Food and food establishments, see §§ 16-101 et seq.
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Offenses and miscellaneous provisions, see Ch. 23
Police, see Ch. 27
Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on ball fields, see § 24-17
Statutory reference:
Authority to levy license fee of one-half state fee, see Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code Annotated § 61.36
Authority to levy permit fees of one-half state fee, Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code Annotated § 11.38
4-1 Local fees
4-2 Reserved
4-3 Issuance of permit
4-3.1 Mixed beverage late hours permit
4-4 Sale near churches, schools, hospitals
4-5 Possession or consumption near homeless shelters or substance abuse centers
4-6 Possession or consumption of alcohol in certain public places
4-7 Penalty
Editor’s note:
Section 1 of Ord. 22650-04-2017, adopted April 4, 2017, repealed former § 4-1, permit fees, derived from § 5-1 of the 1964 Code, as amended by § 1 of Ord. 8950, adopted October 18, 1983, and §§ 1, 2 of Ord. 14657, adopted June 12, 2001. See also Code Comparative Table.
There is hereby levied and assessed and shall be collected a fee from every person, firm, corporation or association of persons pursuing or engaging in any businesses in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, for which a permit or license is required under the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, as amended from time to time. The fee shall be in the maximum amount permitted by the Legislature of the State of Texas.
(Ord. 22650-04-2017, § 2, passed 4-4-2017)
Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, see Ch. 20
Upon the payment of the applicable tax or fee prescribed in this chapter to the city assessor and collector and exhibition to him or her of a permit duly issued by the state to the applicant or person paying such tax or fee, the city assessor and collector shall, in the name of the city, issue and deliver to such applicant or person a permit to engage in the business in the city of the character described in and authorized by the permit from the state held by such applicant or person, the permit so issued in the name of the city shall authorize the conduct of such business upon the premises described in the permit from the state, and shall remain in force only so long as such permit from the state remains in force.
(1964 Code, § 5-3)