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Fort Worth Overview
Fort Worth, TX Code of Ordinances
      I.   IN GENERAL
   Buildings generally, see Ch. 7
   Electricity, see Ch. 11
   Emergency management, see Ch. 11.5
   Gas, see Ch. 15
   Plumbing, see Ch. 26
   Public utilities, see Ch. 28
   Signs, see Ch. 29
   Subdivision ordinance, see Ch. 31
   Zoning regulations, see App. A
Article I: In General
   13-1   2021 Edition of the International Fire Code adopted
   13-2   Amendments
   13-3   Effect of conflict with other ordinances
   13-4   Compliance with chapter required; penalty
   13-5—13-20   Reserved
Article II: Fire Department
Division 1: Generally
   13-21—13-23   Reserved
   13-24   Fire appointees
   13-25   Members to be selected in accordance with civil service regulations; exception of chief; appointment of additional firefighters and officers in times of emergency
   13-26   Bureau of fire prevention; enforcement of the fire code
   13-27   Assignment pay for the performance of specialized duties within the fire department
   13-28—13-35   Reserved
Division 2: Reserved
   13-36—13-40   Reserved
   International Building Code, see §§ 7-46 et seq.
   International Electrical Code, see §§ 11-1 et seq.
   International Mechanical Code, see §§ 7-166 et seq.
   International Plumbing Code, see §§ 26-1 et seq.
   Minimum building standards code, see §§ 7-66 et seq.
   (a)   Code. The Fire Code of the City of Fort Worth is hereby revised and amended to conform to the 2021 edition of the International Fire Code, of the International Code Council, as amended hereby, and the same as amended hereby is hereby adopted as the Fire Code of the City of Fort Worth from the effective date thereof.
   (b)   Appendices. The following provisions of the Appendices to the 2021 edition of the International Fire Code, as amended hereby, are hereby specifically adopted as amended as part of the Fire Code of the City of Fort Worth:
      (1)   Appendix B - Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings;
      (2)   Appendix E - Hazard Categories;
      (3)   Appendix G - Cryogenic Fluids - Weight and Volume Equivalents;
      (4)   Appendix H - Commercial Inspections, Operational Permits and False Alarms (local amendment);
      (5)   Appendix I - Installation of Fire Service Features, Fire Protection Systems, and Other Construction Permits (local amendment);
      (6)   Appendix J - Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks (local amendment);
      (7)   Appendix K - Mobile Fueling Permit Fees (local amendment); and
      (8)   Appendix L - Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) Instructions (published Appendix H from the 2021 IFC).
   (c)   One copy of the 2021 edition of the International Fire Code, including the Appendices thereto, marked Exhibit "A," is incorporated herein by reference and shall be filed in the office of the city secretary for permanent record and inspection.
   (d)   Any errata corrections published by the International Code Council for the 2021 International Fire Code, as they are discovered, are considered as part of this code.
(Ord. 9281, §§ 1, 3, passed 1-3-1985; Ord. 10105, § 1, passed 4-26-1988; Ord. 10328, § 1, passed 6-20-1989; Ord. 11389, § 1, passed 8-24-1993; Ord. 13636, § 1, passed 11-3-1998; Ord. 14652, § 1, passed 6-25-2001; Ord. 14688, §§ 1, 2, passed 7-10-2001; Ord. 16027, § 1, passed 7-6-2004; Ord. 18443-1-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009; Ord. 19607-03-2011, § 1, passed 3-2-2011; Ord. 22524-12-2016, § 1, passed 12-6-2016, eff. 12-18-2016; Ord. 25388-03-2022, § 1, passed 3-8-2022, eff. 3-24-2022)
   (a)   The 2021 edition of the International Fire Code, including the Appendices thereto (Exhibit "A") is hereby amended as provided in this Section. One (1) copy of such amendments is specifically incorporated herein by reference and shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary for permanent record and inspection.
   (b)   The 2021 edition of the International Fire Code is hereby amended by revising the following sections as follows:
Chapter 1
   Section 101.1-Change to read as follows:
   101.1 These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of the City of Fort Worth, hereinafter referred to as "this code."
SECTION 102   
   Section 102.3 Change to read as follows:
   Section 102.3 Change of use or occupancy. Changes shall not be made in the use or occupancy of any structure that would place the structure in a different division of the same group or occupancy or in a different group of occupancies, unless such structure is made to comply with the requirements of this code, the Building Code and other codes as applicable. Subject to the approval of the code official, the use or occupancy of an existing structure shall be permitted to be changed and the structure is allowed to be occupied for purposes in other groups without conforming to all the requirements of this code, Building Code, and other applicable codes for those groups, provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use.
      Exception: {Delete.}
   Section 102.4 - Change to read as follows:
   102.4 Application of other codes. The design and construction of new structures shall comply with this code, the Building Code, and other codes as applicable; and any alterations, additions, changes in use or changes in structures required by this code which are within the scope of other codes, shall be made in accordance therewith.
   Section 102.7 - Change to read as follows:
   102.7 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 80, and such codes, when specifically adopted, and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference and as further regulated in Section 102.7.1 and 102.7.2. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted.
SECTION 103   
   Section 103.1 - Change to read as follows:
   103.1 Creation of agency. The Fort Worth Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention is hereby created and the official in charge thereof shall be known as the fire code official. The function of the agency shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
   Section 103.2 - Delete.
   Section 104.6 - Change to read as follows:
   104.6 Official records. The code official, as authorized, shall maintain official records as required by this section for a minimum period of time as required by the laws of the State of Texas.
   Section 105.1.1 - Add the following sentence to read as follows:
   Permits required by this code shall be obtained from the Fire Department. Permit fees shall be as defined in Appendix H, Appendix I, and Appendix K. Any work that is conducted without a required approved permit(s) shall be subject to doubling of the applicable required fee(s) upon application for such required permit(s), as well as citation for code violation, as per Section 112.
   Section 105.1.6 Annual permit - Delete.
   Section Annual permit records - Delete.
   Section 105.1.7 - Add to read as follows:
   105.1.7 Operational permit fees. A fee as specified in Appendix H, Commercial Inspections, Operational Permits and False Alarms, shall be charged for permits required by Section 105.5 or permit renewal. Operational permit fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit. Any person, business owner, or manager who fails to pay the required permit fees within a forty-five (45) day period from the statement date shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be issued a citation as prescribed by the Fire Code. Each day that the charges are delinquent shall constitute a separate offense.
   Section 105.3.3 - Change to read as follows:
   105.3.3 Occupancy prohibited before approval. The building or structure shall not be occupied prior to the fire code official issuing a permit, if required by this code, and conducting associated inspections indicating the applicable provisions of this code have been met, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 105.3.4 Conditional permits - Delete.
   Section 105.4 Revocation - Add to bottom of list to read as follows:
   8.   The installer or contractor has failed to make reasonable progress on work for which a construction certificate previously has been issued.
   9.   A permit holder has failed to pay all prior fees assessed in accordance with this code.
   10.   Any of the provisions set forth in Appendix H, I, or K have been violated.
   Section 105.5 Change to read as follows:
   105.5 Required operational permits. The fire code official is authorized to issue operational permits for the operations set forth in this section.
   Section 105.5.5- Carnivals and Fairs - Delete.
   Section 105.5.10 - Covered and Open Mall Buildings - Delete.
   Section 105.5.13 Dry Cleaning - Delete.
   Section 105.5.14 - Exhibits or Trade Shows - Delete.
   Section 105.5.17 Fire Hydrants and Valves - Delete.
   Section 105.5.18 - Flammable and combustible liquids - Delete number 11.
   Section 105.5.29 - Change to read as follows:
   105.5.29 LP-gas. An operational permit is required for:
   1.   Storage and use of LP-gas.
         1.   A permit is not required for individual containers with a 500-gallon (1893 L) water capacity or less or multiple container systems having an aggregate quantity not exceeding 500 gallons (1893 L), serving occupancies in Group R-3.
         2.   An operational permit is not required for temporary use of individual containers with one hundred twenty-five (125) gallon (473 L) water capacity or less.
   2.   Operation of cargo tankers that transport LP-gas.
   Section 105.5.32 Mobile food preparation vehicles - Delete.
   Section 105.5.34 Open burning - Change to read as follows:
   105.5.34 Trench burning. An operational permit is required for all trench burning and such burning shall be conducted in accordance with Section 307. Instructions and stipulations of the permit shall be adhered to.
   Section 105.5.38 Outdoor assembly event - Delete.
   Section 105.5.39 Places of assembly - Add an Exception to read as follows:
   Exception: Churches and places of worship used solely for worship.
   Section 105.5.44 Refrigeration equipment - Delete.
   Section 105.5.53 - Add to read as follows:
   105.5.53 Special operational permit. The fire code official is authorized to require and issue a special operational permit for any operation not listed elsewhere in this section if it is determined by the fire code official that an operation has the potential for presenting a hazardous condition and should continue only with the ability to track and monitor the situation that a permit will provide.
   Section 105.5.54 - Add to read as follows:
   105.5.54 Mobile fueling. To utilize a site for the dispensing of liquid fuels from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, marine craft and other special equipment, or on-demand mobile fueling operations, where allowed by this code.
   A separate permit is required for each mobile refueling apparatus utilized for the purpose of transferring fuel in accordance with this section. A separate permit is required for each site where mobile refueling operations take place in accordance with this section. Notwithstanding the requirements set out in Section 105, the fees for mobile fueling permits are as set forth in Appendix K.
   Section 105.6 - Change to read as follows:
   105.6 Required construction permits. The fire code official is authorized to issue construction permits for work as set forth in this section. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to perform installation or modification of any system requiring a construction permit without first having obtained a permit from the fire department. Permits for fire protection systems shall only be issued to licensed fire protection system contractors in accordance with Appendix I and as required by State law. Permits shall not be required for maintenance.
      Exception: Permits shall not be required for installation of tenant finish (add/relocate) of fire sprinkler systems when not more than ten (10) sprinklers are installed or relocated for tenant finish only. This does not apply to fire sprinkler system installations for new systems, additions, or special systems, such as for a spray paint booth or industrial oven.
   Section 105.6.11 Gates and barricades across fire apparatus access roads - Delete.
   Section 105.6.20 Solar photovoltaic power systems - Delete.
   Section 105.6.25 -Add to read as follows:
   105.6.25 Private underground fire main. A construction permit is required for the installation or modification of a private underground water main that supplies a fire protection system and/or private fire hydrants. This includes underground piping that serves both fire and domestic purposes (such as to an apartment building sprinkler system). Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a modification and does not require a permit.
   Section 105.6.26 - Add to read as follows:
   105.6.26 Electronic access control systems. Construction permits are required for the installation or modification of an electronic access control system for security gates or egress doors. A separate construction permit is required for the installation or modification of a fire alarm system that may be connected to the access control system. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a modification and does not require a permit.
   Section 106.1 - Change to read as follows:
   106.1 Submittals. Construction documents and supporting data shall be submitted with each application for a permit and in such form and detail as required by the fire code official. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed.
   With regard to fire protection systems, submittals are required for the following:
   1.   Fire sprinkler systems with one (1) or more sprinklers installed for new systems or any special hazard.
      Exception: Fire sprinkler systems with less than twenty (20) sprinklers installed for a tenant finish (add/relocate).
   2.   Fire alarm systems with one (1) or more devices installed for new systems of any kind.
      Exception: Fire alarm systems with less than five (5) devices installed for a tenant finish or renovation on an existing system.
   3.   Underground fire mains for all private underground fire mains serving, or with the intent to serve, private fire hydrants or fire protection systems.
   4.   Alternative fire extinguishing systems with one (1) or more nozzles installed.
   5.   Standpipe systems with one (1) or more risers installed.
   6.   Smoke control or exhaust systems.
   7.   Electronic access control systems.
   8.   Kitchen hood extinguishing systems.
   9.   Emergency responder radio coverage equipment/systems.
   Section 106.2 Examination of documents - Delete, but retain Sections 106.2.1 through
   Section 107.3 Permit valuations - Delete.
   Section 108.2.3 - Add to read as follows:
   108.2.3 Certificate of fire inspection. A valid certificate of fire inspection is required for commercial and residential occupancies requiring a Certificate of Occupancy per the conditions specified in Appendix H.
   Section 108.2.4 - Add to read as follows:
   108.2.4 Penalty. Fire inspection fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a certificate of fire inspection. Any person, business owner, or manager who fails to pay the required inspection fees within a forty-five (45) day period from the statement date shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be issued a citation as prescribed by Section 112.
   Section 111.1 - Change to read as follows:
   111.1 Board of appeals established. The Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals shall act on fire code related matters commensurate with the provisions of the Fort Worth Building Code. Applications for appeals shall be made to the Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals. All references to the "Board" shall be deemed to refer to the Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals. (Delete rest of this section.)
   Sections 111.2 through 111.4 Limitations on authority, Qualifications, and Administration - Delete.
   Section 112.4 - Change to read as follows:
   112.4 Violation penalties. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for all violations involving fire safety, or public health and sanitation and shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for all other violations of this ordinance. Each day or any portion thereof during which any violation of this ordinance occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as herein provided. (Delete rest of this section.)
   Section 113.4 - Change as follows:
   113.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine of not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00).
   Section 114.3 through 114.6 - Delete and replace as follows:
   114.3 Restoration or abatement. The owner, the owner's authorized agent, operator or occupant of a building or premises deemed unsafe by the fire code official shall abate or cause to be abated or corrected such unsafe conditions either by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or other approved corrective action.
Chapter 2
   Section 202 - Add or change the following definitions to read as follows:
   [B] ATRIUM. (Change number of stories from two to three. Rest of definition remains unchanged.)
   BUILDING CODE. Building Code shall mean the International Building Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
   [B] CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY. A change in the purpose or level of activity within a building that involves a change in application of the requirements of this code. The definition shall also apply to usage of the surrounding site and access to and from the building, structure or site, as necessary to achieve the purpose of this code, and to obtain compliance with other codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. (Delete rest of definition.)
   ELECTRICAL CODE. Electrical Code shall mean the National Electrical Code as adopted by this jurisdiction. For the purposes of this code, all references to NFPA 70 and the ICC Electrical Code shall be assumed to mean the Electrical Code as defined herein.
   ENERGY CODE. Energy Code shall mean the International Energy Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
   FIRE PREVENTION CODE (FIRE CODE). Fire Prevention Code, or Fire Code, shall mean the International Fire Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
   FUEL GAS CODE. Fuel Gas Code shall mean the International Fuel Gas Code as adopted by this jurisdiction and shall be considered as part of the Plumbing Code. (See Plumbing Code.)
   HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. Storage of combustible materials where the top of storage is greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) in height. High-piled combustible storage also includes certain high-hazard commodities, such as rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable or combustible liquids, idle pallets, Class 2 through 4 liquid and solid oxidizers, Class 1 and unclassified detonable organic peroxides, Class 3 and 4 unstable (reactive) materials, Class 2 or 3 water-reactive materials, and similar commodities, where the top of storage is greater than 6 feet (1829 mm) in height.
   Also, any building classified as a Group S Occupancy (S-1 or S-2, other than a Repair Garage or noncombustible storage only) or Speculative Warehouse Building, exceeding two thousand five hundred (2,500) sq. ft. that has an average clear height in excess of fourteen (14) feet, making it possible to be used for storage in excess of twelve (12) feet, shall be considered to be high-piled storage and shall comply with the provisions of this section.
   In all cases, the fire protection system shall be designed to accommodate the maximum building height available for storage, as approved by the fire code official.
   MECHANICAL CODE. Mechanical Code shall mean the International Mechanical Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
   OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION. For the purposes of this code, certain occupancies are defined as follows: {Change as follows:}
   [B] Business Group B. {Add the following uses to this definition}
      Educational occupancies above the 12th grade with less than 50 occupants per room
      Fire stations
      Police stations (includes an area to confine or restrain up to five individuals)
      Training and skill development not within a school or academic program with an occupant load less than 50.
   High-hazard Group H-2. {Add the following uses to this definition}
      Aircraft paint hangars, in accordance with Section 412.6 of the Building Code.
   [B] Group I-1. {Add the following use to this definition}
      Orphanage for children over 2 1/2 years of age
      Foster home with more than 16 care recipients, exclusive of the primary family
   [B] Group I-2. {Add the following use to this definition}
      Orphanage for children under 2 1/2 years of age
      Foster home for more than five children 2 1/2 years of age or less, exclusive of the primary family
      All I-1 and Group R uses, not regulated by the IRC, in which the occupants are not capable of responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from staff.
   [B] R-l. {Add the following use to this definition}
      Bed and Breakfast Inn as defined in the Zoning Code
   [B] R-2. {Add the following use to this definition}
      Townhouse Apartments
   [B] R-3. {Add the following paragraph and use to this definition}
      This use shall include not more than two dwelling units that are an attached part of another use, e.g. caretaker unit for self-storage facility, residence over a commercial business, etc. Unless in separate detached one- or two-family structures, structures with three or more dwelling units on a single property shall constitute a Group R-2 apartment or Townhouse Apartment regardless of whether divided by fire walls or party walls.
      Bed and Breakfast Home as defined in the Zoning Code
   [B] R-4. {Add the following uses to this definition}
      Community Home as defined in the Zoning Code.
      Group Home I as defined in the Zoning Code
   PLUMBING CODE. Plumbing Code shall mean the International Plumbing Code and the International Fuel Gas Code as adopted by this jurisdiction. The term "Plumbing Code" applies to both codes as one (1) combined code.
   PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAIN. Private fire service main, also known as underground fire main, is that pipe and its appurtenances on private property:
   1.   Between a source of water and the base of the riser for water-based fire protection systems.
   2.   Between a source of water and inlets to foam making systems.
   3.   Between a source of water and the base of private hydrants or monitor nozzles.
   4.   Used as fire pump suction and discharge piping.
   5.   Beginning at the inlet side of the check valve on a gravity or pressure tank.
   REPAIR GARAGE. A building, structure or portion thereof used for servicing or repairing motor vehicles. This occupancy shall not include motor fuel-dispensing facilities, but shall include any auto repair bays. This occupancy shall also include facilities involved in minor repair, modification and servicing of motor vehicles for items such as lube changes, inspections, wind- shield repair or replacement, shocks, minor part replacement and other such minor repair.
   RESIDENTIAL CODE. Residential Code shall mean the International Residential Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
   SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY. Real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage and removing personal property on a self-service basis.
   TENANT FINISH. The relocation of existing devices or addition of new devices which are necessary to maintain an existing level of protection in an area. This does not include projects with the installation of new fire sprinkler risers or fire alarm control panels. The addition of new devices into previously unprotected areas is considered a new installation.
Chapter 3
   Section 307.1 and 307.1.1 - Delete and replace as follows:
   307.1 Open burning. It shall be unlawful to burn or cause to be burned any combustibles including uncut grass, weeds, timber, rubbish, leaves, or other natural or synthetic materials on any street, alley, lot, or premises. Such prohibited fires shall include bonfires and fires used for ceremonial purposes. Any open burning or burning in an approved device that results in atmospheric conditions or local circumstances that make such fires hazardous shall be prohibited.
      1.   Burning may be conducted for purposes of cooking or heating in a device designated for such purpose by the manufacturer, in accordance with applicable sections of this code. Solid fuel shall be limited to seasoned wood and charcoal. Incinerators shall comply with Section 605.8.
      2.   When approved by the fire code official, burning with an approved trench burner may be permitted provided a standby firefighter is present if required by the fire code official. A permit shall be acquired as specified in Section 307.2.2 and approved safety measures shall be employed.
