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   (a)   A residents' advisory board to be known as the community development council is hereby established for the purposes of advising the city council on setting priorities for projects funded through the following federal grant programs:
      (1)   Community Development Block Grant program.
      (2)   Emergency Solutions Grant program.
      (3)   Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant program.
      (4)   HOME Investment Partnerships Program.
   (b)   The community development council shall also assist in ensuring compliance with all requirements imposed by the United States government regarding the above listed grant programs.
   (c)   Subject to the provisions of Chapter 2 "Administration," Article III "Boards and Commissions," Division 4 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas (2015), as amended, the community development council shall be comprised of 11 membership places.
   (d)   The mayor and other members of the city council shall each nominate one resident of the City of Fort Worth to serve in each place. Members appointed to odd-numbered places shall have terms which expire in odd-numbered years, and members appointed to even-numbered places shall have terms which expire in even-numbered years.
   (e)   Members shall serve two-year terms, and no member shall serve more than three consecutive two-year terms.
   (f)   Members shall serve without compensation and may be removed at any time by the city council.
   (g)   The community development council shall have powers and functions as described in Division 5 of this article.
(Ord. 26353-08-2023, § 3, passed 8-8-2023)