The city manager shall:
(a) Cause policies and procedures to be developed for the administration of the program under the direction of the records management officer;
(b) Facilitate the creation and maintenance of city records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures and essential transactions of the city and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the city, the state and persons affected by the activities of the city;
(c) Facilitate the identification and preservation of city records that are of permanent value; and
(d) Facilitate the identification and protection of essential records.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995)
(a) The city council hereby designates the position of records manager to serve as records management officer for the city.
(b) When the individual serving as the records management officer changes, that person shall file his or her name with the director and librarian of the Texas state library within 30 days after the date of assuming office.
(c) The records management officer shall perform those duties assigned in the policies and procedures established pursuant to this article, all duties established by state law, and shall:
(1) Administer the city’s record management program under the direction of the city secretary and provide advice and assistance to department directors in its implementation;
(2) Assist and advise the records management policy committee in establishing and developing policies and procedures for the city’s records management program;
(3) Prepare and submit for approval records control schedules for all departments in accordance with § 2-289.1 of this article;
(4) In cooperation with department directors, identify essential records and establish a disaster and recovery plan for the records of each department to ensure maximum availability of the records in order to reestablish operations quickly and with minimum disruption and expense;
(5) Monitor records retention schedules and administrative rules issued by the Texas state library and archives commission to determine if the records management program and the city’s records control schedules are in compliance with state regulations;
(6) Disseminate to the city council, the city manager, the department directors and the records management policy committee information concerning state laws and administrative rules relating to city records;
(7) Instruct records liaison officers and other personnel in policies and procedures of the records management plan and their duties in the records management program;
(8) Direct records liaison officers or other personnel in the conduct of records inventories in preparation for the development of records control schedules as required by state law and this article;
(9) Ensure that the maintenance, preservation, microfilming, electronic storage, destruction and other disposition of city records is carried out in accordance with the policies and procedures of the records management program and the requirements of state law;
(10) Maintain statistics on the volume of city records destroyed under approved records control schedules, the volume of records microfilmed or stored electronically, and the estimated cost and space savings as the result of such disposal or disposition;
(11) Report annually to the city council on the implementation of the records management plan in each department of the city, including summaries of the statistical and fiscal data compiled under § 2-287 of this article;
(12) Bring to the attention of the records management policy committee any noncompliance by a department director or other personnel with the policies and procedures of the records management program or state law;
(13) Review and submit departmental requests for authorization for electronic storage of city records to the director and librarian of the Texas state library as required by state law; and
(14) Develop procedures to ensure the permanent preservation of the historically valuable records of the city.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995; Ord. 15336, § 4, passed 11-19-2002; Ord. 17251, § 1, passed 10-31-2006; Ord. 18157-07-2008, § 1, passed 7-8-2008)
(a) The committee shall consist of the city attorney, city auditor, city secretary, director of information technology solutions and risk manager, or their designees.
(b) The committee shall select and maintain a chairperson. The chairperson shall be responsible for calling meetings of the committee and presiding over the meetings as needed.
(c) The records management officer shall serve as the executive secretary of the committee, coordinate its actions, provide recommended policies and procedures, and assist the committee in carrying out its functions.
(d) The committee shall:
(1) Establish policies and procedures necessary for the implementation and administration of the city’s records management program;
(2) Review the performance of the program on a regular basis and propose changes and improvements if needed;
(3) Review, approve and adopt records control schedules submitted by the records management officer; and
(4) Actively support and promote the records management program throughout the city.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995; Ord. 14934, § 2, passed 1-22-2002; Ord. 15336, § 5, passed 11-19-2002; Ord. 17251, § 1, passed 10-31-2006; Ord. 18157-07-2008, § 1, passed 7-8-2008)
(a) The records management officer and the records management policy committee shall develop a city-wide records management plan. The plan shall be designed to enable the records management officer to carry out duties as prescribed by state law and this article.