      3.   When approved by the fire code official via Special Operational Permit for a certain time period and along with any applicable safety precautions established by the fire code official.
   Section 307.2 - Delete and replace as follows:
   307.2 Trench burns. Trench bums shall be conducted in air curtain trenches, in accordance with this section, or as required by the fire code official.
   Section 307.2.1 - Delete and replace as follows:
   307.2.1 Attendance. Trench bums shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished. A minimum of one (1) portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 with a minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire-extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water barrel, garden hose or water truck, shall be available for immediate utilization.
   Section 307.2.2 - Add to read as follows:
   307.2.2 Permit required. A permit shall be obtained from the fire code official in accordance with Section 105.5 prior to trench burning. Application for such approval shall only be presented by and permits issued to the representative or the owner of the land upon which the trench burn is to be kindled.
   Examples of state or local law, or regulations referenced elsewhere in this section may include but not be limited to the following:
      1.   Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) guidelines and/or restrictions.
      2.   State, county or local temporary or permanent bans on open burning.
      3.   Local written policies as established by the fire code official.
   Section 307.2.3 - Add to read as follows:
   307.2.3 Location. The location for trench burning shall not be less than three hundred (300) feet from any structure and three hundred (300) feet from any property line, or as approved by the fire code official. Burning material shall be separated from any susceptible vegetation by a minimum fire break of fifty (50) feet.
   Section 307.3 - Change to read as follows:
   307.3 Extinguishment Authority. The fire department is authorized to order the extinguishment by the permit holder, another person responsible, or the fire department of open burning or burning in an approved device that creates or adds to a hazardous situation.
   Section 307.4 - Delete and replace as follows:
   307.4 Outdoor fireplaces. Permanent outdoor fireplaces or firepits constructed of noncombustible materials shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from a structure or shall meet the requirements of the Building Code as an indoor fireplace. Such devices shall comply with the Building Code via an approved Building Permit.
      1.   Outdoor fireplaces at one- and two-family dwellings.
      2.   Where buildings, balconies and decks are protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system.
   Section 307.4.1 and 307.4.2 - Delete.
   Section 307.4.3 - Change to read as follows:
   307.4.3 Portable outdoor fireplaces. Portable outdoor fireplaces shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall not be operated within ten (10) feet (3048 mm) of a structure or combustible material.
      1.   Portable outdoor fireplaces at one- and two-family dwellings.
      2.   Where buildings, balconies and decks are protected by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system.
   Section 307.5 - Change to read as follows:
   307.5 Attendance. Where approved, open burning, and use of portable and permanent outdoor fireplaces shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 with a minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire-extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water barrel, garden hose or water truck, shall be available for immediate utilization.
   Section 308.1.4 - Change to read as follows:
   308.1.4 Open-flame cooking devices. Open-flame cooking devices, such as charcoal and propane grills and other similar devices used for cooking shall not be stored, located or used on combustible balconies, decks, or within ten (10) feet (3048 mm) of combustible construction.
      1.   One- and two-family dwellings.
      2.   Where buildings, balconies and decks are protected by an automatic sprinkler system.
      3.   LP-gas cooking devices having LP-gas container with a water capacity not greater than 2-1/2 pounds [nominal 1 pound (0.454 kg) LP-gas capacity].
   Section 308.1.6.2 - Change Exception Number 3. to read as follows:
   3.   Torches or flame-producing devices in accordance with Section 308.1.3.
   Section 308.1.6.3 - Change to read as follows:
   308.1.6.3 Sky Lanterns. A person shall not release or cause to be released an unmanned free- floating device containing an open flame or other heat source, such as but not limited to a sky lantern.
   Section 308.3.1 - Change Number 5 to read as follows:
   5.   The flame shall be enclosed, except where openings on the side for air supply are not more than 0.375 inch (9.5 mm) diameter or where openings are on the top.
   The candle must be located in the holder so that there is a minimum of 2 inches (50.8 mm) between the top of the flame and any combustible material that might be placed on top of the holder.
   Section 311.4 - Change to read as follows:
   311.4 Removal of combustible and hazardous materials. Upon vacating or abandoning any premises, the owner and occupant thereof shall be jointly and severally responsible for removing any and all noxious and hazardous material or waste matter which has been deposited, allowed to come to rest, or permitted to accumulate thereon, and such premises shall be left in a clean and neat condition.
   When the fire department initiates removal of such materials described in this section, the owner and occupant shall be liable for any and all expenses accrued for this service.
   Exception: This section shall not apply to materials in heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems installed in accordance with Chapter 6 or exempted herein.
   Section 311.5 - Change to read as follows:
   311.5 Placards. The fire code official is authorized to require marking of any vacant or abandoned buildings or structures determined to be unsafe pursuant to Section 114 of this code relating to structural or interior hazards, as required by Section 311.5.1 through 311.5.5.
   Section 315.3.1 - Deleted exceptions, to read as follows:
   315.3.1 Ceiling clearance. Storage shall be maintained 2 feet (610 mm) or more below the ceiling in non-sprinklered areas of buildings or not less than 18 inches (457 mm) below sprinkler head deflectors in sprinklered areas of buildings.
   Section 315.3.5 - Add to read as follows:
   315.3.5 Agricultural products and combustible fibers. The outdoor storage of hay, straw, combustible fibers or other similar product within 50 feet of a building or other combustible storage is prohibited. All exposed surfaces of such agricultural product storage shall be covered by a tarpaulin or similar cover which has been rendered flame retardant.
   Section 319.2 Permit required, 319.3 Exhaust hood, and 319.4.1 Fire protection for cooking equipment - Delete these sections in their entirety.
   Section 319.4.2 - Change to read as follows:
   319.4.2 Fire extinguishers. A minimum of one Class ABC fire extinguisher shall be provided for all mobile food preparation vehicles in accordance with Section 906, as well as a Class K extinguisher that is sized as per Section 906.4 when cooking equipment involves solid fuels or vegetable/animal oils or fats.
Section 322 - Add to read as follows:
   322.1 Removal of debris or partially burned building after a fire. The owner or person having under his control or in his possession upon any premises any hay, straw, bales of wool, cotton, paper, or other substances which have been rendered useless or unmarketable by reason of any fire on such premises, or any debris resulting from such fire shall remove the same from such premises within forty-eight hours after notice to do so has been given by the code official.
   322.2 Burned or partially burned structure. Whenever any building or other structure is partially burned, the owner thereof or the person in charge or control thereof, within ten (10) days after notice from the code official, shall remove from the premises all refuse, debris, charred and partially burned lumber, and material. If such building or other structure is burned to such an extent that it is rendered incapable of being repaired, the owner of the property upon which same is located or the person in control thereof, within ten (10) days after notice from the code official, shall remove from the premises all of the remaining portion of the building or structure.
Chapter 4
   Section 401.3-Change to read as follows:
   401.3 Reporting of emergencies and false alarms. In the event of a fire or discovery of a fire, smoke, or unauthorized release of flammable or hazardous materials on any property, the owner or occupant shall immediately report such condition to the fire department. The code official shall be immediately notified when an unauthorized discharge becomes reportable under state, federal, or local regulations.
   Provisions shall be made for controlling and mitigating unauthorized discharges. Any person, firm, or corporation responsible for any unauthorized discharge shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy the effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether sudden or gradual, at no cost to the City of Fort Worth. When deemed necessary by the code official, clean-up may be initiated by the fire department or by an authorized individual or firm. All costs associated with such clean-up shall be borne by the owner, operator, or other person responsible for the unauthorized discharge. Reference Section 5003.3 (Release of Hazardous Materials).
   {Delete remainder o f section.}
   Section 401.5 - Add sentence to read as follows:
   Reference Section H105 with regard to fees for false alarms.
   Section 404.2.3 - Change to read as follows:
   404.2.3 Lockdown plans. Lockdown plans shall be submitted to the fire code official, shall include the type and arrangement of security devices to be utilized, and shall comply with Sections 404.2.3.1 and 404.2.3.2.
   {No change to remainder of section.}
   Section 405.5 - Change to read as follows:
   405.5 Time. The fire code official may require an evacuation drill at any time. Drills shall be held at unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the unusual conditions that occur in case of fire.
      1.   {No change.}
      2.   {No change.}
      3.   Notification of teachers/staff having supervision of light- or sound-sensitive students/occupants, such as those on the autism spectrum, for the protection of those students/occupants, shall be allowed prior to conducting a drill.
Chapter 5
   Section 501.4 - Change to read as follows:
   501.4 Timing of installation. When fire access roadways, fire lanes, and fire hydrants are required to be installed for any structure or development, they shall be installed, tested, and approved prior to the time of which construction has progressed beyond completion of the foundation of any structure, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. Reference Section 503.2.3 (Surface). {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Exception: For tilt-wall and noncombustible construction, construction access roads shall accommodate all fire lane requirements of this code, with the exception of surface type and marking. Fire lanes and fire hydrants shall be complete and approved prior to any combustible materials storage at the construction site or combustible construction, including, but not limited to, roofing materials.
   Section 503.1.1 - Add the following sentence to the first paragraph as follows:
   Except for one- or two-family dwellings, the path of measurement shall be along a minimum of a five (5) feet wide unobstructed pathway around the external walls of the structure. This is not a building setback requirement.
   Section 503.1.2.1 - Add to read as follows: Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses. The fire code official is authorized to approve a reduced remoteness dimension, based on topography, flood plains, intervening structures or properties, etc.
   Exception: One- or two-family dwelling and multiple-family residential developments - the location of the secondary access must be approved by the fire code official.
   Section 503.1.4 through 503.1.8 - Add to read as follows:
   503.1.4 Buildings more than 55 feet in height. A building where the topmost occupied floor level is more than fifty-five (55) feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be accessible by a public street or fire apparatus access road that is not less than fifteen (15) feet nor more than twenty-five (25) feet from the inside curb to the building face along at least one-half of the length of two sides of the building. Such tall buildings shall also be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
   503.1.5 Hazardous materials. The fire code official is authorized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based on the existence of a Group H occupancy or facility, hazardous materials storage, tank farms, or other hazardous operations that might affect fire department access.
   503.1.6 One- or two-family dwelling residential developments. Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceed thirty (30) units shall be provided with at least two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
   Exception: The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall be allowed to increase to forty (40) if the development will connect to future developments as determined by the fire code official.
   503.1.7 Multiple-family residential developments. Multiple-family residential projects having more than one hundred (100) dwelling units shall be provided with at least two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
   503.1.8 Group E. All Group E occupancies shall be provided with at least two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
   Section 503.2.1 - Change to read as follows;
   503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm), exclusive of shoulders, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 14 feet (4267 mm).
      1.   Multi-family residential developments that are served by fire apparatus access roads shall require minimum 26 feet (7925) width.
      2.   Where medians and/or gates are provided at entrances/exits to residential developments, fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum clear width of 20 ft. for both the entrance and exit on each side of such gate and/or median.
   Section 503.2.3 - Change to read as follows:
   503.2.3 Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support imposed loads of 85,000 lbs. for fire apparatus and shall be constructed/surfaced of asphalt or concrete, so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. When approved by the fire code official, other surfaces may be utilized for the purpose of vertical construction only to accommodate the requirements of Section 501.4 (Timing of Installation) with signed/sealed design by a Licensed Professional Civil Engineer in the State of Texas indicating compliance with all Fort Worth Fire Code requirements for Fire Department Apparatus Access Roads with the exception of surface type. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Section 503.2.4 - Change to read as follows:
   503.2.4 Turning radius. The minimum inside turning radius shall be twenty-five (25) feet, and the minimum outside radius shall be either fifty-one (51) feet in multifamily complexes or forty-five (45) feet otherwise. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Section 503.2.5 - Change to read as follows:
   503.2.5 Dead ends. All dead-end fire lanes in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length shall be provided with a turnaround meeting the requirements of Figure 503.2.5. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   * Reference Sections 503.2.1 and 4 with regards to required widths and radii, which are different for multi-family residential developments.
   Section 503.2.7 - Change to read as follows:
   503.2.7 Grade. Grade incline of fire lanes in any direction shall not exceed six (6) percent. The fire code official shall have the authority to approve an increase in the grade incline up to ten (10) percent when adequate justification is presented, such as topographical constraints. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Exception: When such portions of the fire lane are not potentially necessary for aerial operations of any kind and when approved by the fire code official.
   Section 503.3 - Change to read as follows:
   503.3 Marking. Approved striping or signs shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof. Signs and striping shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   1.   Striping. Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked by painted lines of red traffic paint six (6) inches in width to show the boundaries of the lane. The words "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" shall appear in four (4) inch white letters at twenty-five (25) foot feet intervals on the red border markings along both sides of the fire lane. Where a curb is available, the striping shall be on the vertical face of the curb. See Figure 503.1.
   2.   Signs. Shall read "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" and shall be twelve (12) inches wide and eighteen (18) inches high with a companion sign twelve (12) inches wide and six (6) inches high stating "TOW AWAY ZONE." Signs shall be painted on a white background with letters and borders in red, using not less than two (2) inch lettering. Signs shall be permanently affixed to a stationary post and the bottom of the sign shall be six (6) feet, six (6) inches above finished grade. Signs shall be spaced not more than fifty (50) feet apart along both sides of the fire lane. Signs may be installed on permanent buildings or walls or as approved by the code official.
   Section 503.4 - Change to read as follows:
   503.4 Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, including the parking of vehicles. The minimum widths and clearances established in Section 503.2.1 and 503.2.2 and any area marked as a fire lane as described in Section 503.3 shall be maintained at all times. Spike strips or other devices that are intended to damage tires/vehicles to prevent access or egress from a property are prohibited regardless of manual or automatic features to retract such devices, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. Fire apparatus access roads shall be constructed with surface above the 100 year flood plain, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 503.6 - Change to read as follows:
   503.6 Security gates. Except as prohibited by other ordinances, the installation of security gates that restrict fire department access to a property or access to the fire apparatus access road require approval by the fire code official. Where security gates are installed, an approved means of emergency operation is required. The security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F 2200.
      503.6.1 Manual Gates. Manually operated gates shall have an approved lock installed to allow fire department access. A hold-open device shall be installed, such that the gate will remain in the open position until manually released to close.
      503.6.2 Electric Gates. Electrically operated gates shall be operated with an approved key switch. The key switch shall be installed on the column or post near the electrical control box (preferably on the right-hand side). When the key switch is operated, the gate shall remain in the open position until manually reset. A mechanical manual release or a "fail safe" gate operating mechanism shall be provided for electrically operated gates in case of power failure.
      Electric gate operators shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F 2200.
      An Access Control Permit from the fire department is required for electrically operated gates. For multi-family occupancies where gates are provided that obstruct fire apparatus access roads, at least one gate shall be electric and comply with all requirements of Section 503.6.
      503.6.3 Dimensions. All gates crossing fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum twenty (20) feet clear width when opened.
      503.6.4 Existing gates. All manual gates restricting fire department access that are locked shall comply with Section 503.6.1. All electric gates restricting fire department access shall comply with Section 503.6.2. Section 503.6.3 may be applied retroactively when required by the fire code official where it is determined that fire department access is restricted by such gate(s). When an electric gate operator must be replaced, such replacement shall comply with all requirements of Section 503.6.
   Section 505.1 - Change to read as follows:
   505.1 Premises identification. An approved address shall be provided for all new and existing buildings in accordance with the fire department's addressing policies. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Section 506.1 -Change to read as follows:
   506.1 Key boxes. In any building which contains an elevator, any building or complex which contains a fire alarm system, or when access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of secured openings, or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire- fighting purposes, a key box shall be installed. The key box shall be a type approved by the fire code official and shall contain keys to gain necessary access to any areas required by the code official. Keys to elevators, fire alarm control panels, and safety data sheets shall be included in the key box. When installed for the primary purpose of providing access to the fire alarm system serving an apartment complex, the key box shall be placed at the exterior entrance of the property manager's office and shall be suitably marked as such.
{Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Section 506.3 - Add to read as follows:
   506.3 Location. Key box shall be located at the front of the building six (6) to eight (8) feet above grade level and within five (5) feet of the right side of the main entrance as viewed from the outside, unless alternate or additional locations are approved or required by the fire code official, such as fire pump room or sprinkler riser room access doors, etc.
   Section 507.4-Change to read as follows:
   507.4 Water supply test date and information. The water supply test used for hydraulic calculation of fire protection systems shall be provided by the Water Department via hydraulic water model of the water supply system as approved by the fire code official, or where allowed, conducted in accordance with NFPA 291 "Recommended Practice for Fire Flow Testing and Marking of Hydrants" and within one year of fire protection plans submittal. The exact location of the water model node or of the static/residual hydrant and flow hydrant shall be indicated on the design drawings. All fire protection plan submittals shall be accompanied by a hard copy of the water model or water flow supply test report from the Fort Worth Water Department, or as approved by the fire code official. The licensed contractor must then design the fire protection system based on this fluctuation information as approved by the fire code official. Reference Section 903 as to additional safety factor required. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Section 507.5.1 - Change to read as follows:
   507.5.1 Required installations. All fire hydrants shall be accessible to the fire department apparatus by roadways meeting the requirements of Section 503. All fire hydrants shall meet the specifications of the Fort Worth Water Department for DryBarrel Fire Hydrants, or as approved by the fire code official. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the following criteria:
   1.   For all R-3 and Group U Occupancies, fire hydrants shall be installed such that there is not more than one thousand (1,000) feet (five hundred foot radius) of space between hydrants along a direct horizontal line. No point on a building shall exceed a six hundred (600) feet hose lay distance using the route of access that fire department personnel would travel between the hydrant and the building.
   2.   For other than R-3 and Group U occupancies, all land uses, including multi-family complexes, shall have fire hydrants installed such that there is no more than six hundred (600) feet (three hundred feet radius) of space between hydrants along a direct horizontal line. No point on any structure shall exceed five hundred (500) feet hose lay distance, using the route of access that fire department personnel would travel between the hydrant and the structure.
   3.   A fire hydrant shall be installed no more than one hundred-fifty (150) feet from fire department connections.
   4.   All fire hydrants shall be installed at least two (2) feet, but not more than nine (9) feet, from the curb face of a paved street or edge of a designated approved fire access roadway.
   5.   All fire hydrants shall be installed such that the center of the main outlet on the front of the hydrant is not less than eighteen (18) inches, nor more than forty-eight (48) inches, above grade level.
   6.   Only National Standard three-way hydrants that open in the clockwise direction are approved.
   7.   All fire hydrant threads must be National Standard hose threads or as approved by the fire code official.
   8.   Where fire hydrants are installed on a metered water supply or are not owned by the City of Fort Worth, said hydrants shall be maintained by the legal owner in satisfactory operating condition and kept free of obstructions at all times.
   9.   All private fire hydrants shall be painted red and shall be properly maintained by the property owner. All public fire hydrants shall be provided with two coats of aluminum paint, as required by the Fort Worth Water Department specifications for Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants.
   Section 507.5.1.1 - Delete this section.
   Section 507.5.4 - Change to read as follows:
   507.5.4 Obstruction. Unobstructed access to fire hydrants shall be maintained at all times. Posts, fences, vehicles, growth, trash, storage and other materials or objects shall not be placed or kept within three (3) feet of fire hydrants, fire department inlet connections or fire protection system control valves in a manner that would prevent such equipment or fire hydrants from being immediately discernible or accessible. The fire department shall not be deterred or hindered from gaining immediate access to fire protection equipment or fire hydrants.
