Charter reference:
Council to provide by ordinance for establishment and regulation of department of police, see Ch. XI, § 1
Administration generally, see Ch. 2
General penalty for code violations, see § 1-6
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Offenses and miscellaneous provisions, see Ch. 23
Statutory reference:
Authority to provide for police department, see Tex. Local Government Code Ch. 341
Article I: In General
27-1 Authority to provide law enforcement services to other municipalities
27-2 Police identification number keeper register
27-3 Police reserve force
27-4—27-20 Reserved
Article II: Department
27-21—27-23 Reserved
27-24 Police appointees
27-25 Police officer selection procedure; oath
27-26 Appointment of special officers
27-27 Powers and duties generally; city jail
27-28 Assignment pay; bilingual personnel
27-29 Community development officers
27-30 Reserved
27-31 Assignment pay; traffic investigation unit
27-32 Assignment pay—Rangemaster of police department weapons range
27-33 Assignment pay—Field training officers
27-34 Shift differential pay
27-35 Reserved
27-36—27-40 Reserved
Article III: Abandoned or Unclaimed Property
27-41 Disposition of unclaimed property
27-42 List of saleable property; delivery of property to purchasing agent
27-43 Notice of sale; assignment of property to city departments
27-44 Place, hour of auction; non-cash sales
27-45 Conduct of auction; statement of articles sold, price bid and paid; delivery of proceeds to treasurer
27-46 Disposition of funds
27-47 City officers, employees not to submit bids or purchase property
27-48 Penalty for violation
(a) Except where the context clearly indicates to the contrary, the words
MUNICIPALITY and LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER are defined as follows, for the purposes of this section.
LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Any police officer, sheriff or deputy sheriff, constable or deputy constable, marshal or deputy marshal.
MUNICIPALITY. Any city or town, including home rule city or city operating under the general law or special charter.
(b) The chief of police or his or her duly authorized assistant chief is hereby authorized to detail regularly employed law enforcement officers of the city police department to assist any other county or municipality when, in the opinion of the mayor or other officer authorized to declare a state of civil emergency in such other county or municipality, there exists in such other county or municipality, there exists in such other county or municipality a need for the services of additional law enforcement officers to protect the health, life and property of such other county or municipality, its inhabitants and visitors thereto, by reason of riot, unlawful assembly characterized by the use of force and violence or threat thereof by three or more persons acting together or without lawful authority, or during a time of natural disaster or human-made calamity, and a request for additional law enforcement officers is made to the city’s chief of police by the mayor or officer authorized to declare a state of emergency in such other county or municipality.
(c) While any law enforcement officer regularly employed as such in the city is in the service of another county or municipality pursuant to this section, he or she shall be a peace officer of such other county or municipality and be under the command of the law enforcement officer therein who is in charge in that county or municipality, with all of the powers of a regular law enforcement officer in such other county or municipality, as fully as though he or she were within the city where regularly employed, and his or her qualifications for office in the city shall constitute his or her qualifications for office in such other county or municipality and no other oath, bond or compensation need be made.
(d) Any law enforcement officer who is ordered by the chief of police to perform police and peace duties outside the territorial limits of the city shall be entitled to receive the same wage, salary, pension, all other compensation and all other rights for such service, including injury or death benefits, the same as though the services had been rendered within the limits of the city where he or she is regularly employed, and he or she shall also be paid for any reasonable expenses of travel, food or lodging which he or she may incur while on duty outside such limits.
(e) Unless otherwise expressly agreed to by the city pursuant to a law enforcement interlocal assistance agreement duly executed by the city and other counties or municipalities, all wages and disability payments, pension payments, payments for damage to equipment and clothing, medical expenses and expenses of travel, food and lodging shall be paid by the city and shall be reimbursed by the county or municipality whose authorized official requested the services.
(1964 Code, § 29A-12) (Ord. 6597, §§ 1—5, passed 12-13-1971; Ord. 8433, § 1, passed 9-19-1981; Ord. 9029, § 1, passed 2-7-1984; Ord. 20678-03-2013, § 1, passed 3-26-2013)
Statutory reference:
Interlocal assistance, see V.A.C.S. Art. 999b