The mayor, mayor pro tem or any three of the council members may call a special meeting of the city council to be held at such hour and date as may be specified in the notice calling such meeting, which notice must be given to each member of the council personally, if possible, after reasonable effort has been exerted; otherwise, notice for the purpose in this section shall be deemed sufficient if a written notice calling such meeting is left at either the business or residence address of each member prior to the time such meeting is held.
(1964 Code, § 2-2)
Charter reference:
Meetings, see Ch. III, § 5
Nominating and electing members of council, see Ch. IV, §§ 1 through 3
No member of the city council shall be excused from voting except on matters involving the consideration of his or her own official conduct, or where his or her financial interests are involved. The council shall determine its own rules of procedure, and may punish its members for misconduct, and may compel the attendance of absent members.
(1964 Code, § 2-2.1) (Ord. 8613, § 1, passed 8-3-1982)
The city council, the city manager or any person or committee authorized by either the city council or the city manager, or both of them, shall have power to inquire into the conduct of any department, office, officer or employee of the city, to make investigations as to city affairs, and, for that purpose, the mayor, city manager or any member of such committee may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and compel the production of books, papers and other evidence material to such inquiry. Such subpoena or subpoena duces tecum may be served by any police officer of the city or any sheriff or constable of the state, or by any person deputized or authorized to do so by the mayor, city manager or any member of the committee.
(1964 Code, § 2-3)
Every person who voluntarily appears, or who, having been summoned as a witness by the authority of the city council or the city manager, or both of them, to give testimony or to produce books, papers and other evidence material to the inquiry being conducted by the city council, city manager or any committee authorized by either the city council or the city manager, or both of them, willfully makes default or refuses to answer any question pertinent to the matter under investigation, or refuses to obey any subpoenas or fails to produce books, papers and other evidence required by them, or any of them, shall be deemed guilty of contempt and may be fined as provided in § 1-6 of this code.
(1964 Code, § 2-4)
Charter reference:
Council to provide by ordinance penalties for failure to comply with subpoenas or furnish books, etc., in connection with investigation, see Ch. V, § 7
(1964 Code, § 2-5)
It shall be the duty of every person owing any taxes to the city to pay the same at the office of the city assessor-collector of taxes before the last day of December of the same year for which the assessment on which such taxes are due is made.
(1964 Code, § 2-7)
City taxation generally, see Ch. 32
The assessor-collector of taxes, or his or her authorized deputy shall, upon request, issue a certificate showing the amount of taxes and penalty due, if any, on property located within the city and described in such certificate. A charge of $4 shall be made for each separate lot, tract or parcel of land certified to by the assessor-collector of taxes or his or her authorized deputy.
(1964 Code, § 2-8)
City taxation generally, see Ch. 32
Statutory reference:
V.T.C.A., see Tax Code § 31.08