   Section 508.1 - Change to read as follows:
   508.1 General. Where required by other sections of this code and in all buildings classified as high-rise buildings by the International Building Code, a fire command center for fire department operations shall be provided and shall comply with Sections 508.1.1 through 508.1.7.
   Section 508.1.3 - Change to read as follows:
   508.1.3 Size. The fire command center shall be not less than 0.015 percent of the total building area of the facility served or 200 square feet (19 m2) in area, whichever is greater, with a minimum dimension of 0.7 times the square root of the room area or 10 feet (3048 mm), whichever is greater.
   Section 509.1.2 - Add to read as follows:
   509.1.2 Sign Requirements. Unless more stringent requirements apply, lettering for signs required by this section shall have a minimum height of two (2) inches when located inside a building and four (4) inches when located outside, or as approved by the fire code official. The letters shall be of a color that contrasts with the background.
Chapter 6
   Section 603.2.3 - Add to read as follows:
   603.2.3 Battery-charged/solar electrified fences. Permitting of battery-charged/solar electrified fences is no longer allowed by State law where such electrified fence complies with the applicable State law. As a result, the Fire Department must be notified in writing of any such electrified fence installation by the electric fence installing contractor, as such presents a shock hazard to first responders at the property in question. An approved key switch is required to shut down the electrified fence at the main entrance to the property for use by first responders in order to not restrict or further delay fire department response to the property, unless an approved key switch is provided to open the access gate (Access Control Permit required) that will automatically disconnect the electrified fence as well.
   Section 605.4 Fuel oil storage systems - Add sentence to read as follows:
   Flammable and combustible liquids tanks and their appurtenances shall comply with Chapter 57, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Sections 605.4 through 605.4.2.2 - Change to read as follows:
   605.4 Fuel oil (diesel and Class II or III combustible liquid storage systems). Fuel oil (diesel and Class II or III combustible liquid) storage systems connected to fuel burning equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with this code. Tanks and fuel-oil piping systems shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 13 of the International Mechanical Code and Chapter 57.
      605.4.1 Fuel oil storage in outside, above-ground tanks. Where connected to a fuel-oil piping system, the storage of fuel oil above ground shall comply with NFPA 31 and Chapter 57.
         605.4.1.1 Approval. Outdoor fuel oil storage tanks shall be in accordance with UL 142 or UL 2085, and also listed as double-wall/secondary containment tanks, and the secondary containment shall be monitored visually or automatically.
      605.4.2 Fuel oil storage inside buildings. Fuel oil storage inside buildings shall comply with Sections 605.4.2.2 through 605.4.2.8 and Chapter 57.
         605.4.2.1 Approval. Indoor fuel oil storage tanks shall be in accordance with UL 80, UL 142 or UL 2085.
         605.4.2.2 Quantity limits. One or more fuel oil storage tanks containing Class II or III combustible liquid shall be permitted in a building. The aggregate capacity of all tanks shall not exceed the following:
         1.   660 gallons (2498 L) in non-sprinklered buildings, where stored in a tank complying with UL 80, UL 142 or UL 2085, and also listed as a double- wall/secondary containment tank for Class II liquids.
         2.   1,320 gallons (4996 L) in buildings equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, where stored in a tank complying with UL 142 or UL 2085. The tank shall be listed as a secondary containment tank, and the secondary containment shall be monitored visually or automatically.
         3.   3,000 gallons (11 356 L) in buildings equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, where stored in protected above-ground tanks complying with UL 2085 and Section 5704.2.9.7. The tank shall be listed as a secondary containment tank, as required by UL 2085, and the secondary containment shall be monitored visually or automatically.
   Section 605. Prohibited locations - Change Note 3. to read as follows:
   3.   On roofs or exterior balconies.
         1.   On roofs of noncombustible construction.
         2.   For exterior balconies where buildings, balconies and decks are protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system.
         3.   LP-gas cooking or heating devices having an LP-gas container with a water capacity not greater than 2-1/2 pounds [nominal 1 pound (0.454 kg) LP-gas capacity].
Chapter 8
Section 806.1.1 - Change to read as follows:
   806.1.1 Restricted occupancies. Natural cut trees shall be prohibited within ambulatory care facilities and Group A, B, E, I-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, M, R-l, R-2, and R- 4 Occupancies.
      1.   Trees located in areas protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in- stalled in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 shall not be prohibited in Groups A, B, E, M, R-1, and R-2.
      2.   Trees shall be allowed within dwelling units in Group R-2 Occupancies.
   Section 806. J.4 - Add to read as follows:
   806.1.4 Fire-retardant treatments for natural cut trees. Trees shall be properly treated with an approved fire-retardant that has been tested by an approved agency and shall comply with both Test Method 1 and Test Method 2 of ASTM E3082.
   Exception: Fire-retardant treatment shall not be required within dwelling units in Group R-2 Occupancies.
   Section 806.1.5 - Add to read as follows:
   806.1.5 Tags. Trees shall bear a tag stating date of placement in public building, type of fire-retardant treatment used, name of the person who applied the fireretardant, name of the person affixing the tag, and of designated person making daily tests for dryness.
   Section 807.5.2.2 and 3 applicable to Group E occupancies - Change to read as follows:
   807.5.2.2 Artwork in corridors. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on the walls of corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall area. Such materials shall not be continuous from floor to ceiling or wall to wall (minimum 18 inches from ceiling in all cases). Curtains, draperies, wall hangings, and other decorative material, other than artwork, suspended from the walls or ceilings shall meet the flame propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 in accordance with Section 807 or be noncombustible.
   Exception: Corridors protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall be limited to 50 percent of the wall area.
   807.5.2.3 Artwork in classrooms. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of classrooms to not more than 50 percent of the specific wall area to which they are attached. Such materials shall not be continuous from floor to ceiling or wall to wall (minimum 18 inches from ceiling in all cases). Curtains, draperies, wall hangings and other decorative material, other than artwork, suspended from the walls or ceilings shall meet the flame propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 in accordance with Section 807 or be noncombustible.
   Section 807.5.5.2 and 3 applicable to Group 1-4 occupancies - Change to read as follows:
   807.5.5.2 Artwork in corridors. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on the walls of corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall area. Such materials shall not be continuous from floor to ceiling or wall to wall (minimum 18 inches from ceiling in all cases). Curtains, draperies, wall hangings and other decorative material, other than artwork, suspended from the walls or ceilings shall meet the flame propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 in accordance with Section 807 or be noncombustible.
   Exception: Corridors protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall be limited to 50 percent of the wall area.
   807.5.5.3 Artwork in classrooms. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of classrooms to not more than 50 percent of the specific wall area to which they are attached. Such materials shall not be continuous from floor to ceiling or wall to wall (minimum 18 inches from ceiling in all cases). Curtains, draperies, wall hangings and other decorative material, other than artwork, suspended from the walls or ceilings shall meet the flame propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 in accordance with Section 807 or be noncombustible.
Chapter 9
   Section 901.1 - Add sentence to read as follows:
   Fire protection equipment required by this code shall be listed or approved for the intended use by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 901.2 Add sentence to read as follows:
   Submittal of plans, specifications, and appropriate calculations for fire protection systems and appurtenances shall be made to the fire department by a fire protection systems contractor who is appropriately licensed per the Texas Administrative Code requirements.
   Section 901.4.2.1 - Add to read as follows:
   901.4.2.1 Nonrequired fire alarm devices. Nonrequired fire alarm devices or devices for a nonrequired fire alarm system shall be clearly identified on the submitted fire alarm construction documents associated with the fire alarm permit, as required by NFPA 72.
   Section 901.5.1 - Change to read as follows:
   901.5.1 Occupancy. It shall be unlawful to occupy any portion of a building or structure until the required fire protection and life safety systems have been tested and approved, unless otherwise approved by the building and fire code officials contingent on fire watch or other mitigating factors/requirements.
   Section 901.6 - Change to read as follows:
   901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. The building owner and/or occupant shall be responsible for assuring that all fire sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers, smoke and heat vents, smoke control and exhaust systems, and other fire protection or extinguishing systems or appliances, whether required or voluntarily installed, are maintained in an operative condition at all times, and are replaced or repaired where defective. Such systems shall be extended, altered or augmented as necessary to maintain and continue protection whenever any building so equipped is altered, remodeled or added to. All additions, repairs, alterations and servicing shall be in accordance with this chapter. Non-required fire protection systems and equipment shall be inspected, tested and maintained or removed, upon approval of the fire code official, as per Section 901.8.
   The fire code official may require the testing of any fire protection or extinguishing system, at the owner's expense, when evidence is found to indicate possible impairment of the system. All tests and inspections required herein shall be conducted by persons approved by the fire code official. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
   Section 901.6.1.1 - Add to read as follows:
   901.6.1.1 Standpipe Testing. Building owners/managers must maintain and test standpipe systems as per NFPA 25 requirements. The following additional requirements shall be applied to the testing that is required every 5 years:
   1.   The piping between the Fire Department Connection (FDC) and the standpipe shall be backflushed or inspected by an approved camera with video recording when foreign material is present, and also hydrostatically tested for all FDC's on any type of standpipe system. Hydrostatic testing shall also be conducted in accordance with NFPA 25 requirements for the different types of standpipe systems.
   2.   For any manual (dry or wet) standpipe system not having an automatic water supply capable of flowing water through the standpipe, connect hose from a fire hydrant or portable pumping system (as approved by the fire code official) to each FDC, and flow water through the standpipe system to the roof outlet to verify that each inlet connection functions properly. Confirm that there are no open hose valves prior to introducing water into a dry standpipe to prevent potential water damage. There is no required pressure criteria at the outlet. Verify that check valves function properly and that there are no closed water supply control valves on the system that prevent proper operation of the system.
   3.   Any pressure relief, reducing, or control valves shall be flow tested or exercised in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 25. All hose valves shall be exercised.
   4.   If the FDC is not already provided with approved locking caps, the contractor shall install such caps for all FDC inlets, as required by the fire code official.
   5.   Upon successful completion of standpipe test, place a blue tag, as per the Texas Administrative Code -'Inspection, Test and Maintenance Service (ITM) Tag' at the bottom of each standpipe riser in the building. The tag shall be check-marked as "Fifth Year" for Type of ITM, and the note on the back of the tag shall read "5 Year Standpipe Test" at a minimum.
   6.   The procedures required by the Texas Administrative Code with regard to Yellow Tags and Red Tags for any deficiencies noted during the testing, including the required notification of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (Fire Marshal) shall be followed.
   7.   Additionally, records of the testing shall be maintained by the owner and contractor, if applicable, as required by the State law mentioned above and NFPA 25.
   8.   Standpipe system tests where water will be flowed external to the building shall not be conducted during freezing conditions or during the day prior to expected night time freezing conditions.
   9.   Contact the fire code official for requests to remove existing fire hose from any standpipe systems where employees are not trained in the utilization of this firefighting equipment. All standpipe hose valves must remain in place and be provided with an approved cap and chain when approval is given to remove hose by the fire code official.
   Section 901.1 - Change to read as follows:
   901.7 Systems out of service. Where a required fire protection system is out of service or in the event of an excessive number of accidental activations, the fire department and the fire code official shall be notified immediately and, where required by the code official, the building shall be either evacuated or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the shut down until the fire protection system has been returned to service.
   Where utilized, fire watches shall be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the fire department and their only duty shall be to perform constant patrols of the protected premises and keep watch for fires, or as required by the fire code official.
   Section 901.8.2 - Change to read as follows:
   901.8.2 Removal of occupant-use hose lines. The fire code official is authorized to permit the removal of new or existing occupant-use hose lines and hose valves where all of the following conditions exist:
   1.   The hose line(s) would not be utilized by trained personnel or the fire department.
   2.   Where occupant-use hose lines are allowed to be removed, the hose valves are required to remain and be made compatible for use by the fire department, as needed.
   Section 903.1.1 Change to read as follows:
   903.1.1 Alternative protection. Alternative automatic fire-extinguishing systems complying with Section 904 shall be permitted in addition to required automatic sprinkler protection where recognized by the applicable standard, or as approved by the fire code official.
   Section 903.1.2 - Add to read as follows:
   903.1.2 Residential systems. Reductions to Building Code provisions, commonly referred to as "building code tradeoffs," shall not apply to systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13R or 13D unless authorized as specified in Section 903.1.2 of the Building Code. When "tradeoffs" are used in the building design that are not authorized for NFPA 13R or 13D systems, the sprinkler installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 13.
   Residential sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13R shall include attic sprinkler protection in buildings of three or more stories.
   Section 903.2 - Change to read as follows and delete the Exception:
   903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in Section 903.2.1 through 903.2.12. In order to prohibit elevator shunt trip, automatic sprinklers shall not be installed in elevator machine rooms, elevator machine spaces, and elevator hoistways (except for hydraulic elevator pits where such does not initiate the shunt trip requirement in the State Elevator Code), or as approved by the fire code official. Storage shall not be allowed within the elevator machine room. Signage shall be provided at the entry doors to the elevator machine room indicating "ELEVATOR MACHINERY - NO STORAGE ALLOWED." Such signage shall comply with Section 509.
   Exception: {Delete Exception in its entirety}.
   Section 903.2.1.2 Group A-2 - Add exception after first paragraph to read as follows:
   Exception: Where the building is existing, single story, and multi-tenant with independent egress per tenant space, only the single tenant fire area (separated by approved fire barriers) shall require sprinkler protection.
   Section 903.2.1.3 Group A-3 -Add exception after first paragraph to read as follows:
   Exception: Where the building is existing, single story, and multi-tenant with independent egress per tenant space, only the single tenant fire area (separated by approved fire barriers) shall require sprinkler protection.
   Section 903.2.1.6 Assembly occupancies on roofs - Delete the Exception.
   Section 903.2.7 Group M - Add Exception after first paragraph to read as follows:
   Exception: Where the building is existing, single story, and multi-tenant with independent egress per tenant space, only the single tenant fire area (separated by approved fire barriers) shall require sprinkler protection.
   Section 903.2.8 and 903.2.8.1 - Change to read as follows:
   903.2.8 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area, other than one- and two-family dwellings, and townhomes in compliance with the Residential Code.
      903.2.8.1 Group R-l and R-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings with a Group R-l or R-2 fire area.
      Exception: Where no portion of the R-l or R-2 fire area is located higher than the second story, nor in a basement, and such use complies with any of the following conditions:
         a.   For other than Group R-2 apartments, the occupant load is less than ten (10).
         b.   The building when used as Group R-2 apartments contains less than five (5) dwelling units.
   Section 903.2.4.2 - Change to read as follows:
   903.2.4.2 Group F-1 distilled spirits. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group F-1 fire area used for the manufacture of distilled spirits involving more than 120 gallons of distilled spirits (>16% alcohol) in the fire area at any one time.
   Section 903.2.8.4 Care facilities - Delete.
   Section 903.2.9.3 - Change to read as follows:
   903.2.9.3 Group S-1 distilled spirits or wine. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group S-1 fire area used for the bulk storage of distilled spirits or wine involving more than 120 gallons of distilled spirits or wine (>16% alcohol) in the fire area at any one time.
   Section 903.2.9.4 Group S-1 upholstered furniture and mattresses - Delete the Exception.
   Section 903.2.9.5 - Add to read as follows:
   903.2.9.5 Self-service storage facility. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all self-service storage facilities. The minimum sprinkler system design shall be based on an Ordinary Hazard Group II classification, in accordance with NFPA 13 requirements. Physical construction in compliance with open-grid ceilings as per NFPA 13, such as an open metal grid ceiling or chicken wire that does not obstruct the overhead sprinkler protection, shall be installed to prevent storage from exceeding the lower of either 12 feet above finished floor or 18 inches beneath standard sprinkler head deflectors. At least one sprinkler head shall be provided in each storage unit/room (additional sprinklers may be necessary for compliance with NFPA 13 spacing requirements), regardless of wall height or construction type separating such units.
   Exception: One story self-service storage facilities that have no interior corridors and are provided with a one-hour fire barrier wall installed between every storage compartment up to a maximum aggregate building area of 12,000 sq. ft. The above required overhead physical obstructions are still required at 2 ft. below the ceiling or roof deck for a non-sprinklered building.
   Section 903.2.10 - Change to read as follows:
   903.2.10 Group S-2 parking garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings classified as parking garages where any of the following conditions exist:
      1.   Where the fire area of the enclosed parking garage, in accordance with Section 406.6 of the International Building Code, exceeds 12,000 square feet (1115 m2).
      2.   Where the enclosed parking garage, in accordance with Section 406.6 of the International Building Code, is located beneath other groups.
            Exception: Enclosed parking garages located beneath Group R- 3 occupancies.
      3.   Where the open parking garage is open, in accordance with Section 406.5 of the International Building Code, and:
         a.   Fire area exceeds 48,000 square feet (4460 m2) and building exceeds four parking levels, or
         b.   Where fire apparatus access is not provided along at least two sides of the structure in question (1/2 of the perimeter of the building) having required openings, or
         c.   Where other occupancies are provided above the open parking garage.
   Section 903.2.10.2 - Change to read as follows:
   903.2.10.2 Mechanical-access parking garages. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for the storage of motor vehicles in a mechanical-access parking garage. The portion of the building that contains the mechanical-access parking garage shall be protected with a specially engineered automatic sprinkler system. At least one exit stair shall be provided to the roof of the structure to allow installation of standpipe for firefighting, as per Section 905.
   Section 903.2.11.3 - Change to read as follows and delete Exception:
   903.2.11.3 Buildings 55 feet or more in height. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings that have one or more stories or occupiable roofs, other than penthouses in compliance with Section 1511 of the International Building Code, located 55 feet (16 764 mm) or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, measured to the finished floor.
   Exception: {Delete Exception}
   Section 903.2.11.7 - Add to read as follows:
   903.2.11.7 Spray Booths and Rooms. New and existing spray booths and spraying rooms shall be protected by an approved automatic fire sprinkler or alternate fire extinguishing system.
   Section 903. - Change to read as follows:
   903. Exempt locations. When approved by the fire code official, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in the following rooms or areas where such rooms or areas are protected with an approved automatic fire detection system in accordance with Section 907.2 that will respond to visible or invisible particles of combustion. Sprinklers shall not be omitted from any room merely because it is damp, of fireresistance-rated construction or contains electrical equipment.
   1.   A room where the application of water, or flame and water, constitutes a serious life or fire hazard, including but not limited to molten metal exposures.
   2.   {Delete.}
   3.   Generator and transformer rooms under the direct control of a public utility, separated from the remainder of the building by walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours.
   4.   Fire service access elevator machine rooms and machinery spaces. (Shunt trip prohibited.)
   5.   Elevator hoistways (other than hydraulic pits) and elevator machine rooms enclosed by fire barriers as required by the International Building Code. Signage shall be provided at the entry doors to the elevator machine room indicating "ELEVATOR MACHINERY - NO STORAGE ALLOWED." (Shunt trip prohibited.)
   6.   Machine rooms, machinery spaces, control rooms and control spaces associated with occupant evacuation elevators designed in accordance with Section 3008 of the International Building Code. (Shunt trip prohibited.)
   Section 903.3.1.2 - Change to read as follows:
   903.3.1.2 NFPA 13R sprinkler systems. Automatic sprinkler systems in Group R occupancies up to and including four stories in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be permitted to be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R. However, when "building code tradeoffs" that are not authorized for NFPA 13R systems are used in the building design, the sprinkler installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 13. (See Section 903.1.2)
   Residential sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13R shall include attic sprinkler protection in buildings of three or more stories, (See 903.
