Park and recreation, see Ch. 24
Streets and sidewalks, see Ch. 30
Statutory reference:
Authority of city to regulate the planting and preserving of ornaments and shade trees in streets, etc., see Tex. Rev. Civ. Stats., Art. 1015(32)
33-1 Supervision and control
33-2 Jurisdiction over public and private property
33-3 Use of protective guards during construction work
33-4 Contact with electrical wires; insulation; pruning
33-5 Permit required to attach wire, sign, etc., to trees
33-6 Permit required to plant, prune, etc., trees located on public property
33-7 Ownership of trees, etc., between sidewalks and curbs
The department of park and recreation shall have jurisdiction, authority, control and supervision over all trees, plants and shrubs planted or growing in or upon the public highways and public places in the city, and the planting, removal, care, maintenance and protection thereof.
(Code 1964, § 36-1) (Ord. 11541, § 1(c), passed 4-12-1994)
The department of park and recreation shall have the power to plant, preserve, spray, trim, cable or remove any tree, shrub or plant on any street, alley, avenue, land, lane, public ground or square belonging to the city. If any tree or any part thereof is in an unsafe condition, or is injurious to the common good, or to sewer pipes, pavements or improvements, or is infested and dangerous to other trees, power is hereby given to the department of park and recreation to remove such trees or part thereof, or spray such tree, or order such tree or part thereof removed. If any tree or shrub on any private property is infested and, in the opinion of the city forester, is infectious and liable to spread any disease, or if any tree or shrub is dangerous to the public, power is hereby given to the department of park and recreation to enter such property and spray such tree or shrub, or remove same or any part thereof.
(1964 Code, § 36-2) (Ord. 11541, § 1(c), passed 4-12-1994)