Emergency reporting equipment and procedures, see Ch. 12
Fallout shelters, see §§ 7-186 et seq.
Fire prevention and protection, see Ch. 13
Standard of care for emergency action, see § 1-11.1
Editor’s note:
Section 2 of Ord. 11592, adopted June 6, 1994, provided for the addition of Ch. 9, Emergency Management, §§ 9-1 through 9-11. In order to maintain alphabetical sequence of chapters of this code, said provisions have been included herein as Ch. 11.5, §§ 11.5-1 through 11.5-11, at the editor’s discretion. See history note following each section for specific derivation thereof.
11.5-1 Director—Generally
11.5-2 Same—Responsibilities
11.5-2.5 Authority to temporarily detain or restrict movement of individual to protect public health
11.5-3 Economic stabilization measures; emergency abrogation of competitive bidding requirements
11.5-4 Organization
11.5-5 Office
11.5-6 Plan
11.5-7 Interjurisdictional program
11.5-8 Override
11.5-9 Liability
11.5-10 Commitment of funds
11.5-11 Offenses; penalties