   The number of stories of Group R occupancies constructed in accordance with the Building Code shall be measured from grade plane.
   Section 903. - Change to read as follows:
   903. Corridors and balconies. Sprinkler protection shall be provided in all corridors/breezeways and for all balconies, including any associated storage rooms, closets, etc. accessed from such corridor/breezeway. {Delete the rest of this section.}
   Section 903. - Change to read as follows:
   Section 903. Attached Garages and Attics. Sprinkler protection is required in attached garages, and in the following attic spaces:
   1.   Attics that are used or intended for living purposes or storage shall be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system.
   2.   Where fuel-fired equipment is installed in a non-sprinklered attic, not fewer than one quick-response intermediate temperature sprinkler shall be installed above the equipment.
   3.   Attic spaces of buildings that are three or more stories in height above grade plane or above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
         Exception: Where the attic would be exempt from sprinkler protection by NFPA 13.
   4.   Group R-4, Condition 2 occupancy attics not required by Item 1 or 3 to have sprinklers shall comply with one of the following:
      4.1.   Provide automatic sprinkler system protection.
      4.2.   Provide a heat detection system throughout the attic that is arranged to activate the building fire alarm system.
      4.3.   Construct the attic using noncombustible materials.
      4.4.   Construct the attic using fire-retardant-treated wood complying with Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code.
      4.5.   Fill the attic with noncombustible insulation where there is a flat roof of no more than 48 inches height of interstitial space between ceiling and roof.
   {Delete rest of this section.}
   Section 903.3.1.4, 903., 903., and903. - Add to read as follows:
   903.3.1.4 Freeze protection. Freeze protection systems for automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be in accordance with the requirements of the applicable referenced NFPA standard and this section.
      903. Attics. Only dry-pipe, preaction, or listed antifreeze automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be allowed to protect attic spaces, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
      Exception: Wet-pipe fire sprinkler systems shall be allowed to protect non-ventilated attic spaces where the attic space is a part of the building's thermal, or heat, envelope, such that insulation is provided at the roof deck, rather than at the ceiling level.
      903. Heat trace/insulation. Heat trace/insulation shall only be allowed where approved by the fire code official for small sections of large diameter water- filled pipe.
      903. Dry pipe sprinkler systems. All dry pipe sprinkler systems shall be required to meet the 60 second water delivery time, per Section of NFPA 13 (2019 edition), to the system test connection regardless of the system size, unless more stringent criteria is applicable in NFPA 13, and all dry pipe sprinkler systems shall be trip tested to flow/discharge water to verify compliance with this requirement, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 903.3.1.5 - Add to read as follows:
   903.3.1.5 Multiple or detached buildings. Multiple or detached buildings shall not be allowed to be supplied by a single fire sprinkler riser, unless specifically approved by the fire code official.
   Section 903.3.1.6 - Add to read as follows:
   903.3.1.6 Exterior projections/canopies. For NFPA 13 or 13R sprinkler systems, all exterior projections/canopies exceeding 4 ft. in width/depth from the building, whether attached or not, shall be sprinklered.
      1.   Canopies meeting NFPA 13 requirements for noncombustible or limited combustible construction or fire-retardant treated wood for pedestrian use only.
      2.   Canopies that are detached/separated from the sprinklered building as required by the Building Code to be considered a separate building and meeting the allowable area requirements of the Building Code as a non-sprinklered building.
   Section 903.3.5 Water supplies - Add second paragraph to read as follows:
   Every fire protection system shall be designed with a 5 psi safety factor in the hydraulic calculations in addition to water fluctuation adjustments required by Section 507.4.
   Section 903.3.7.1 - Add to read as follows:
   903.3.7.1 Locking Fire Department Connection (FDC) Caps. New FDC installations shall be equipped with locking FDC caps as approved by the fire code official. Existing FDC installations will require approved locking FDC caps to be installed when directed by the fire code official.
   Section 903.4 Sprinkler system supervision and alarms - Add second paragraph to read as follows:
   Sprinkler and standpipe system water-flow detectors shall be provided for each floor tap to the sprinkler system and shall cause an alarm upon detection of water flow for more than forty-five (45) seconds. All control valves in the sprinkler and standpipe systems shall be electrically supervised.
   Section 903.4 - Add Exception number 9 to read as follows:
   9.   Control valves associated with a backflow prevention device that is installed outside of a building. Such valves must be chained and locked in the open position even if located in a locked vault or enclosure.
   Section 903.4.2 - Change to read as follows:
   903.4.2 Alarms. An approved sprinkler waterflow alarm device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system Such sprinkler waterflow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system.
   The alarm device required on the exterior of the building shall be a weatherproof horn/strobe notification appliance with a minimum 75 candela strobe rating, installed as close as practicable to the fire department connections. Adjacent to the alarm shall be a sign which states:
   {insert address} "
and which contains the address of the property as indicated on the Certificate of Occupancy. The sign shall consist of red letters of 1-inch minimum height on a white reflective background.
   Section 903.4.3 - Change to read as follows:
   903.4.3 Floor control valves. Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor in buildings requiring a standpipe system, as per Section 905. Floor control assemblies shall be located in protected stairwells, or as otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 905.1.1 - Add to read as follows:
   905.1.1 Locking Fire Department Connection (FDC) caps. New standpipe systems shall be equipped with approved locking caps on all FDC's. Existing standpipe systems shall have approved locking fire department connection caps installed when required by the code official.
   Section 905.3.3 - Change to read as follows:
   905.3.3 Covered and open mall buildings. A covered mall or open mall building shall be equipped throughout with a Class 1 automatic wet standpipe system where the mall exceeds ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area per story. Standpipes shall be provided where any portion of the building's interior area is more than two hundred (200) feet of travel, vertically and horizontally, from the nearest point of fire department vehicle access. Mall buildings not required to be equipped with a standpipe system by this section shall be equipped with Class 1 hose connections connected to the automatic sprinkler system sized to deliver water ... {remainder of section unchanged}.
   Section 905.4 - Change Item 1. and 3. to read as follows:
   1.   In every required exit stairway, a hose connection shall be provided for each story above and below grade plane. Hose connections shall be located at an intermediate landing between stories, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   2.   {No change.}
   3.   In every exit passageway, at the entrance from the exit passageway to other areas of a building.
      Exception: Where floor areas adjacent to an exit passageway are reachable from an interior exit stairway hose connection by a... {No change to rest of section.}
   Section 905.8.1 - Add to read as follows:
   905.8.1 Manual dry standpipe systems shall be supervised with a minimum of ten (10) psig and a maximum of forty (40) psig air pressure with a monitored high/low air pressure alarm.
   Section 905.12 - Add to read as follows:
   905.12 Manual standpipe design. All manual standpipes shall be designed based on a water supply of 160 psi static and 145 psi residual flowing 1,000 gpm at the Fire Department Connection, or as otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 906.1 - Change to read as follows:
   906.1 Where required. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed and tagged by a State Fire Marshal-licensed fire extinguishing contractor, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official, in the following locations. {No change to remainder of section.}
   Section 906.1(1) - Delete Exception item number 3.
   Section 907.1.4 - Add to read as follows:
   907.1.4 Documentation cabinet. A documentation cabinet in compliance with all requirements of NFPA 72 shall be provided for any new or upgraded fire alarm system, or any fire alarm system where the main fire alarm control panel requires replacement, for proper storage of system documentation.
   Section 907.2 Where required - new buildings and structures - Change last sentence to read as follows:
   Where other sections of this code allow elimination of manual fire alarm boxes/manual pull stations due to sprinklers, at least one manual pull station shall be installed at the exit from the sprinkler riser room where applicable, as well as at the fire alarm control panel (FACP), unless the FACP is also located in the sprinkler riser room. If not sprinklered, the required single manual pull station shall be located at the FACP or in a commonly occupied location, or as otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 907.2.1 - Change to read as follows:
   907.2.1 Group A. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.6 shall be installed in Group A occupancies having an occupant load of three hundred (300) or more or more than one hundred (100) persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. Group A occupancies not separated from one another in accordance with Section 707.3.10 of the International Building Code shall be considered as a single occupancy for the purposes of applying this section. Portions of Group E occupancies occupied for assembly purposes shall be provided with a fire alarm system as required for the Group E occupancy. Unless otherwise approved by the fire code official, activation of fire alarm notification appliances shall:
   1.   Cause illumination of the means of egress with light of not less than 1 footcandle (11 lux) at the walking surface level, and
   2.   Stop any conflicting or confusing sounds and visual distractions.
   1.   Manual fire alarm boxes are not required where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the occupant notification appliances will activate throughout the notification zones upon sprinkler waterflow.
   2.   Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5 in accordance with Section 303 of the Building Code, when used for open air seating and having a public address system; however, this exception does not apply to accessory uses including but not limited to sky boxes, restaurants and other enclosed areas.
   Section 907.2.2.2 - Add to read as follows:
   907.2.2.2 Corridor smoke detection alternative. When a fire alarm system is used as a reduction to fire-resistance rated corridors, as provided for in Section 1020, the occupant load exceptions of 907.2.2 shall not be used to exempt the required installation.
   Section 907.2.3 Group E - Add the following sentence after the first paragraph:
   The Fire Alarm Control Unit or Remote Annunciator with silence and reset capability shall be located in the main reception office area.
   Section 907.2.3 Group E - Add the following sentence to Exception 2. to read as follows:
   Emergency voice/alarm communication systems are not required in additions to Group E occupancies with existing horn-type audible devices where the addition itself does not exceed an occupant load of 100 and where the addition is separated from the existing building by appropriately rated fire separation, per the Building Code.
   Section 907.2.3.1 and 2 - Add to read as follows:
   907.2.3.1 Group E daycares with an occupant load of more than twelve (12) children. A manual fire alarm system and an automatic fire detection system shall be installed in Group E daycares with an occupant load of more than twelve (12) children. Smoke detectors shall be installed in corridors, sleeping rooms and common areas. Heat detectors shall be installed in kitchens.
      1.   Smoke detectors are not required in restrooms.
      2.   Smoke detectors and heat detectors shall not be required in Group E daycares where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system, except that interconnected single or multiple station smoke alarms are required in sleeping rooms, as per NFPA 72.
   907.2.3.2 Group E daycares with an occupant load of not more than twelve (12) children. Interconnected single or multiple station smoke alarms shall be installed in corridors, sleeping rooms and common areas of Group E daycares with an occupant load of not more than twelve (12) children.
   Exception: Smoke alarms are not required in kitchens and rest rooms.
   Section 907.2.9.1 Manual fire alarm system for Group R-2 occupancies - Change subparagraph 3. to read as follows:
   3.   The building contains five (5) or more dwelling units or sleeping units.
   Section 907.2.10 - Change to read as follows:
   907.2.10 Group S public- and self-storage occupancies. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group S public- and self-storage occupancies for interior corridors and interior common areas. Notification appliances are not required within individual storage units.
   Exception: {No change.}
   Section 907.2.10.1 - Add to read as follows:
   907.2.10.1 Group S-2 enclosed parking garages. A manual fire alarm system that activates audio/visual occupant notification throughout the building, as per Section 907.5.2, shall be required for Group S-2 enclosed parking garages.
   Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, and the occupant notification appliances will activate throughout the notification zones upon sprinkler water flow.
   Section 907.2.13 High-rise buildings - Change Exception 3. to read as follows:
   3.   Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5 in accordance with Section 303 of the International Building Code when used for open air seating; however, this exception does not apply to accessory uses including but not limited to sky boxes, restaurants, and other enclosed areas.
   Section 907.3.2 - Change to read as follows:
   907.3.2 Special locking systems. Where special locking systems are installed on means of egress doors in accordance with Section 1010.2.13 or 1010.2.14, an automatic smoke detection system or monitored automatic sprinkler system shall be installed as required by that section to automatically release such locks.
   Section 907.4.1.1 - Add to read as follows:
   907.4.1.1 Number of fire alarm panels per building. Each building shall be provided with no more than one main fire alarm control panel that monitors any other required panels, such as an extinguishing releasing panel, elevator recall system, sprinkler monitoring system, etc., rather than allowing multiple dedicated panels, per NFPA 72, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 907.4.2.7 - Add to read as follows:
   907.4.2.7 Type. Manual alarm initiating devices shall be an approved double action type.
   Section 907.5.2 Alarm notification appliances - Add Exception to read as follows:
   Exception: In Group E and I occupancies, private mode signaling shall be allowed for rooms that are specifically designated for the supervision of light- or sound-sensitive students/occupants, such as those on the autism spectrum, for the protection of those students/occupants from such signals. Occupant notification systems are not required to be activated in those rooms where private mode signaling installed in accordance with NFPA 72 is approved by the fire code official and staff evacuation responsibilities are included in the fire safety and evacuation plan required by Section 404.
   Section 907. - Change Exceptions to read as follows:
      1.   Group F or S occupancies shall only require audible alarm coverage, unless hearing impaired employee(s) or the public are present.
      2.   Where employee work areas have audible alarm coverage, the notification appliance circuits ... {remainder of exception unchanged.}
   Section 907.6.1.1 and 2 - Add to read as follows:
   907.6.1.1 Wiring circuits. Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) style shall be Class A, per NFPA 72.
         1.   One initiating device on the circuit.
   907.6.1.2 Pathway survivability. Circuits installed vertically in conduit in a sprinklered one hour rated enclosure and circuits installed horizontally in conduit in a sprinklered building are acceptable alternates as meeting Pathway Survivability Level 2, per NFPA 72.
   Section 907.11 - Add to read as follows:
   907.11 Rented or leased residential occupancies. This section shall apply to all one- and two- family, multi-family, and manufactured home dwellings where one or more rooms are rented for use as a permanent residence.
      907.11.1 Smoke and/or carbon monoxide alarms. All dwelling units which are rented or leased shall be provided with smoke alarms in accordance with this code (Section 907 or 1103.8 as applicable), as well as carbon monoxide alarms where required by Section 915 or 1103.9 as applicable. The smoke detector purchase, installation and initial testing shall be the responsibility of the landlord prior to occupancy by any tenant.
         907.11.1.1 Notice of malfunction. The landlord shall have a duty to replace a smoke and/or carbon monoxide alarm if the tenant has given notice to the landlord of a malfunction. The landlord shall comply with the tenant's request within 24 hours. The landlord has the option of asking the tenant, in writing, to replace the malfunctioning alarm at no cost to the tenant.
         907.11.1.2 Cause of malfunction. A landlord shall not have a duty to replace a smoke alarm if the damage is caused by the tenant.
         907.11.1.3 Battery replacement. It is the tenant's duty to provide a replacement battery for a smoke and/or carbon monoxide alarm which was in good working order at the time of commencement of possession of the dwelling unit by the tenant.
   Section 909.18.8 - Change to read as follows:
   909.18.8 Special inspections for smoke control. All smoke control systems in Section 909, which also include stairway and ramp pressurization and elevator hoistway pressurization systems (909.20 and 909.21), shall be tested by a special inspector in accordance with Section 1705.19 of the International Building Code in accordance with this section and as directed by the fire code official.
   Section 910.2.3 - Add to read as follows:
   910.2.3 Group H. Buildings and portions thereof used as a Group H occupancy as follows:
   1.   In occupancies classified as Group H-2 or H-3, any of which are more than 15,000 square feet (1394 m2) in single floor area.
   2.   In areas of buildings in Group H used for storing Class 2, 3 and 4 liquid and solid oxidizers. Class 1 and unclassified detonable organic peroxides, Class 3 and 4 unstable (reactive) materials, or Class 2 or 3 water-reactive materials as required for a high-hazard commodity classification.
   Exception: Buildings of noncombustible construction containing only noncombustible materials.
   Section 910.4.3.1 - Change to read as follows:
   910.4.3.1 Makeup Air. Makeup air openings shall be provided within 6 feet (1829 mm) of the floor level. Operation of makeup air openings shall be automatic. The minimum gross area of makeup air inlets shall be 8 square feet per 1,000 cubic feet per minute (0.74 m2 per 0.4719 m3/s) of smoke exhaust.
   Section 912.2 - Add paragraph to read as follows:
   The fire department connection (FDC) shall be located within fifty (50) ft. of a dedicated street or fire apparatus access road and shall be within 150 ft. hose lay distance of the nearest fire hydrant. For standpipe systems, fire department connections shall be within one hundred fifty (150) ft. of the fire hydrant. Each building shall be equipped with its own FDC.
   Section 913.1 - Add a second paragraph and Exception to read as follows:
   The fire pump room shall be located on the ground level at an exterior wall and provided with an exterior fire department access door that is not less than 3 feet in width and 6 feet 8 inches in height, regardless of any interior doors that are provided. An approved key box with access keys shall be provided at this door, as required by Section 506.1.
   Exception: Existing installations undergoing remodel or change of occupancy when approved by the fire code official.
   Section 914.3.1 Automatic sprinkler systems - Delete the exception.
   Section 914.3.1.2 - Change to read as follows:
   914.3.1.2 Water supply to required fire pumps. In all buildings that are more than 120 feet (36.6 m) in building height, required fire pumps shall be supplied by connections to not fewer than two water mains located in different streets. Separate supply piping shall be provided between each connection to the water main and the pumps. Each connection and the supply piping between the connection and the pumps shall be sized to supply the flow and pressure required for the pumps to operate.
   Exception: Two connections to the same main shall be permitted provided that the main is valved such that an interruption can be isolated so that the water supply will continue without interruption through not fewer than one of the connections.
   Section 914.7.3 - Add to read as follows:
   914.7.3 Emergency voice/alarm communication system. An emergency voice/alarm communication system shall be provided in accordance with Section 907.5.2.2.
   Section 914.8.3 Fire suppression for aircraft hangars - Delete Exception and replace as follows:
   Exception: Group II hangars used for storage of aircraft and only routine maintenance shall have a fire suppression system, but the system shall be exempt from foam requirements. Hazardous operations equipment (torch cutting, welding, spray equipment, etc.) is prohibited in Group II hangars without a foam fire suppression system.
   Section 914.8.3.1 - Delete and replace as follows:
   914.8.3.1 Hazardous operations. Any Group II, III or IV aircraft hangar according to Table 914.8.3 that contains hazardous operations equipment or performs hazardous operations including, but not limited to, the following shall be provided with a foam fire suppression system in accordance with NFPA 409 as applicable:
   1.   Doping.
   2.   Hot work including, but not limited to, welding, torch cutting and torch soldering.
   3.   Fuel transfer as prohibited in Section 1104.1.1 of the Fire Code.
   4.   Fuel tank repair or maintenance not including defueled tanks in accordance with NFPA 409, inerted tanks, or tanks that have never been fueled.
   5.   Spray finishing operations.
   Exception: Group I, II, and III hangars as defined in NFPA 409 for storing or servicing aircraft that strictly contain only unfueled aircraft at all times with appropriate de-fueling operations outside of the hangar shall be exempt from foam suppression requirements only.
   914. Prohibited equipment. Torch cutting, welding or spray equipment is prohibited in new and existing Group III hangars in any of the following situations:
   1.   Group III hangars having fueled aircraft, but not provided with a foam fire suppression system, or
   2.   Non-sprinklered Group III hangars.
   Section 915.2.3 - Change to read as follows:
   915.2.3 Group E occupancies. Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in classrooms in Group E occupancies. Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall be automatically transmitted to an on-site location that is staffed by school personnel during school hours.
      1.   Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall not be required to be automatically transmitted to an on-site location that is staffed by school personnel in Group E occupancies with an occupant load of 30 or less.
      2.   Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall not be required to be automatically transmitted to an on-site location for portable classroom structures.