(b) The records management plan shall establish policies, procedures and criteria for:
(1) The reduction of costs and improvement of the efficiency of records keeping;
(2) The adequate protection of the essential records of the city;
(3) The proper preservation of city records that are of historical value;
(4) The determination of the eligibility of records for microfilming;
(5) The microfilming of city records, including policies to ensure that all microfilming is done in accordance with state law and the standards and procedures for the microfilming of local government records established in rules of the Texas state library and archives commission;
(6) The regulation of the operations and use of inactive records storage areas, which shall serve as the depositories of inactive records of continuing value to the city, unless the records have been transferred to the municipal archive for purposes of preservation as historical city records; and
(7) The maintenance, preservation and storage of the electronic records of the city, including policies to ensure that all electronic storage of city records is done in accordance with state law.
(c) The records management plan shall be binding on all city officers and employees and on all departments, offices, agencies, divisions, programs, commissions, bureaus, boards, committees, task forces, ad hoc committees and similar entities of the city.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995)
(a) In addition to other duties assigned in this article and by state law, every department director shall:
(1) Cooperate with the records management officer in carrying out the policies and procedures established by the city for the efficient and economical management of city records and in carrying out the requirements of this article;
(2) Adequately document the transaction of government business and the services, programs, and duties for which the department director and department staff are responsible;
(3) Maintain city records in the department director’s custody and carry out the preservation, microfilming, electronic storage, destruction and other disposition of those records only in accordance with the policies and procedures of the records management program of the city and the requirements of this article;
(4) Review and approve records control schedules and requests to dispose of city records that are prepared and submitted by the records management officer; and
(5) Notify the records management officer within 24 hours of the discovery of any loss, theft or damage to a city record.
(b) No city ordinance or policy relating to the duties, record keeping requirements or other responsibilities of a department director shall exempt the department director or city records in the department director’s custody from the application of this article and the records management plan adopted under this article, nor shall such a law or policy be used by the department director as a basis for refusing to participate in the records management program of the city.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995)
(a) Each department director shall designate in writing to the records management officer a member of the department director’s staff to serve as the records liaison officer for the implementation of the records management program in the department. If the records management officer determines that more than one records liaison officer should be designated for a department, the department director shall designate the number of records liaison officers specified by the records management officer. The department director may serve as records liaison officer for a department.
(b) A person designated as a records liaison officer shall be thoroughly familiar with, and have full access to, all city records created and maintained by the department.
(c) If a person designated as a records liaison officer resigns, retires or is removed by action of the department director, the department director shall promptly designate another person to fill the vacancy.
(d) In addition to other duties assigned in this article or by state law, a records liaison officer shall:
(1) In cooperation with the records management officer, coordinate and implement the policies and procedures of the records management program in the department;
(2) Disseminate information to department staff concerning the records management program; and
(3) In cooperation with the records management officer, coordinate the records inventory of the department.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995)
(a) The records management officer, in cooperation with department directors and records liaison officers, shall prepare records control schedules on a department by department basis that describe and establish the retention periods for all city records created or received by each department.
(b) A records control schedule must contain such other information regarding the disposition of city records as the records management plan may require. Every city record identified on a records control schedule, or any amendment to the schedule, or in any request for destruction of a record shall be specifically described.
(c) Any records control schedule, amendment to a schedule, or request for destruction of a record that contains general terms such as “miscellaneous” and “various” to describe any record identified in such a document will not be submitted to the records management policy committee for consideration.
(d) Each records control schedule shall be monitored and amended as needed by the records management officer on a regular basis to ensure that the schedule is in compliance with records retention schedules issued by the state and that the schedule continues to reflect the record keeping procedures and needs of the department and the records management program of the city.
(e) Before its adoption, a records control schedule or amended schedule for a department must be approved by the department director.
(f) A records control schedule shall be submitted by the records management officer to, and accepted for filing by, the director and the librarian of the Texas state library, as provided by state law, before the schedule may be implemented.
(Ord. 12027, § 1, passed 7-11-1995; Ord. 15336, § 6, passed 11-19-2002)