Charter reference:
Authority generally relative to public utilities, see Ch. II, § 1
Franchises and public utilities, see Ch. XXVI
Ambulances/emergency medical services, see Ch. 5
Cable television regulations, see Ch. 8
Department of transportation and public works, see §§ 2-146 et seq.
Emergency reporting equipment and procedures, see Ch. 12
Fire prevention and protection, see Ch. 13
Gas, see Ch. 15
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Plumbing, see Ch. 26
Streets and sidewalks, see Ch. 30
Subdivision ordinance, see Ch. 31
Vehicles for hire, see Ch. 34
Water and sewers, see Ch. 35
Zoning regulations, see App. A
Statutory reference:
Powers of cities relating to utilities, see Tex. Local Government Code Chs. 551 through 580
Article I: In General
28-1 Definition
28-2 Recordkeeping
28-3 Franchise required for use of streets for service outside city
28-4 Annual reports required
28-5—28-15 Reserved
Article II: Office of Utilities Supervision
28-16 Creation; appointment of supervisor
28-17 General duties of supervisor
28-18 Examination of books, records, etc., of utilities
28-19 Records kept by supervisor
28-20 Investigation of utilities’ policies
28-21 Right of entry
28-22 Annual reports of utilities
28-23 Examination and testing of measuring devices; adjustments of complaints
28-24 Record of city’s utility expenses
28-25 Rate analyses
The term
PUBLIC UTILITY, when used in this chapter, shall include persons, firms, corporations or their lessees, trustees or receivers, owning or operating within the city equipment or facilities for the following services:
(a) Transmitting, delivering, furnishing, transporting or conveying water, gas, electricity or electric energy for the production of light, heat or power to or for the public for compensation, or for the purposes of supplying or selling gas or electric energy to any other public utility;
(b) Conveying or transmitting messages by telephone where such service is offered to the public for compensation; and
(c) Accommodating and transporting passengers for hire.
(1964 Code, § 30-1)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 1-2
Each public utility, its agents, servants or employees, serving the consumers in the city shall keep a separate record of the physical properties, accounts, income and disbursements for that portion of its business serving consumers within the corporate limits of the city, and shall not include therein any accounts, records or property that may be used to serve consumers in any city, town or village that may be hereafter incorporated under the laws of the state.
(1964 Code, § 30-2)