   Section 915.6 - Change to read as follows:
   915.6 Maintenance. Carbon monoxide alarms and carbon monoxide detection systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 720. Carbon monoxide alarms and carbon monoxide detectors that become inoperable or begin producing end-of-life signals shall be replaced by the owner of the occupancy.
   Section 1004.5; delete the exception.
TABLE 1004.5
   Table 1004.5; amend and add the following categories:
Function of Space
   Note: "Functions" listed are not to be considered as an occupancy Group classification. Example: "Assembly" provisions will apply to Group A assemblies as well as Group B assemblies, or any other use that functions as an assembly.
Occupant Load Factor
Assembly without fixed seats
   Concentrated (chairs only-not fixed) Dance floors
   Standing space
   Unconcentrated (tables and chairs)
   7 net
   7 net
   5 net
   15 net
Business areas
Group B used for Assembly uses with an occupant load less than 50
Other Group B occupancies
   150 net
   Same as Assembly
   As assigned based upon the actual use
Day Care
Adult Day Care
   35 net
   30 net
   Classroom area - Group E occupancies, with standard student desks, through the 12th grade
   Classroom area - other than listed above
   Shops, labs with tables and other vocational room areas
   20 net
   Same as Assembly
   50 net
Gymnasiums/Sport Area
   When dedicated for sporting event only
   When usable for other events, e.g. graduation ceremonies, assembly meetings, parties, etc. (includes school gyms)
   Note: All high school gyms will be considered as used for events. Other schools will be individually evaluated.
Total number of sport participants, coaches, and other accessory personnel
15 net
Waiting areas
   When associated with professional services
   When associated with pick up/drop off locations
15 net
Same as primary function
   Section 1010.1 - Add sentence and exception to paragraph to read as follows:
   Electric devices controlling means of ingress or egress shall be permitted through the Fire Department and subject to the approval of the fire code official, as per Section 105.7.20.
   Exception: Stand-alone battery operated or mechanical code-controlled devices that provide unrestricted mechanical egress.
   Section 1010.1.6; amend exception 1 to read as follows:
   1.   In occupancy Group R-2 or R.-3, threshold heights on the exterior side of sliding and side-hinged exterior doors shall be ... {remainder unchanged}...
   Section 1010.2.4; add an item 3.4 and 3.5 to read as follows:
   3.4   When doors or sets of doors at one egress location occur in a series, the key- operated locking devices shall only be installed on one door or set of doors. Key- operated locking devices shall not be installed on both the outer and inner door(s).
   3.5   In lieu of a key-operated locking device (double keyed dead bolt) a thumb turn dead bolt may be used provided it is a 1/4 turn dead bolt. All other provisions, including readily distinguishable as locked, are still applicable.
   Section 1010.2.4; add an item 4.1 to read as follows:
   4.1   Where egress doors are used in pairs and positive latching is required, approved automatic flush bolts shall be permitted to be used, provided that both leaves achieve positive latching regardless of the closing sequence and the door leaf having the automatic flush bolts has no doorknobs or surface mounted hardware.
   Section 1010.2.5; change exceptions 3 and 4 to read as follows:
   3.   Where a pair of doors serves an occupant load of less than 50 persons in a Group B, F, M or S occupancy, manually operated edge- or surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf. The inactive leaf shall contain no doorknobs, panic bars or similar operating hardware.
      When the doors are indistinguishable as to which door to use for exiting, such as matching glass doors with matching push bars, both doors shall be operational and a sign shall be posted adjacent to the doors stating: THESE DOORS TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED.
   4.   Where a pair of doors serves a Group A, B, F, M or S occupancy, manually operated edge- or surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf provided such inactive leaf is not needed to meet egress with requirements and the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. The inactive leaf shall contain no doorknobs, panic bars or similar operating hardware.
      When the doors are indistinguishable as to which door to use for exiting, such as matching glass doors with matching push bars, both doors shall be operational and a sign shall be posted adjacent to the doors stating: THESE DOORS TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED.
   Section 1010.2.7, 1010.2.7.1, 2, and 3 - Change and add to read as follows:
   1010.2.7 Stairway doors. Stairway doors shall comply with the following sections.
   1010.2.7.1 Stairway doors serving other than high rise buildings. Interior stairway means of egress doors shall be openable from both sides without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort.
      1.   Stairway discharge doors shall be openable from the egress side and shall only be locked from the opposite side.
      2.   This section shall not apply to doors arranged in accordance with Section 403.5.3 of the Building Code.
      3.   Stairway exit doors are permitted to be locked from the side opposite the egress side, provided they are openable from the egress side and capable of being unlocked from the ingress side with a master key. Four master keys shall be located in the required key box and shall be labeled "Stairwell Master Key".
   1010.2.7.2 Stairway doors serving high-rise buildings. Stairway exit doors shall be installed and operated as specified in Section 403.5.3 of the building code.
   1010.2.7.3 Stairway door electric locking devices. Only electrified latching panic hardware or electrified latching mortise handsets are allowed to be installed on exit stairwell doors, unless otherwise approved in writing by the fire code official.
   1010.2.12 - Change to read as follows:
   1010.2.12 Sensor release of electrically locked egress doors. The electric locks on sensor released doors are permitted where installed and operated in accordance with all of the following criteria unless otherwise approved by the fire code official:
   1.   Loss of power to the lock or locking system shall automatically unlock the doors.
   2.   The doors shall be arranged to unlock from a manual unlocking device located 40 inches to 48 inches (1016 mm to 1219 mm) vertically above the floor and within 5 feet (1524 mm) of the secured doors. Ready access shall be provided to the manual unlocking device by a red or green actuator at least a 1 5/8 inch diameter and the device shall be clearly identified by a sign that reads "PUSH TO EXIT." When operated, the manual unlocking device shall result in direct interruption of power to the lock -independent of other electronics - and the doors shall remain unlocked for not less than 15 seconds.
      Exception: Electronic touch release panic bars.
   3.   The doors shall additionally be arranged to unlock from an infrared sensor (motion detector) upon approach of the door(s).
   4.   Activation of the building fire alarm system, where provided, shall automatically unlock the doors, and the doors shall remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has been reset.
   5.   Activation of the building automatic sprinkler system or fire detection system, where provided, shall automatically unlock the doors. The doors shall remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has been reset.
   6.   The door locking system units shall be listed in accordance with UL 294.
   Exception: Electric locks that provide free mechanical egress are only required to comply with Item 5. above.
   Section 1010.2.12.1 and 2 - Add to read as follows:
   1010.2.12.1 Emergency release of electrically locked egress doors. When required by the fire code official, an approved positive latching emergency release device that directly interrupts lock power must be located 40 to 48 inches above the floor within 2 feet of the door. An approved sign must be installed that reads "Emergency Door Release". Any alternate means of release must be approved in writing by the fire code official.
   1010.2.12.2 Access to exits. Access to exits shall not be restricted unless approved in writing by the fire code official or otherwise allowed by Section 1010.
   Section 1010.2.13 and 1010.2.13.1 - Change to read as follows:
   1010.2.13 Delayed egress. Delayed egress locks shall not be installed unless approved by variance via the Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals or as required by State or Federal Agency. Where approved as such, delayed egress locking systems shall be permitted to be installed on doors serving any occupancy, except Group A, E and H, in buildings that are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or a fire alarm system installed as required by the occupancy classification specified in Section 907 with additional automatic smoke detection installed in corridors, areas open to the corridors and common areas in accordance with Section 907. {Delete numerical list 1 through 3.}
      1010.2.13.1 Delayed egress locking system. Where approved for use by the Construction and Fire Prevention Board of Appeals or where required by State or Federal Agency, the delayed egress locking system shall be installed... {No change to rest of section.}
   Section 1010.2.13.1 - Delete Exception to Item 4.
   Section 1010.2.14 - Change Items 3. and4. to read as follows:
   3.   The door locking system shall be installed to have the capability of being unlocked at the fire command center, a nursing station or other approved location and shall have an approved means of unlocking at the controlled door.
   4.   A building occupant shall not be required to pass through more than one door equipped with a controlled egress locking system before entering an exit, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 1010.2.14 - Change Exception 2. to read as follows:
   2.   Items 2 through 4 shall not apply to doors to areas where a listed egress control system is utilized to reduce the risk of child abduction from nursery and obstetric areas of a Group 1-2 hospital.
   Section 1012.1; add a sentence to exception number 3. to read as follows:
   This exception applies to parking spaces installed along the vehicle ramp. Accessible parking shall not be installed on the ramp. The portion of the vehicle ramp from the parking space to the next landing can only be used as an exit access for those spaces along the ramp between landings unless in compliance with Section 406.2.5.
   Section 1013.5; changed to read as follows:
   1013.5 Internally illuminated exit signs. Electrically powered and self-luminous exit signs shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 924 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, Sections 1013.5.1, 1013.5.3 and Chapter 27. Exit signs shall be illuminated at all times. If photoluminescent exit signs are approved by Board variance, a charging light shall be installed nearby in accordance with UL 924 that cannot be manually turned off except with the overcurrent protection device.
   Section 1015.8; add exception number 5. to read as follows:
   5.   In the original portion of a historical contributing structure, when creating or installing new windows, or when adjusting the window dimensions of an existing window, the window sill may be as approved by the Historical Cultural and Landmark Commission during their approval process when determined to be appropriate to maintain the historical significance.
   Table 1017.2; amend footnote "c" and add a footnote "f to read as follows:
F-2, S-2, U
300 f
400 c, f
   c.   Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. For Group B occupancies, this sprinkler increase may be applied on each floor that is fully sprinklered throughout, without requiring the entire building to be sprinklered.
   f.   Single use open parking garages in accordance with Section 406.5.4.1, may have the following travel distances:
      -   Non-sprinklered open parking garages may have 450 ft. travel distance.
      -   Sprinklered open-parking garages may have 600 ft. travel distance.
   Section 1020.1; add an exception number 6. to read as follows:
   6.   In existing Group B office buildings, corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire-resistive construction within a single tenant when in compliance with the following:
      a.   the occupant load of the tenant space does not exceed 100; or,
      b.   the building is equipped with an approved fire alarm system in accordance with Section 907.2.2 and smoke detectors are installed within the corridor.
   Table 1020.1; add a footnote "e" to read as follows:
A, B, E, F, M, S, U
Greater than 30
   e.   Corridors of Group B Occupancies need not be of fire-resistive construction when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout.
   Section 1020.7; add exception number 3 and change to read as follows:
   1020.7 Corridor continuity. Corridors shall be continuous from the point of entry to an exit and shall not be interrupted by intervening rooms.
   Exceptions: {No change to Exceptions 1. and 2.}
      3.   When the corridor within an individual tenant space is not required to be fire- resistance-rated, it is permitted to pass through open office/business spaces provided the exit path is clearly marked through the office/business area to the point of exit.
   Section 1027.4; change to read as follows:
   1027.4 Side yards. The open areas adjoining exterior exit ramps or stairways shall be in direct contact with either yards, courts or public ways; the remaining sides are permitted to be enclosed by the exterior walls of the building.
      Exception: Any stairway at the end of an open-ended corridor that is pulled into the building shall be considered an exterior stair if in compliance with both of the following provisions:
      1.   The bottom riser is no more than 1 foot inside the exterior wall, and
      2.   No riser is located more than 20 feet inside the exterior walls.
   Section 1027.6; change to read as follows:
   1027.6 Exterior ramps and stairway protection. Exterior exit stairways and ramps shall be separated from the interior of the building as required in Section 1023.2 Openings shall be limited to those necessary for egress from normally occupied spaces. Where a vertical plane projecting from the edge of an exterior exit stairway or ramp and landings is exposed by other parts of the building at an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.14 rad), the exterior wall shall be rated in accordance with Section 1023.7.
   Exceptions: {No change to Exceptions 1. and 2.}
   3.   Separation from the interior open-ended corridors of the building is not required for exterior exit stairway or ramps, provided that Items 3.1 through 3.6 are met:
      3.1   The building, including corridors and ramps and stairs, shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
      3.2   The open-ended corridors comply with Section 1020.
      3.3   The open-ended corridors are connected on each end to an exterior exit stairway or ramp complying with Section 1027.
      3.4   The exterior walls and openings adjacent to the exterior exit stairway or ramp comply with Section 1023.7
      3.5   At any location in an open-ended corridor where a change of direction exceeding 45 degrees (0.79 rad) occurs, a clear opening of not less than 35 square feet (3.3 m2) or an exterior stairway or ramp shall be provided. Where clear openings are provided, they shall be located so as to minimize the accumulation of smoke or toxic gases.
      3.6   When in compliance with this exception, the travel distance of Section 1006 may be measured from the most remote point to the first tread of the stair.
   Section 1030.1; change to read as follows:
   1030.1 General. A room or spaces used for assembly purposes shall comply with this section.
   Section 1030.1.1.1; change to read as follows:
   1030.1.1.1 Spaces under grandstands and bleachers. Enclosed spaces under grandstands or bleachers shall be separated by fire barriers... {remainder unchanged} ...
   Section 1032.2 - Change to read as follows:
   1032.2 Reliability. Required exit accesses, exits and exit discharges shall be continuously maintained free from obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency at all times. An exit or exit passageway shall not be used for any purpose that interferes with a means of egress.
   Section 1032.2.1 - Add to read as follows:
   1032.2.1 Lift-out bars. In other than I and R occupancies and high-rise buildings, and only when approved by the fire code official, lift-out bars may be utilized under the following provisions:
   1.   Bar shall be removable with a single effort not to exceed 15 pounds.
   2.   Installation of such devices shall not reduce the required minimum egress width of the subject door when fully open. Projections into the means of egress shall not exceed that allowed by Sections 1003.3, 1005 and 1008 and shall not result in an obstruction or impediment to egress.
   3.   Bar shall be marked with "Lift to Remove" in 2-inch letters with contrasting background.
   4.   Each door shall be marked with "This Door to be Unlocked when building is occupied" in 2-inch letters with contrasting background.
   5.   Bars shall be stored in an area not accessible to the public when occupied.
   6.   Bars shall not be capable of being locked in place.
   Section 1032.7 - Change to read as follows:
   1032.7 Emergency escape openings. Required emergency escape openings shall be maintained in accordance with the code in effect at the time of construction or, when applicable, the provisions of Fire Code Chapter 11, or the Minimum Building Standards Code and the following:
   1.   Required emergency escape and rescue openings shall be operational from the inside of the room without the use of keys or tools.
   2.   Bars, grilles, grates or similar devices are allowed to be placed over emergency escape and rescue openings provided the minimum net clear openings size is maintained complies with the code that was in effect at the time of construction and the unit is equipped with smoke alarms installed in accordance with Section 907 of the International Fire Code. Such devices shall be releasable or removable from the inside without the use of a key, tool or force greater than that which is required for normal operation of the escape and rescue opening. Bars, grills, grates and similar devices require a building permit as specified in the Building Code and Residential Code.
   Section 1101.1 - Change to read as follows:
   1101.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all existing buildings lawfully constructed prior to the adoption of this code. The provisions are applicable at any time a building is found to be non-compliant, whether work is being performed or not. The provisions of this section shall not be construed as granting approval of noncompliance with the code under which the building was constructed.
   Section 1101.4 - Change to read as follows:
   1101.4 Owner notification. When a building is found to be in noncompliance with this chapter, the fire code official shall duly notify the owner or authorized representative of the building. Upon receipt of such notice, the owner shall, subject to the time limits established by the fire code official dependent upon the extent of the required work and severity of the violation pertinent to life safety, take necessary actions to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
   Section 1103.1.2 - Add to read as follows;
   1103.1.2 Existing buildings damaged by fire, natural disaster, or other cause. Where existing legal, nonconforming buildings (existing buildings that do not comply with new construction requirements of this code) are damaged by fire, natural disaster, or other cause resulting in greater than 50% damage in area of the structure or resulting in a requirement to demolish greater than 50% of the building area, such building shall be made to comply with this code as new construction.
   Section 1103.3.2 Elevator emergency operation - Delete all exceptions.
   Section 1103.3.3 - Add to read as follows:
   1103.3.3 Posting of Elevators. In high-rise buildings, a permanent sign shall be installed in each elevator cab adjacent to the floor status indicator and at each elevator call station on each floor reading "IN FIRE EMERGENCY, DO NOT USE ELEVATOR USE EXIT STAIRS", or similar verbiage approved by the fire code official.
      1.   Sign may be omitted at the main entrance floor-level call station.
      2.   Occupant evacuation elevators in accordance with Building Code Section 3008.
   Section 1103.4 through 1103.4.3 - Delete and replace as follows:
   1103.4 Vertical openings. Interior vertical shafts, including but not limited to stairways, elevator hoistways, service and utility shafts, that connect two or more stories of a building, shall be enclosed or protected as specified in this section.
   1103.4.1 Group I occupancies. In Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting two or more stories shall be protected with 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction.
      1.   In high-rise buildings of Type I, II-A, III-A or IV construction with the installation of an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, vertical shaft enclosures may be of nonrated construction for required exit stairway enclosures. Vertical shaft enclosures of openings in floors provided for elevators, escalators and supplemental stairways shall not be required, provided such openings are protected by an approved curtain board and water curtain sprinkler system, as per NFPA 13 requirements.
      2.   In non-high-rise buildings with the installation of an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1 1, vertical openings need not be protected.
   In high-rise buildings, all elevators on all floors shall open into elevator lobbies that are separated from the remainder of the building as is required for corridor construction in the Building Code, unless the building is protected throughout by a sprinkler system.
   1103.4.2 Three to five stories. In other than Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting three to five stories shall be protected by either 1-hour fire resistance-rated construction or an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
      1.   Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 occupancies.
      2.   Vertical opening protection is not required for open parking garages and ramps.
      3.   Vertical opening protection for escalators shall be in accordance with Section 1103.4.5 through 1103.4.7.
   1103.4.3 More than five stories. In other than Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting more than five stories shall be protected by 1 -hour fire-resistance rated construction.
      1.   Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 occupancies.
      2.   Vertical opening protection is not required for open parking garages and ramps.
      3.   Vertical opening protection for escalators shall be in accordance with Section 1103.4.5 through 1103.4.7.
      4.   In high-rise buildings of Type I, II-A, III-A or IV construction with the installation of an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, vertical shaft enclosures may be of nonrated construction for required exit stairway enclosures. Vertical shaft enclosures of openings in floors provided for elevators, escalators and supplemental stairways shall not be required, provided such openings are protected by an approved curtain board and water curtain sprinkler system, as per NFPA 13 requirements.
   In high-rise buildings, all elevators on all floors shall open into elevator lobbies that are separated from the remainder of the building as is required for corridor construction in the Building Code, unless the building is protected throughout by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system.
   Section 1103.4.11 - Add to read as follows:
   1103.4.11 Shaft enclosure opening protection. Openings other than those provided for elevator doors in new vertical shaft enclosures constructed of one-hour fire- resistive construction shall be equipped with approved fire assemblies having a fire protection rating of not less than one hour.
   Openings other than those provided for elevator doors in existing vertical shaft enclosures shall be equipped with approved 20-minute-rated fire assemblies, 1 3/4- inch (44 mm) solid wood doors or the equivalent thereto. Doors shall be either selfclosing or automatic closing, and automatic latching.
   Exception: In high-rise buildings of Type I, II-A, III-A or IV construction with the installation of an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1 1 , protection of openings in vertical shaft enclosures may be nonrated but shall not be less than a 1 3/4-inch (44 mm) solid wood door or the equivalent thereto. Doors shall be either self-closing or automatic closing, and automatic latching.
