services, including the creation of administrative agencies to promote public health and welfare.
(Ord. 22613-02-2017, § 1, passed 2-21-2017; Ord. 24213-05-2020, § 1, passed 5-19-2020, eff. 5-28-2020)
It is the purpose of this chapter:
(a) To establish a regulated prehospital emergency medical services and medical transportation system which can provide quality clinical care with performance measures and standards, with the goal of facilitating the best possible outcomes for each patient;
(b) To establish a mobile integrated healthcare program with effective medical direction and quality assurance and review;
(c) To form an administrative agency to administer and operate the prehospital emergency medical services and medical transportation system in a service area comprised of member jurisdictions and to administer and operate the mobile integrated healthcare program;
(d) To designate the administrative agency as the sole-provider of emergency and non-emergency ambulance service within this jurisdiction to maintain consistent, high-quality service while controlling costs through efficiencies and economies of scale;
(e) To provide for effective medical direction by establishing a multi-jurisdictional emergency physicians advisory board to advise the administrative agency's board and to provide independent medical oversight for all clinical aspects of prehospital emergency medical services, the administrative agency's mobile integrated healthcare program, and medical transportation which affect patient care in the service area; and
(f) To provide for effective coordination and communication between first responder agencies in the service area, the emergency physicians advisory board, and the board of the administrative agency by establishing a multi-jurisdictional first responder advisory board.
(Ord. 22613-02-2017, § 1, passed 2-21-2017; Ord. 24213-05-2020, § 1, passed 5-19-2020, eff. 5-28-2020)