   Section 1103.5.1 Group A-2 - Delete this section in its entirety.
   Section 1103.5.4 High-rise buildings - Delete this section in its entirety
   1103.5.4 Fire extinguishing systems for certain hazards. Approved fire protection systems are required for the following hazards in existing buildings.
      1103.5.4.1 Spray Booths and Rooms. New and existing spray booths and spraying rooms in existing buildings of any occupancy shall be protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system, as per Section 903 or 904, as applicable.
      1103.5.4.2 Basements. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in basements as required by Section 903.2.11.1.
   Section 1103.6, 1103.6.1 and 1103.6.2 - Delete and replace as follows:
   1103.6 Standpipes. Any building over four stories in height shall be provided with an approved Class I or Class III standpipe system installed in accordance with Section 905, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. The standpipes shall have an approved fire department connection with hose connections located at every intermediate landing above or below the lowest level of fire department access. Existing standpipes having hose connections at the floor landing may continue to remain and be maintained as such. The fire code official is authorized to approve the installation of manual standpipe systems to achieve compliance with this section where the responding fire department is capable of providing the required hose flow at the highest standpipe outlet.
   Section 1103.7 Fire alarm systems - Change Exceptions to read as follows:
      1.   For other than existing Group R occupancies and dwellings not classified as Group R occupancies under Section 1103.8, occupancies with an existing previously approved fire alarm system.
      2.   In high-rise buildings of Type I, II-A, III-A or IV construction, the manual fire alarm system and occupant notification is not required when an approved automatic sprinkler system is installed throughout the building in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
   Section 1103.7.1 Group E - Delete all exceptions.
   Section 1103.7.7 - Add to read as follows:
   1103.7.7 Group R-4. Single and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in existing Group R-4 occupancies in accordance with Section 1103.8.
   Section 1103.7.8 - Add to read as follows:
   1103.7.8 Group A-2. Existing Group A-2 occupancies having an occupant load of three hundred (300) or more shall install a fire alarm system in accordance with Section 907.2.1.
   Section 1103. 7.9 - Add to read as follows:
   1103.7.9 High-rise fire alarm system. Existing high-rise buildings shall be provided with an approved monitored manual fire alarm system and an approved occupant voice notification system throughout, unless the building is provided with approved complete automatic fire sprinkler protection.
   Section 1103.8.1 Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms -Where required - Delete exceptions 1. and 2. only.
   Section 1103.8.4 - Add to read as follows:
   1103.8.4 Rented or leased residential occupancies. Any new or existing rented or leased residential occupancy shall comply with Section 907.11 in its entirety.
   Section 1104.1 - Add exception to read as follows:
   Exception: Means of egress conforming to the requirements of the adopted building code under which they were constructed shall be considered as complying means of egress if, in the opinion of the fire code official, they do not constitute a distinct hazard to life.
   Section 1104.5 - Change to read as follows:
   1104.5 Illumination emergency power. When the building is occupied, exit stairways and corridors shall be illuminated with lights having an intensity of not less than 1 footcandle (10.8 lux) at the floor level. The power supply for means of egress illumination shall normally be provided by the premises' electrical ...{Remainder of section unchanged.}
   Section 1104.16 - Change to read as follows:
   1104.16 Fire escape stairways. Existing fire escape stairways shall comply with Section
   1104.16.1 through 1104.16.7. New fire escape stairways are prohibited.
   Section 1104.25 Egress path markings - Delete and replace as follows:
   1104.25 Stairway doors. Exit doors into exit stairway enclosures shall comply with all of the following.
   1.   Maintained unlocked from the stairway side (opposite of egress side) on at least every incremental fifth floor level and bear a sign stating "ACCESS ONTO FLOOR THIS LEVEL" having minimum 2-inch high letters on contrasting background.
      Exception: The incremental fifth floor may be locked from the stairway side, subject to all of the following conditions:
      1.   All stairway doors that are to be locked from the stairway side shall have the capability of being unlocked simultaneously without unlatching upon a signal from the Fire Command Center, or an approved location, and
      2.   A telephone or other two-way communications system connected to an approved emergency service that operates continuously or an approved emergency pull box or emergency break glass device shall be provided at not less than every fifth floor in each required stairway on the stairway side.
   2.   All other stairway doors into the related exit stairway enclosure may be mechanically or electrically locked (see number 5. below) as approved from the stairway side.
   3.   The stairway side lock shall have the capability to be unlocked with a key. The un- locking shall be mechanical and shall not be dependent on electricity.
   4.   Approved key box required by Section 506 shall contain a minimum of four master keys to unlock the doors from the stairway side. These keys shall be clearly labeled with a tag that reads "Exit Stairway Master Keys".
   5.   Only mechanical egress latching electric crash bars or mechanical egress latching electrified handset access control hardware shall be allowed to control exit stairway doors, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   Section 1104.26 - Add to read as follows:
   1104.26 High-rise stair shaft ventilation. Stair shaft enclosures that extend to the roof shall be provided with an approved manually openable hatch to the exterior having an area not less than 16 square feet (1.486 m2) with a minimum dimension of 2 feet (610 mm), unless provided with complete automatic fire sprinkler protection throughout.
   Exception: Stair shaft enclosures complying with the requirements for smokeproof enclosures per the Building Code and this code.
   Section 1106.1, 1106.1.1, and 1106.1.2 - Delete and replace as follows:
   1106.1 Tire storage yards. Reference Section 3405 regarding the outdoor storage of tires.
   Section 1107 - Add to read as follows:
   1107 Certificate of Occupancy. Those premises not posting a Certificate of Occupancy shall be required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy when required by the building or fire code official. A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be withheld based on non-compliance when a building meets the ordinance under which it was constructed provided the non-compliance items are not considered hazardous. This provision shall not waive the requirement to comply with any retroactive provision of any applicable ordinance.
      1.   One- and two-family dwellings and townhouses regulated by the Residential Code and their associated accessory buildings or structures.
      2.   Community Homes, as defined in the Zoning Code.
Chapter 20
   Section2004.1.1 - Add to read as follows:
   2004.1.1 Transferring fuel in hangars. Flammable and combustible liquids shall not be dispensed into or removed from the fuel system of an aircraft within an aircraft hangar.
   Exception: When approved by the fire code official, fueling and de-fueling of aircraft inside a repair hangar for the specific purpose of evaluating the integrity of the aircraft fuel system may be conducted when sufficient safeguards are provided. These may include enclosed secondary containment of the fueling system, vapor monitoring with automatic shutoffs for the system, leak detection, drainage, spill control, and automatic fire protection adequate to protect the hazard. Fueling and de-fueling operations utilizing refueling units are prohibited inside hangars.
   Section 2004.3 - Change to read as follows:
   2004.3 Cleaning parts. Aircraft engines and parts of aircraft shall not be cleaned with Class I or II liquids in an aircraft hangar or within fifty (50) feet of another aircraft, building, or hangar, unless cleaning is in accordance with Section 5705.3.6. {Delete rest of paragraph.}
Chapter 24
   Section 2401.2 Nonapplicability - Delete this section in its entirety.
   Section 2404.4 - Change to read as follows:
   2404.4 Fire protection. New and existing spray booths and spray rooms shall be protected by an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system complying with Chapter 9. Protection shall also extend to exhaust plenums, exhaust ducts and both sides of dry filters when such filters are used.
Chapter 28
   Section 2803.2.2 - Add to read as follows:
   2803.2.2 Woodworking (or cabinet) shop. Where more than three (3) fixed or table mounted pieces of dust producing equipment exist, each fixed or table mounted piece shall be connected to a dust collection system, in accordance with this section and the Mechanical Code, and interconnected such that the dust collection is automatically activated whenever the equipment is on.
   Section 3103.2 Approval required - Change to read as follows:
   3103.2 Approval required. Tents and membrane structures having an area in excess of 400 square feet (37 m2) shall not be erected, operated or maintained for any purpose without first obtaining a permit and approval from the fire code official. Tents open on any or all sides (canopies) shall also comply with all permitting and tent requirements of this section as a tent.
      1.   Tents used exclusively for recreational camping purposes.
      2.   {Delete this exception in its entirety.}
   Section 3103.1.1 - Add to read as follows:
   3103.1.1 Occupancy. Temporary tents and membrane structures shall be restricted to approved Group A, B, M, S, and U occupancies, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. Group E, F, 1, H, and any day care occupancies are strictly prohibited.
   Section 3103.3.1 Special amusement area - Delete this section in its entirety.
   Section 3103.5 - Change to read as follows:
   3103.5 Use period. Temporary tents, air-supported, air-inflated or tensioned membrane structures shall not be erected for a period of more than 180 days within a 12-month period on a single premise, or as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance, whichever is less.
   Section 3106.5.1 - Change to read as follows:
   3106.5.1 Separation from tents or structures. Cooking appliances or devices that produce sparks or grease-laden vapors or flying embers (firebrands) shall not be used within 20 feet (6096 mm) of a tent or temporary structure. Any cooking involving greaseladen vapors or open flames to be located in a tent shall be located in 'cooking tents' specifically, which must be separated from any other tent, canopy or membrane structure by a minimum of 20 feet. Cooking tents shall also comply with the following, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official:
   1.   If provided with sidewalls or drops, cooking tents shall have an adequate exhaust, shall not be accessible by the public, and shall be limited to 200 square feet each.
   2.   Cooking tents if 75% open on sides, shall have adequate ventilation, shall not be accessible by the public, except for walk-up store front type service, and shall be limited to 400 square feet each.
   3.   All cooking tents shall be provided with Class K portable fire extinguishers for all such cooking operations in accordance with Section 904.11.5.
   4.   Appropriate Health permits shall be obtained and posted,
   Exceptions: {Delete all exceptions.}
Chapter 32
   Table 3206.2 General Fire Protection and Life Safety Requirements - Delete both 'Nonpublic accessible (option 2)' rows from the table.
   Table 3206.2 - Add footnote j to row titled 'High Hazard' and Greater than 300,000' to read as follows:
   j.   High hazard high-piled storage areas shall not exceed 500,000 square feet. A 2-hour fire wall constructed in accordance with Section 706 of the International Building Code shall be used to divide high-piled storage exceeding 500,000 square feet in area.
   Sect ion 3206.4.2 - Add to read as follows:
   3206.4.2 Air handling interlock. Where comfort air handling is provided by High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fans or exhaust fans, such fans shall be provided with a relay/interlock to shut-off upon fire sprinkler waterflow activation.
Chapter 33
   Section 3303.1 - Change to read as follows:
   3303.1 Program development and maintenance. The owner or owner's authorized agent shall be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of an approved, written site safety plan establishing a fire prevention program at the project site applicable throughout all phases of the construction, repair, alteration or demolition work. The plan shall be developed prior to vertical construction above slab for all buildings exceeding 20.000 sq. ft. in aggregate area and shall be maintained on-site for review by any employee, inspector, or code official. Any changes to the plan shall address the requirements of this chapter and other applicable portions of this code, the duties of staff and staff training requirements.
   Section 3305.5.1 - Change to read as follows:
   3305.5.1 Fire watch during construction. A fire watch shall be provided during nonworking hours for new combustible construction that exceeds two stories in height above the lowest adjacent grade at any point along the building perimeter or having an aggregate area exceeding 20,000 square feet in total, or any construction that exceeds 40 feet in height and an area exceeding 50,000 sq. ft. per story, or as required by the fire code official. When required fire protection systems are complete and functional as approved by the fire code official, the fire watch is no longer required.
   Section 3313.2 through 3313.4 Combustible building materials, Vertical construction of Types III, IV and V construction, and Vertical construction, Type I and II construction reduction of water supply requirements - Deleted in their entirety.
   Section 3405.1 - Change to read as follows:
   Outdoor tire and tire byproduct storage. Outdoor tire and tire byproduct storage is prohibited.
   1.   Outdoor tire storage may be permitted when in conjunction with a tire rebuilding, tire recapping, or tire handling operation and less than fifty (50) tires are stored within the boundary of any contiguous properties owned by the same person or persons.
   2.   Outdoor tire storage may be permitted when in conjunction with a tire-rebuilding, tire recapping, or tire handling operation and fifty (50) or more tires are stored within the boundary of any contiguous properties owned by the same person or persons if such tires are suitable for recapping or rebuilding and if:
      2.1.   The ground surface covering in the areas used for and adjacent to storage areas or sixty (60) feet in any direction are hard surfaced and kept free of grass, weeds, debris, etc.; and
      2.2.   The perimeter of the storage area is enclosed by a fence not less than 6 feet in height to restrict access by unauthorized persons; and
      2.3.   Tires are not stored within fifty (50) feet of any structure or property line; and
      2.4.   Storage configurations are piles not to exceed six hundred twenty- five (625) square feet in area with a maximum dimension of fifty (50) feet, a maximum height of ten (10) feet, and a minimum separation between piles of twenty (20) feet; or in racks no more than fifty (50) feet in length and ten (10) feet in width with a minimum aisle separation between racks of ten (10) feet, and
   3.   New or recapped tires displayed for purposes of sale.
   Section 3405.2 through 3405.7 - Delete.
   Section 3407.1 through 3407.4 - Delete.
   Section3409.2 - Add to read as follows:
   3409.2 Fire protection. Automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be required in accordance with Section 903 and Chapter 32 (High-piled storage) regarding fire sprinkler requirements for the storage of rubber tires.
Chapter 50
   Section 5003.6.1 - Add to read as follows:
   5003.6.1 Sign size requirements. Signs required in Section 2703.5 and 2703.5.1 shall have text characters that are a minimum of four (4) inches in height when inside a building and six (6) inches in height when outside a building, or as otherwise approved by the fire code official.
Chapter 56
   Section 5601.1.3 - Delete Exceptions 1, 2, and 4 and change to read as follows:
   5601.1.3 Fireworks. The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited.
   Exception: The use of fireworks for permitted professional fireworks displays as allowed in Section 5608.
   Section 5601.2.2 - Change to read as follows:
   5601.2.2 Sale and retail display. Persons shall not construct a retail display nor offer for sale explosives, explosive materials, or fireworks.
   Section 5601.2.3 - Delete.
   Section 5601.2.4 - Change to read as follows:
   5601.2.4 Financial Responsibility. Before a permit is issued, as required by Section 5601.2, the applicant shall submit proof of Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance coverage with the jurisdiction, in an amount of no less than $5,000,000 for the purpose of the payment of all damages to persons or property which arise from, or are caused by, the conduct of any act authorized by the permit upon which any judicial judgment results. The required coverage limit of liability may be greater than the minimum when conditions at the location warrant the increase due to higher levels of risk exposures. The CGL policy shall have no exclusions for pollution liability.
   {Delete rest of section.}
   Section 5601.2.4.1 - Change to read as follows:
   5601.2.4.1 Blasting. Before approval to do blasting is issued, the applicant for approval shall file a bond or submit a certificate of insurance in such form, amount and coverage to be adequate in each case to indemnify the jurisdiction against any and all damages arising from permitted blasting.
   Section 5601.2.4.2 - Change to read as follows:
   5601.2.4.2 Fireworks display. The permit holder shall furnish a bond or certificate of insurance in an amount deemed adequate by the fire code official for the payment of all potential damages to a person or persons or to property by reason of the permitted display, and arising from any acts of the permit holder, the agent, employees or subcontractors.
   Section 5601.9 - Add to read as follows:
   5601.9 Aiding minors to violate article. No parent or guardian of a minor shall furnish money or a thing of value to a minor for the purchase of fireworks or encourage, act in conjunction with, or in any manner instigate or aid a minor in the commission of possessing, selling, offering for sale, giving away, using, transporting, or manufacturing fireworks within the city. The commission of the offense by the minor on the property under the control or owned by the parent or guardian shall be prima facie proof that the relation or guardian was instigating or aiding the minor.
   Section 5601.10 - Add to read as follows:
   5601.10 Signaling devices. This article shall not apply to the possession or use of signaling devices for current daily consumption by railroads, vessels and others requiring them: or to the possession, sale, or use of normal stocks of flashlight compositions by photographers or dealers in photographic supplies; or to the possession or use of flares or rockets for military or police purposes; or any auto flares, or paper caps containing not in excess of an average of twenty-five one hundredths (25/100ths) of a grain of explosive content per cap, and toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, or other devices for use of such caps, the sale and use of which shall be permitted at all times.
   Section 5601.11 - Add to read as follows:
   5601.11 Territorial applicability. The provisions of this article shall be applicable within the corporate limits of the city, or as allowed by State law.
   Section 5608.2 Permit application - Delete and replace as follows:
   5608.2 Fireworks application and permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, use, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, give away, transport, or discharge fireworks of any description; provided, however, that the fire code official shall have the power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by State-licensed pyrotechnics operator. Every such use or display shall be handled by a competent operator approved by the fire code official, and shall be of such character and so located, discharged, or fired as in the opinion of the fire code official after proper investigation so as not to be hazardous to property or endanger any person. No permit granted shall be transferable.
   The fire code official shall not approve any application for permit for supervised public display of fireworks unless he or she finds that:
   1.   The applicant has filed in the City Secretary's Office a certificate showing the applicant has secured, and agrees to keep in force during the term of the permit, a policy providing for bodily injury and property damage insurance in the amounts as follows:
      Commercial General Liability,
      Per Occurrence   $5,000,000
      Commercial General Liability,    
      Aggregate   $5,000,000
   Such insurance policy shall provide that it cannot be canceled or amended without at least thirty (30) days' notice to the City Secretary; and
   2.   That the applicant has covenanted and agreed in writing to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend at its own expense, the City of Fort Worth, it's officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims or suits for property damage and/or personal injury, including death, or whatsoever kind of character, whether real or asserted, arising out of, or in connection with, the execution, performance or attempted performance of fireworks at a public display whether or not caused, in whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers, agents or employees of the City of Fort Worth; and the applicant hereby assumes all liability and responsibility for any and all claims or suits for property damage and/or personal injury, including death, or whatsoever kind of character, whether real or asserted, arising out of, or in connection with, the execution, performance, or attempted performance of fireworks at a public display, whether or not caused in whole or in part by alleged negligence of officers, agents or employees of the City of Fort Worth. Applicant likewise covenants and agrees, and does hereby indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fort Worth from and against any and all injuries, damage, or destruction of City property arising out of or in connection with, directly or indirectly, all acts or omissions of applicant, his officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors or invitee, or caused by alleged negligence in whole or in part by officers, agents or employees of the City; and
   3.   The application for the permit was made in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of display in accordance with this code: and
   4.   The applicant has included in the application for permit the names of the organization sponsoring the display together with the names of persons actually in charge of the firing of the display; and
   5.   The applicant has included in the application for permit the date and time of day at which the display is to be held; and
   6.   The applicant has included in the application for permit the exact location planned for the display; and
   7.   The applicant has included in the application for the permit a description setting forth the age, experience, and physical characteristics of the persons who are to do the actual discharging of the fireworks; and
   8.   The applicant has included in application for permit the number and kinds of fireworks to be discharged; and
   9.   The applicant has included in the application for permit the manner and place of storage of such fireworks prior to the display; and
   10.   The applicant has included in the application for the permit a diagram of the grounds on which the display is to be held showing the point at which the fireworks are to be discharged, the location of the buildings, highways, and other lines of communication, the lines behind which the audience will be restrained, and the location of all nearby trees, communication or telephone lines, or other overhead obstructions; and
   11.   The applicant has included in the application for permit all licenses and permits issued and required by the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office.
   Section 5608.2.1 Outdoor fireworks displays - Delete and replace as follows:
   5608.2.1 Displays. In addition to the requirements of Section 403, permit applications for outdoor fireworks displays using Division 1.3G fireworks shall include the following:
   1.   The fire code official shall approve the application and issue the permit for the public display of fireworks if he finds that: the applicant has complied with the applicable provisions for this article; the discharge, failure to fire, faulty firing, or fall-out of any fireworks or other objects will not endanger any person, buildings, structures, forests, or brush; and the fireworks are to be fired more than 200 feet from the nearest building, public highway, railroad, or other means of travel; and 50 feet from the nearest above ground telephone or communication line, tree, or other overhead obstruction. In no case shall the fire code official issue a permit for a display to be held within six hundred (600) feet of a school, theater, church, hospital, or similar institution.
   2.   All fireworks that fire a projectile shall be so set up that the projectile will go into the air as nearly as possible in a vertical direction: provided, however, that where such fireworks are to be fired beside a lake or other large body of water, they may be directed in such a manner that the falling residue from the projectile will fall into said body of water.
   3.   Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately disposed of or removed in a manner safe for the particular type of fireworks. The debris from the discharged fireworks shall be properly disposed of by the operator before he leaves the premises. The operator, upon the conclusion of the display, shall make a complete and thorough search for any unfired fireworks or pieces thereof which have failed to fire or function and shall dispose of them in a safe manner. The search shall be instituted at the earliest possible time following that conclusion of the display, but in no event later than the first period of daylight which follows.
   4.   No fireworks display shall be held during any windstorms in which the wind reaches a velocity of more twenty (20) miles per hour.
   5.   All fireworks articles and items at places of display shall be stored in a manner and in a place secure from fire, accidental discharge, and theft, and in a manner approved by the fire code official.
   6.   The approval of any application and issuance of any permits by the fire code official shall in no way be construed as an assumption of responsibility or liability by the City for any damages or injuries to persons or property arising out of or incident to the discharge of fireworks at a public display.
Chapter 57
   Section 5703.6 - Add a sentence to read as follows:
   An approved method of secondary containment shall be provided for underground tank and piping systems.
   Section 5704. - Change to read as follows:
   5704. Class 1 liquids. For Class 1 liquids other than crude oil and asphalt, the fill pipe shall be designed and installed in a manner that will minimize the possibility of generating static electricity by terminating with- in 6 inches (152 mm) of the bottom of the tank.
   Section 5704. Overfill prevention - Add sentence and change Exception to read as follows:
   Additionally, a minimum 5 gallon permanent spill container shall be provided at the fill connection.
   Exception: Outside above-ground tanks with a capacity of 1,320 gallons (5000 L) or less shall only require a 90% audible fill alarm to notify the filler of the tank or a 95% automatic shut-off device. Additionally, a minimum 5 gallon permanent spill container shall be provided at the fill connection.
   Section 5704.2.11.3 Overfill protection and prevention systems - Add sentence to read as follows:
   An exterior weather-proof audio/visual notification device shall be provided to notify the filler of the tank of a high level (90% full) alarm for all underground tanks in addition to the required 95% shut-off device.
   Section 5704.2.11.5 - Add to read as follows:
   5704.2.11.5 Observation wells. Approved sampling tubes, or observation wells, shall be installed in the backfill material of each underground flammable or combustible liquid storage tank. The tubes shall extend from a point twelve (12) inches below the average grade of the excavation to ground level and shall be provided with suitable surface access caps. The number, location, and size of such observation wells shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
   Section5704.2.11.6 - Add to read as follows:
   5704.2.11.6 Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) sumps and dispenser sumps. Approved sumps shall be installed around the STP's and beneath dispensers having underground piping. The sumps around the sub-pumps (STP's) and beneath dispensers shall be liquid and vapor tight and shall be electronically monitored.
   Section 5704.2.11.7 - Add to read as follows:
   5704.2.11.7 Secondary containment. An approved method of secondary containment shall be provided for underground tank systems, including tanks, piping and related components containing fuel.
   Section 5704. Out of service for one year - Add sentence to read as follows:
   Tanks shall only be allowed to be abandoned in place where it can be shown that removal is not possible, due to topography, adjacent buildings or foundations, or other hazards are present, subject to the approval of the fire code official.
   Section 5704.2.14.1 - Delete and replace as follows:
   5704.2.14.1 Removal. Removal of above-ground and underground tanks shall be in accordance with all of the following, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official:
   1.   Flammable and Combustible Liquids Construction Permit required for removal of tank. The fire code official shall be notified prior to starting work at a removal site to inform the inspector as to the schedule of the work to coordinate appropriate inspection times. Tanks shall not be removed from an excavation without the fire code official present.
   2.   Submit copy of TCEQ Construction Notification Form for removal of each tank.
   3.   The excavation shall be properly secured and barricaded to ensure the public safety. Lighted barricades required if the excavation is left open overnight. There shall be no smoking on a flammable/combustible liquids tank removal site at any time.
   4.   Flammable and combustible liquids shall be removed from the tank and connecting piping. Tank shall be cleaned with approved surfactant agent to assist with removal of all flammable/combustible liquid residue in tank. Vacuum trucks shall be bonded and grounded to prevent possible static accumulation.
   5.   Piping at tank openings which is not to be used further shall be disconnected.
   6.   Piping shall be removed from the ground.
      Exception: Piping is allowed to be abandoned in place only where the fire code official determines that removal is not practical. Abandoned piping shall be capped and safeguarded as required by the fire code official.
   7.   Tanks shall be purged of vapor prior to removal from the excavation. Vapors shall be purged out of vent located minimum 12 ft. above grade. (Verify tank atmosphere to be less than 10% LEL prior to removal from excavation with combustible gas meter - contractor shall provide calibrated meter for this purpose.)
   8.   After the tank has been purged of vapor and prior to removal, the tank openings shall be capped or plugged, leaving a 0.125-inch to 0.25-inch- diameter (3.2 mm to 6.4 mm) opening at the top of the tank for pressure equalization. Care shall be taken to avoid damaging the tank. However, in the event that the tank becomes damaged, holes in the tank shall be patched with tape, etc., in a non-hazardous manner (no cutting/welding of any kind and no introduction of a flammable/combustible adhesive) in order to meet the above venting requirement If the tank is so severely damaged that patching is not possible, additional cleaning of the tank with surfactant is required until such time as a 0% LEL can be achieved and maintained.
   9.   The tank atmosphere and the excavation shall be regularly tested (at least hourly) after vapor purge to ensure LEL does not exceed 10% until the tank is removed from both the excavation and the site.
   10.   Tanks shall not be dropped, dragged, or rolled during the process of removal from the excavation and loading of the transport on site, due to potentially hazardous conditions. Tanks shall be lifted from manufacturer-provided lifting lugs on the tank. If this is not possible, straps shall be provided for lifting, rather than wrapping the tank with a chain.
   11.   Tanks shall not be destroyed in the excavation or on site, due to potentially hazardous conditions, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
   12.   Before any tank is removed from a premise, the tank shall be labeled and the manifest of transportation shall be filed with the fire department. The labeling shall include the prior contents of the tank, the address that the tank was removed from, the date that the tank was removed, and that the tank is not suitable for storage of food or liquids intended for human or animal consumption. Letters shall be at least two (2) inches high and contrasting in color with the background.
   13.   Prior to removal from the site, tanks shall be inerted with dry ice adequate for the tank capacity.
   14.   Tanks shall be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. API 1604 shall be utilized as a guide for tank removals unless the above requirements are more stringent.
   Section 5706.3 Well drilling and operating - Add sentence as follows:
   Refer to the City of Fort Worth Gas Drilling and Production Ordinance for other pertinent permitting and requirements.
   Section 5706.3.1.2 - Change to read as follows:
   5706.3.1.2 Streets and railways. Wells shall not be drilled and associated tanks shall not be located within 75 feet of any public street, road, highway, future street or right-of-way, properly line, or nearest rail of an operating railway.
   Section 5706.3.1.3, 5706., and 5706. - Delete and replace as follows:
   5706.3.1.3 Setbacks. There shall be no avenue for an appeal or variance from any of the following minimum setback requirements in this Section, other than those provided for in the Fort Worth Gas Drilling and Production Ordinance.
   5706. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Section only, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section only, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   BUILDING. Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. The term "building" shall be construed as if followed by the words "or portions thereof."
   HABITABLE STRUCTURE. Any structure for which a certificate of occupancy is required. A habitable structure shall not include detached accessory buildings, garages and sheds.
   HOSPITAL BUILDING. All buildings used or designed to and intended to be used for medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing or custodial care on a 24-hour basis, including convalescent facilities, social rehabilitation centers, mental hospitals, detoxification facilities, and alcohol and drug centers.
   LIFT COMPRESSOR. A device that raises the pressure of a compressible fluid (gas) in order to lift gas from the well.
   LINE COMPRESSOR. A device that raises the pressure of a compressible fluid (gas) in order for the gas to be transported through a pipeline.
   MULTIPLE WELL SITE PERMIT. A permit that is required when there is an application for the placement of more than one well on a pad site, as per the Fort Worth Gas Drilling and Production Ordinance.
   OUTER BOUNDARY SURFACE PROPERTY LINE. The outer boundary of any property for which a preliminary plat or concept plan has been filed with the City of Fort Worth
   PROTECTED USE. A residence, religious institution, hospital building, school or public park.
   PUBLIC BUILDING. All buildings with occupancies greater than 50 persons and more than 750 square feet used or designed to and intended to be used for motion picture theaters, symphony and concert halls, television and radio studios admitting an audience, theaters, banquet halls, night clubs, restaurants, taverns and bars, amusement arcades, art galleries, bowling alleys, community halls, courtrooms, dance halls, exhibition halls funeral parlors, gymnasiums without spectator seating, indoor swimming pools and tennis courts without spectator seating, lecture halls, libraries, museums, waiting areas in transportation terminals, pool and billiard parlors, arenas with spectator seating, skating rinks with spectator seating, swimming pools with spectator seator, tennis courts with spectator seating and amusement park outdoor activities.
   PUBLIC PARK. Any structures, bleachers, grandstands and stadiums used for viewing land area dedicated to by the City for traditional park-like recreational purposes.
   RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION. Any building in which persons regularly assemble for religious worship and activities intended primarily for purposes connected with such worship or for propagating a particular form of religious belief.
   RESIDENCE. A house, duplex, apartment, townhouse, condominium, city- inspected mobile homes or other building designed for dwelling purposes, including those for which a building permit has been issued on the date the application for a Gas Well Permit is filed with the Gas Inspector. Residence shall include assisted living facilities, nursing homes (both intermediate care facilities and skilled nursing facilities), residential board and care facilities, group homes, 24-hour shelters, half-way houses, hotels, motels and jails.
   SCHOOL. Any public and private, primary and secondary educational facilities providing education or off-site related school sports venues up through and including the twelfth-grade level and any licensed day care centers, meaning a facility licensed by the State of Texas or by the City of Fort Worth that provides care, training, education, custody, treatment or supervision for more than six children under 14 years of age, and for less than 24 hours per day.
   5706. New Natural Gas Wells. New natural gas wells and associated tanks and equipment shall have setbacks provided in accordance with the requirements of the Fort Worth Gas Drilling and Production Ordinance.
   5706. Existing Natural Gas Wells. Where natural gas wells are existing, the following setback requirements shall apply.
   1.   A Protected Use or Public Building shall not be constructed within three hundred (300) feet of the center of a gas well, at the surface of the ground, or within two hundred twenty-five (225) feet of a gas well pad site having a Multiple Well Site Permit.
      Exception: Residential structures on platted lots prior to 4/3/2009 shall not be constructed within two hundred (200) feet of the center of a gas well, at the surface of the ground, or within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of a gas well pad site having a Multiple Well Site Permit.
   2.   A Habitable Structure shall not be constructed within two hundred (200) feet of the center of a gas well, at the surface of the ground, or within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of a gas well pad site having a Multiple Well Site Permit.
   3.   An accessory building, not necessary to the operation of the well, shall not be constructed within one hundred (100) feet of the center of a gas well, at the surface of the ground, or within twenty-five (25) feet of a gas well pad site having a Multiple Well Site Permit.
   4.   A Protected Use, Public Building, or Habitable Structure shall not be constructed within two hundred (200) feet of the closest tank battery or permanently installed equipment associated with a gas well.
      Exception: This required distance in Number 4 above shall be reduced to one hundred (100) feet on lots platted prior to 4/3/2009.
   5.   No structure of any kind shall be constructed over or within five (5) feet of an abandoned gas well, which is required to have a 5-foot no build easement surrounding it by the Gas Drilling and Production Ordinance.
   The setback distances above shall be calculated from the well bore, or edge of pad site for Multiple Well Site Permit, in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, to the closest exterior point of any object indicated in this Section.
   5706. Compressor Stations - Natural Gas Facilities. Natural gas compressor stations shall be provided with the following setbacks.
      5706. New Lift or Line Compressors. New natural gas Lift or Line Compressors shall have setbacks provided in accordance with the requirements of the Fort Worth Gas Drilling and Production Ordinance.
      5706. Existing Lift Compressor. Any Protected Use, Public Building, or Habitable Structure shall be setback a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any existing Lift Compressor.
      5706. Existing Line Compressor. Any Protected Use shall be setback a minimum of six hundred (600) feet from any existing Line Compressor site. Any Public Building or Habitable Structure shall be setback a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from any existing Line Compressor site. Any Protected Use, Public Building or Habitable Structure shall be setback a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any equipment and buildings not part of the operation of the compressor.
         Exception: When the line compressor site is located in Light, Medium, or Heavy Industrial zoning districts ("I", "J", or "K"), the setback to a Protected Use shall be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from any existing fully enclosed Line Compressor sites.
      5706. Setback Measurement. The measurement of the setback distance shall be made from the boundary of the Line Compressor Site as permitted by the City of Fort Worth Gas Well Ordinance, in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, to the closest exterior point of the proposed Protected Use or boundary line of a Public Park or property line of a School.
   Sections 5706. - Add to read as follows:
   5706. Fees. Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in Section 105, the fees for mobile fueling permits are as set forth in Appendix K.
   Sections 5707.1.1 Approval required - Add paragraph as follows:
   Dispensing of Class I, II and III motor vehicle fuel from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles located at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments is allowed where permitted, provided such dispensing operations are conducted in accordance with the following and Appendix K. Mobile fueling of Class I liquids shall be strictly prohibited in residential areas of all types, shall comply with all requirements of the Fire Department's Mobile Fueling policy, shall require permitting as indicated above, and shall require Fire Marshal approval in all cases.
   Sections 5707.1.2 - Add to read as follows:
   5701.1.2 Fees. Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in Section 105, the fees for mobile fueling permits are as set forth in Appendix K.
   Section 5707.4 Mobile fueling areas - Add paragraph to read as follows:
   Mobile fueling sites shall be restricted to commercial, industrial, governmental, or manufacturing, where the parking area having such operations is primarily intended for employee vehicles. Mobile fueling shall be conducted for fleet fueling or employee vehicles only, not the general public. Commercial sites shall be restricted to office-type or similar occupancies that are not primarily intended for use by the public. Mobile fueling of Class I liquids shall be strictly prohibited in residential areas of all types, shall comply with all requirements of the Fire Department's Mobile Fueling policy, shall require permitting as indicated above, and shall require Fire Marshal approval in all cases.
Chapter 61
   Section 6107.4 - Change to read as follows:
   6107.4 Protecting Containers from Vehicles. Where exposed to vehicular damage due to proximity to alleys, driveways or parking areas, LP-gas containers, regulators and piping shall be protected in accordance with Section 312.
   Section 6109.13 - Change to read as follows:
   6109.13 Protection of Containers. LP-gas containers shall be stored within a suitable enclosure or otherwise protected against tampering. Vehicle impact protection shall be provided as required by Section 6107.4.
   Appendix A Board of Appeals - Delete.
   Appendix B - Change to read as follows:
   Section B105 through B105.2 - Delete and replace as follows:
   B105 Fire-flow requirements.
      B105.1 One- and two-family dwellings and townhomes. The minimum required fire-flow shall be 1,000 gpm for 0-3,600 sq. ft., and 1,500 gpm for greater than 3,600 sq. ft. for a minimum duration of 1 hour.
      B105.2 Other than one- and two-family dwellings and townhomes. The minimum required fire-flow shall be 1,500 gpm for a minimum duration of 2 hours, unless otherwise required by the fire code official.
   Appendix C Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution - Delete.
   Appendix D Fire Apparatus Access Roads - Delete.
   Appendix E - As written.
   Appendix F Hazard Ranking - Delete.
   Appendix G - As written.
   Appendix H HMMP and HMIS - Change to read as follows:
Appendix H
   H101.1 The fire inspections for all commercial establishments (defined as all buildings, facilities, and structures, including but not limited to residential structures, except one- and two-family residential dwellings) - all buildings/facilities required to have a Certificate of Occupancy shall be in accordance with this Appendix and Section 105, Permits, and Section 106, Inspections, of the Fire Code. The fire inspection of mobile home recreational vehicle parking facilities will be in accordance with Appendix J of this code.
   H102.1 General. A Certificate of Inspection will be issued by the fire department in accordance with Section 102 of this Appendix. A Certificate of inspection will be issued only after all inspection procedures have been followed in accordance with Section 103 of this Appendix, Inspection Procedures, and all fees have been paid in accordance with Section 104 of this Appendix, Fees for Inspections and Operational Permits.
      H102.1.1 Required Certificate of Inspection for buildings less than four stories in height. The occupant of every commercial establishment shall be required to have a valid certificate of inspection.
         Exception: An owner or manager of a building less than four stories in height may request that the building he.'she manages or owns receive a valid Certificate of Inspection for the entire building, structure, or facility, including all tenant spaces. The building owner must provide after hours contact information that is current and acceptable for all tenants in the building. The owner or his designee must have access to all tenant spaces in case of an emergency. Where there is a significant difference in occupancy classifications among the tenant spaces, the chief reserves the authority to require separate Certificates of Inspection for those spaces.
      H102.1.2 Required Certificate of Inspection for buildings of four stories or more in height. The owner, building manager, or property manager representative of any building with four or more occupied floors existing above street level shall be required to have a valid Certificate of Inspection for the entire building, structure, or facility.
   H102.2 Expiration. A Certificate of Inspection shall be valid until a subsequent inspection takes place or until revoked: provided, however, that possession of a Certificate of Inspection shall not exempt a commercial establishment from reinspection or citation for violations occurring during the period of time between inspections.
   H102.3 Transfer of Certificate of Inspection. A Certificate of Inspection shall not be transferable, and any change in use or occupancy of the major portion of the building or operation shall require a new Certificate of Inspection.
   H102.4 Conditions of Certificates of Inspection. The issuance or granting of a Certificate of Inspection shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of this code. No certificate presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful.
   H102.5 Retention of Certificate of Inspection. Certificates of Inspection shall at all times be kept on the premises designated therein and shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous location and be subject to inspection by an officer of the fire or police department or other authorized persons.
   H102.6 Revocation of Certificate of Inspection. Any Certificate of Inspection issued under this code may be suspended or revoked when it is determined by the chief that one or more of the following has occurred:
   1.   The Certificate of Inspection was used by someone other than to whom it was issued.
   2.   The Certificate of Inspection was used for a location other than that for which it was issued.
   3.   Any of the conditions or limitations set forth in the certificate have been violated.
   4.   The possessor of the certificate fails, refuses, or neglects to comply with any order or notice served upon him under the provisions of this code within the time period provided therein.
   5.   There has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the plans, specifications, or documentation on which the certificate was based.
   6.   There has been a change in the use or occupancy classification of the building for which a Certificate of Inspection has been issued.
   H104.1 General. Fees for fire inspections and operational permits will be in accordance with Section 104 of this Appendix. Fees for the inspection of mobile home and recreational vehicle parking facilities will be in accordance with Appendix J of this code.
   H104.2 Fees for fire inspections. A fire inspection fee will be charged not more than once per calendar year for a fire inspection of all occupancies requiring a Certificate of Inspection as set forth in Section 102 of this Appendix. These fees shall be paid before a Certificate of Inspection is issued. The fees for fire inspection will be the sum of the base fee as set forth in Table H104.1 and the multiple-story fee as set forth in H104.2.1.
   Table H104.1 Base Fees for Fire Inspections
Number of Square Feet of Floor Area in Building or Business
Base Fee
Number of Square Feet of Floor Area in Building or Business
Base Fee
Less than 5,000
5,001 -10,000
25,001 -50,000
Greater than 100.000
$175.00 plus $30.00 for each additional 50,000 sq. ft. or portion
      H104.2.1 Multiple-story fee. An additional fee of $10.00 per floor will be added to the base fee for inspection of buildings with four or more occupied floors above the street level.
      H104.2.2 Shopping malls. Shopping malls shall be assessed an inspection fee based on total floor area of the public areas within the structure plus the per story charge. The individual tenant spaces will be assessed fees based on the square footage of the individual space.
   H104.3 Fees for operational permits. The fee for all operational permits will be as set forth in Table H104.2. Fees for Mobile Fueling Permits will be in accordance with Appendix K.
Table H104.2
Fees for Operational Permits
IFC Section
Operational Permit
Fee Amount
IFC Section
Operational Permit
Fee Amount
Additive Manufacturing
Aerosol Products
Amusement Buildings
Aviation Facilities
Cellulose nitrate film
Combustible Dust-Producing
Combustible Fibers
Compressed Gases
Cryogenic Fluids
Cutting and Welding
Energy Storage Systems
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Floor Finishing
Fruit and Crop Ripening
Fumigation and Thermal Insecticide Fogging
Hazardous Materials
HPM Facilities
High-Piled Storage
Hot Work Operations
Industrial Ovens
Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants
Liquid or Gas-Fueled Vehicles/Equipment in Assembly
Miscellaneous Combustible Storage
Trench Burning
Open Flames and Torches
Open Flames and Candles
Organic Coatings
Places of Assembly
$75.00-Occupant Load <300.
$150.00-Occupant Load 301-1000
$350-Occupant Load > 1000
Pyrotechnic Special Effects Material (or, if requested within 15 days of the
Additional $175.00
Pyroxylin Plastics
Repair Garages and Motor Fuel- Dispensing Facilities
Rooftop Heliports
Spraying and Dipping
Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts
Temporary Membrane Structures, Tents, and Canopies
Tire Rebuilding Plants
Waste Handling
Wood Products
Special Operational Permit
$125.00 (If Inspector is required onsite beyond 1 hour, hourly rate shall be charged)
Mobile Fueling
See Appendix K
   H105.1 General. Fees will be assessed to commercial establishments for excessive false alarms in accordance with Section 105 of this Appendix.
   H105.2 Definitions. For the purpose of this Appendix the following definitions shall apply in addition to those in Section 202, General Definitions, and Section 902, Definitions, of the Fire Code.
      H105.2.1 False alarm. For the purpose of this section, a false alarm is defined as an alarm which causes the emergency response by the fire department and which is initiated by one of the following:
      1.   A fire alarm system malfunction.
      2.   Improper maintenance of a fire alarm or an automatic fire suppression system.
      3.   Improper use or misuse of a fire alarm system or an automatic fire suppression system.
      4.   Damage to a fire alarm system or automatic fire suppression system due to carelessness while performing other procedures in the building.
      5.   The initiation of a fire alarm system during construction, painting, or other procedure in which care should have been taken to protect initiating devices from sending a false signal.
   H105.3 Procedure. The procedure used to assess false alarm complaints and application of the fees contained herein will be in accordance with Section H105.3.
      H105.3.1 Review of Incident Reports. False alarm incidents will be reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau on a regular basis to determine if those incidents meet the criteria stated in Section Hl 05.2.1 of this Appendix.
      H105.3.2 Notification. Upon the review of a false alarm incident report, a member of the Fire Prevention Bureau will verify the validity of the complaint. The owner or manager of the premises in question will then be issued a written notice to take measures to correct any problem that may be causing the false alarms. The notice will state that future false alarms at the referenced address, which occur within twelve months of the original complaint, will cause the owner or manager of the establishment to be invoiced in accordance with Section 105.4 of this Appendix, Fees.
      H105.3.3 Invoice for false alarms. An invoice will be mailed to any establishment for all reported false alarms which occur after the written notification in accordance with Section 105.3.2 of this Appendix is issued, and which occur before a period of twelve months has passed since the written notification. The invoice will be in accordance with Section 105.4 of this Appendix, Fees.
   H105.4 Fees. A fee in accordance with Table H105.1 will be assessed for each false alarm reported to the Fire Prevention Bureau after written notification is issued in accordance with Section 105.3.2 of this Appendix.
Table H105.1
Number of False Alarms in a 12 Month Period
Fee Amount
No Fee/Warning
7 or more
   H106.1 Overpayment of fees. All business owners requesting reimbursement of overpayments on inspection fees must notify the fire department no later than one year from the actual date of inspection. Requests must be written and mailed to Fire Administration - Revenue Group, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Telephone requests will not be accepted. The request must contain appropriate documentation of overpayment, such as copies of both sides of the canceled check. Requests must include the business name, address (including suite number if applicable) and a contact person's name and telephone number.
   Appendix I Fire Protection Systems Noncompliant Conditions - Delete and replace as follows:
Appendix I
   1101.1 The installation of fire service features and fire protections systems shall be in accordance with this Appendix and Section 105, Permits; Section 106, Inspections; Section 503, Fire Apparatus Access Roads; and Section 508, Fire Protection Water Supplies, of the Fire Code.
1102 FEES
   1102 General. Upon application for a construction permit in accordance with Section 105 for fire protection systems, the applicant shall be required to pay all fees associated with the installation or tenant finish work as specified in Table 1102.1.
      1102.1.1 Pre-engineered extinguishing systems. Construction permit fees for these systems shall be one half of the fees designated in Table 1102.1 for "Other Suppression Systems." This does not affect the permit fee schedule indicated in Table 1102.1 for pre-engineered kitchen hood extinguishing systems.
   1102.2 Penalty. Fees specified in Table 1102.1 will be doubled if a contractor starts installation or tenant finish work without a valid permit.
   1102.3 Additional plan review. When the original plans have been reviewed and found to be acceptable, an additional plan review fee of $200.00 shall be charged to the fire protection system contractor for each additional plan review conducted.
   1102.4 Resubmittal plan review. When the original plans have been reviewed and found to be unacceptable, a fee equivalent to one-half of the permit fee will be charged for the second plan review and each subsequent review until the plans are found to be acceptable.
   1102.5 Inspection failure. Re-inspections that are required due to lack of readiness on the part of the applicant/contractor or due to Fire Code violations shall be charged a 4 hour minimum fee.
New Sprinkler Installations:
1 to 20 sprinklers
21 to 100 sprinklers
Over 100 sprinklers
With fire pump
With foam
Each additional floor
With private water storage
Add/Relocate Sprinkler Installations:
1 to 10 sprinklers
11 and more sprinklers
$500.00 plus $100.00 for each additional 100 sprinklers or fraction thereof in excess of 100
$500.00 additional
$500.00 additional
$500.00 additional
No Fee/No Inspection
Same as New Sprinkler fee schedule above.
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after two inspections.
Underground Installation
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after two inspections.
Pre-Engineered Kitchen Hood Extinguishing Systems (per Hood)
$200.00 per kitchen hood having the preengineered extinguishing system
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
New Fire Alarm Installation:
1 to 4 initiating devices
5 to 25 total devices
Over 25 total devices
Each additional panel
Each additional floor
$500.00 plus $100.00 for each additional 100 devices or fraction thereof in excess of 25
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Other New Suppression Systems:
(Gaseous, CO2, Dry Chemical, etc.)
1 to 5 nozzles
Over 5 nozzles
$500.00 plus $70.00 per nozzle over 5 nozzles.
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Standpipe Systems:
1 to 3 risers
4 or more risers
With fire pump
$500.00 additional
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after two inspections.
Smoke Control or Exhaust Systems Installations
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Compressed Gas Tanks Installation
$150.00 per tank
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after two inspections.
Cryogenic Fluid Tank Installations
$150.00 per tank
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Installations and Removals
$350.00 per tank or per site for piping/dispensing/other
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after two inspections.
Hazardous Materials Facility Installation/Construction
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Industrial Oven Installations
$150.00 per oven
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
LP Gas Tanks/Facilities Installation
$150.00 per tank
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Temporary Membrane Structure, Tents, and Canopies Installations (per event)
$150.00 per tent type structure
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Access Control Systems
1 to 4 devices
5 to 25 devices
More than 25 devices
$275.00 Plus $100.00 for each 100 devices over 25 or fraction thereof.
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Equipment (Installation)
$275.00 per building
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Energy Systems (Installation)
$150.00 per battery system installation
$110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
Firefighter Air Replenishment Systems (FARS) (Installation)
$275.00 per building
110.00 per hour fee for any additional inspections after one inspection.
   Appendix J Building Information Sign - Delete and replace as follows:
Appendix J
   J101.1 Definitions. For the purpose of this Appendix, certain words and phrases are defined and certain provisions shall be construed as set forth herein, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended. When terms are not defined in this section, they shall have the meanings set forth in Article 2 of the Fire Code.
   MANUFACTURED HOME, HUD-CODE. A structure constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight (8) body feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems. The term does not include a recreational vehicle as that term is defined by 24 CFR § 3282.8(g).
   LOT. A plot of ground within a mobile home park or recreational vehicle park as indicated on the construction plan, which is designed to accommodate one (1) manufactured home or recreational vehicle respectively.
HUD-code manufactured home and mobile home, and collectively means and refers to both.
   MANUFACTURED HOME ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. Any structural addition to a manufactured home or mobile home park lot which includes awnings, cabanas, carports, Florida rooms, porches, ramadas, storage cabinets and buildings, and similar appurtenant structures.
   MINIMUM BUILDING STANDARDS CODE. That article of the "Buildings" chapter of the City Code so designated.
   MANUFACTURED HOME. A structure that was constructed before June 15, 1976, transport-able in one (1) or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight (8) body feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems.
   MANUFACTURED HOME PARK. A unified development of lots arranged on a tract of land under common ownership, which has been planned and improved for the placement of two (2) or more manufactured homes for non-transient occupancy.
   PERMANENT FOUNDATION. A manufactured home stand constructed per the requirements of the Texas Department of Labor and Standards.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. A vehicle which is: (a) built on a single chassis; (b) four hundred (400) square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections; (c) self- propelled or permanently towable by an automobile or light duty truck; (d) designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use; and (e) required by Texas law to have a valid vehicle registration when traveling upon public streets. It shall not include a manufactured home.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK. A unified development on a tract of land under common ownership designed primarily for transient service, on which recreational vehicles of the general public are parked or situated.
   ZONING ORDINANCE. The comprehensive zoning ordinance of the City of Fort Worth.
   J201.1 Applicability. All manufactured home parks and manufactured homes shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with this appendix, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Minimum Building Standards Code, and all other applicable provisions of the City Code. Any reference to "mobile home" elsewhere in the City Code shall mean "manufactured home" as defined by this appendix.
   J202.1 Each manufactured home park tenant shall maintain the tenant's manufactured home and lot in compliance with the following:
      J202.1.1 The manufactured home shall be properly placed on its stand and anchored to a permanent foundation. All utilities shall be properly installed in accordance with the instructions of the park's owner or operator, and in accordance with the City Code. The building official has the right to refuse to issue all permits to hook a manufactured home up to utilities until the tenant or owner or operator of the park shows proof that the manufactured home has been anchored in accordance with state regulations.
      J202.1.2 A noncombustible skirting shall be installed around the manufactured home. Such skirting may include any vents, screens, and/or openings necessary for utility and mechanical system hookups.
      J202.1.3 The skirting, and any porches, stairways, awnings and other additions shall be constructed, installed, and maintained in good repair. All requirements of the Building Code pertaining to single family dwellings for like structures or additions shall be applicable.
      J202.1.4 The space beneath a manufactured home shall not be used for storage.
   J202.2 A person commits an offense if the person is a mobile home park tenant and knowingly fails to maintain the person's manufactured home and lot in compliance with this section.
   J202.3 A person commits an offense if the person owns or operates a mobile home park and knowingly allows or suffers a violation of this section by a tenant.
   J203.1 Each manufactured home park owner or operator shall ensure that its park staff is instructed in the use of park fire protection equipment and in the staffs specific duties in the event of a fire.
   J203.2 The fire chief may make printed safety instructions available to all manufactured home park owners or operators for distribution to their tenants.
   J301.1 Applicability. All recreational vehicle parks shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with this appendix, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Minimum Building Standards Code, and all other applicable provisions of the City Code.
   J302.1 Each recreational vehicle park, owner or operator, shall ensure that its park staff is instructed in the use of park fire protection equipment and in their specific duties in the event of a fire.
   J302.2 The fire chief may make printed safety instructions available to all recreational vehicle park owners or operators for distribution to their guests.
   J401.1 An annual fee is hereby charged to the owner of each manufactured home park and recreational vehicle park located within the city, to provide for inspections by the fire code official to determine compliance with the requirements of the Fire Code and of the requirements of this appendix relative to fire safety.
      J401.1.1 Calculation of inspection fee. The annual inspection fee for inspections required by this section are calculated as the total of the following:
      a.   Base fee of $200.00.
      b.   Additional fee of $5.00 per individual lot within the park.
   J401.2 All other requirements of Appendix H shall apply with regards to issuance of Certificates of Inspections.
   J500.1 Mobile Home Park regulations were first adopted in May 18, 1970 (with retroactive provisions), Ordinance 6293 Recreational Vehicle Park regulations were first adopted by Ordinance 6372, effective October 12, 1970. Under Ordinance 12264, City Code Chapter 21, Mobile Home Parks was deleted and the provisions moved to the Fire Code Appendix. Such Appendix was continued thru Ordinances 14652, 14688 and 16027.
   Appendix K Construction Requirements for Existing Ambulatory Care Facilities - Delete and replace as follows:
Appendix K
   K101.1 Mobile fueling permit fees. Mobile fueling permit fees will be assessed as set forth in Table K101.1. Permits shall renew annually.
      K101.1.1 Mobile fueling site permit. The mobile fueling site permit fee shall be required for each site, as defined by this code.
      K101.1.2 Mobile refueling vehicle permit. The mobile refueling vehicle fee shall be applicable based on the VIN number provided by the applicant for the subject vehicle and a copy of the applicable mobile refueling vehicle permit shall be maintained in or on the vehicle at all times.
Table K101.1
Mobile Fueling Permit Fees
For Each Site
For Each Refueling Vehicle.
Initial Permit Fee
Permit Annual Renewal Fee
   Appendix L - Change to read as follows:
Appendix L
   Section L101.1 - Change to read as follows:
   Section L101.1 Scope. Fire fighter air replenishment systems (FARS) shall be provided in accordance with this appendix in new buildings when any of the following conditions occur:
   1.   Any new building 5 or more stories in height.
   2.   Any new building with 2 or more floors below grade.
   3.   Any new building 500,000 square feet or more in size.
Each stairwell shall have a supply riser. SCBA fill panels shall be located on odd numbered floors commencing at the first level in the primary stairwell and on even numbered floors commencing at level 2 in the remaining stairwells. Fill panels in buildings over 500,000 square feet shall be located adjacent to standpipe connections, or as otherwise approved by the fire code official, and provided with a blue strobe light or approved equivalent activated by general fire alarm signal for ease of location identification by first responders.
(Reason: Breathing air is critical for firefighting operations. Historically, fire departments have supplied air bottles by manually transporting air bottles up stairways or across long distances in a building, which is an extraordinarily intensive process and takes firefighters away from their primary' mission of rescue and firefighting. The FARS technology in Appendix L exists to address this issue using in-building air supply systems. Many jurisdictions in North Texas and across the country have already adopted this Appendix and are enforcing and installing these systems to improve the life safety of firefighters and enhance their firefighting capabilities in an emergency incident, which is one of the reasons for recommending this Appendix for adoption - to ensure regional consistency, as well as to improve mutual emergency aid among jurisdictions in North Texas.)
   Section L104.13.1 Location - Delete this section in its entirety.
   Section L104.14 - Add paragraph to read as follows:
   The external mobile air connection shall be located with approved separation from the Fire Department Connection (FDC) to allow functionality of both devices by first responders; shall be visible from and within 50 ft. of a fire apparatus access road along an unobstructed path; and shall be located in an approved, signed, and secured cabinet.
   Appendix M High-rise Buildings Retroactive Automatic Sprinkler Requirement - Delete and replace as follows:
Appendix M
Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) And Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) Instructions
   {Relocate Appendix H as written from published 2015 IFC in its entirety to Appendix M in these amendments.}
   Appendix N Indoor Trade Shows and Exhibitions - Delete in its entirety.
(Ord. 9281, § 2, passed 1-3-1985; Ord. 9643, § 3, passed 6-3-1986; Ord. 10105, § 2, passed 4-26-1988; Ord. 10328, § 2, passed 6-20-1989; Ord. 10452, § 1, passed 12-5-1989; Ord. 10632, §§ 1, 2, passed 7-12-1990; Ord. 10762, § 1, passed 1-10-1991; Ord. 11389, § 2, passed 8-24-1993; Ord. 11899, §§ 1, 2, passed 4-4-1995; Ord. 12264, § 1, passed 11-21-1995; Ord. 13591, § 1, passed 9-18-1998; Ord. 13636, § 2, passed 11-3-1998; Ord. 14652, § 2, passed 6-25-2001; Ord. 15001, § 1, passed 3-5-2002; Ord. 15704, §§ 1-3, passed 9-30-2003; Ord. 16027, § 2, passed 7-6-2004; Ord. 16252, § 1, passed 1-4-2005; Ord. 17390, § 1, passed 2-6-2007; Ord. 18443-1-2009, § 2, passed 1-13-2009; Ord. 18817-09-2009, §§ 1-5, passed 9-15-2009; Ord. 19607-03-2011, § 2, passed 3-2-2011; Ord. 21137-03-2014, § 1, passed 3-4-2014; Ord. 22058-01-2016, § 1, passed 1-26- 2016; Ord. 22524-12-2016, § 2, passed 12-6-2016, eff. 12-18-2016; Ord. 25388-03-2022, § 2, passed 3-8-2022, eff. 3-24-2022)
   This article shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances and of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances and such code, in which event conflicting provisions of such ordinances and of such code are hereby repealed. Former Chapter 13 of the Code, as amended, is expressly superseded by the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 9281, § 4, passed 1-3-1985; Ord. 10105, § 3, passed 4-26-1988; Ord. 10328, § 3, passed 6-20-1989; Ord. 11389, § 3, passed 8-24-1993; Ord. 13636, § 3, passed 11-3-1998; Ord. 14652, § 3, passed 6-25-2001; Ord. 16027, § 3, passed 7-6-2004)