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Compare to:
      I.   IN GENERAL
      II.   METERS
      III.   CHARGES
      IV.   RESERVED
Charter reference:
   Authority of city manager relative to city waterworks department, see Ch. VIII, § 1
   Authority of council to acquire adequate water supply within or without city, see Ch. XXVII, § 10
   Waterworks department, see Ch. XIV, § 1
   Cable television, see Ch. 8
   Department of transportation and public works, see §§ 2-146 et seq.
   Floodplain provisions, see §§ 7-301 et seq.
   Health and sanitation, see Ch. 16
   Public utilities, see Ch. 28
   Streets and sidewalks, see Ch. 30
   Subdivision ordinance, see Ch. 31
   Zoning regulations, see App. A
Statutory reference:
   Authority of cities with respect to city-owned utilities generally, see Tex. Local Government Code Chs. 551 through 580
   Powers of cities relating to utilities, see Tex. Local Government Code Chs. 551 through 580
   Purity of water supply, see V.A.C.S. Art. 4477-1, § 10
   Sanitary requirements of state law as to construction and operation of municipal water and sewage disposal plants, see V.A.C.S. Art. 4477-1, §§ 11 through 13, 20
   Water delivered to common carriers, see V.A.C.S. Art. 4477-1, § 22
Article I: In General
   35-1   Definitions
   35-2   Reserved
   35-3   When dwellings required to have kitchen sink and flush rim water closet
   35-4   Construction, maintenance of water lines and services
   35-5   Replacement of sewer mains at time of construction of buildings
   35-6, 35-7   Reserved
   35-8   Payment of sewer charges prerequisite to collection for water services
   35-9   Notice to make sewer connection
   35-10   Liability for usage; discontinuance of service for failure to pay claims
   35-11   Permit required to turn water on or off at street; exception
   35-12   Supplying water for use on other premises
   35-13   Unlawful extension of water and sewer lines
   35-14   Right of entry for inspection
   35-15   Reserved
   35-16   When separate connections permitted
   35-17   Unauthorized taps, connections
   35-18   Use of fire hydrants
   35-19   Injuring, tampering with water or sewer lines
   35-20   Provisions incorporated into consumer contracts
   35-21   Reservation of right by city
   35-22   Dams, embankments, fills across watercourses
   35-23   Emergency authority
   35-24   Adequacy of supply
   35-25   Temporary discontinuance for construction, maintenance or emergency reasons
   35-26   Nonessential water use restrictions
   35-27—35-35   Reserved
Article II: Meters
   35-36   Generally
   35-37   Separate meter required
   35-38   Purchase; repairs
   35-39   Monthly readings; customer charges; straight connections
   35-40   Bypassing meters
   35-41—35-55   Reserved
Article III: Charges
Division 1: Generally
   35-56   Water and sewer rates within city
   35-57   Definitions
   35-57.1   Fire lines and fire protection systems; charges; discontinuance and restoration of service
   35-57.2   Water meters
   35-57.3   Reduction and/or enlargement of water meters; charges
   35-57.4   Water tap connections
   35-57.5   Sewer tap connections
   35-57.6   Deep sewer
   35-57.7   Water and sewer taps in unimproved streets
   35-58   Assessment front footage charges for service connection
   35-58.1   Water and wastewater system facility access fees
   35-59   Rates for public quarters on military installations
   35-60   Uses outside city
   35-61   Deposit required
   35-62   Estimation when meter defective
   35-63   Payable and delinquent accounts
   35-64   Use of security deposits
   35-65   Security deposit refunds
Division 2: Water and Wastewater Impact Fees
Subdivision I: General Provisions
   35-66   Short title
   35-67   Purpose
   35-68   Authority
   35-69   Definitions
   35-70   Applicability
   35-70.1   Impact fee as condition of development approval
   35-70.2   Land use assumptions
   35-70.3   Impact fees per service unit
   35-70.4   Assessment of impact fees
   35-70.5   Computation and collection of impact fees
   35-70.6   Suspension of fee collection
   35-70.7   Credits against impact fees
   35-70.8   Establishment of accounts
   35-70.9   Use of proceeds of impact fee accounts
   35-70.10   Appeals
   35-70.11   Refunds
   35-70.12   Rebate
   35-70.13   Updates to plan and revision of fees
   35-70.14   Use of other financing mechanisms
   35-70.15   Impact fee as additional and supplemental regulation
   35-70.16   Relief procedures
   35-70.17   Exemption from division
Subdivision II: Water Facilities Impact Fees
   35-71   Water benefit area
   35-72   Water capital improvements plan
   35-73   Water facilities impact fees
   35-74   Enlargement of connection by existing development
   35-75   New connection by existing development
   35-75.1   Prior code provisions
Subdivision III: Wastewater Facilities Impact Fees
   35-76   Wastewater benefit area
   35-77   Wastewater capital improvements plan
   35-78   Wastewater facilities impact fees
   35-79   Enlargement of connection by existing development
   35-80   New connection by existing development
   35-80.1   Prior code provisions
Division 3: Sewer per Acre Charges
   35-81   Purpose
   35-82   Definitions
   35-83   Criteria for per acre charge sewer mains; developer initiated project
   35-84   Calculation of the per acre charge
   35-85   Assessment and payment of the per acre charge; refund to a developer; administration
   35-86   Adoption of division
Division 4: Water Main Capacity Charges
   35-87   Purpose
   35-88   Definitions
   35-89   Developer’s responsibility
   35-90   Adoption of an ordinance
   35-91   Assumptions to be used to calculate maximum day demand
   35-92   Calculation of the water main capacity charge
   35-93   Assessment and payment of the water main capacity charge; refund to a developer and city; administration
Division 5: Sewer Capacity Charges
   35-94   Purpose
   35-95   Definitions
   35-96   Developer’s responsibility
   35-97   Adoption of an ordinance
   35-98   Assumptions used for sewer peak discharge rate calculation
   35-99   Calculation of sewer capacity charge
   35-100   Assessment and payment of the sewer capacity charge; reimbursements and administration
Article IV: Reserved
   35-101—35-130   Reserved
Article V: Private Sewage Disposal
   35-131   Approval prerequisite to issuance of a building permit
   35-132   Permits for on-site sewage disposal systems other than sanitary sewers; delegation of authority to another governmental entity
   35-133   Withholding permit upon determination of adverse health effect
   35-134   Cleaning by licensed persons only
   35-135   Required connections with sewers
   35-136—35-150   Reserved
Article VI: Lawn and Landscape Irrigation Conservation
   35-151   Lawn and landscape irrigation restrictions
   35-152   Rain sensing devices and freeze gauges
   35-154   Essential services
   35-155   Administrative fee
   35-156   Procedures for paying administrative fees or requesting a hearing on the fees
   35-157   Re-establishment of service to double check valves that have been locked off
Article VII: Installation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems
   35-158   Definitions
   35-159   License required
   35-160   Permit required
   35-161   Water conservation
   35-162   Irrigation plan and as-built design: minimum standards
   35-163   Design and installation: minimum requirements
   35-164   Review of the irrigation system by owner
   35-165   City inspection required
   35-166   Maintenance, alteration, repair or service of irrigation systems
   35-167   Reclaimed water; other water supply sources
   35-168   Advertisement requirements
   35-169   Contracts
   35-170   Fees
Article VIII: Reclaimed Water
Division 1: General Provisions
   35-171   Purpose
   35-172   Definitions
Division 2: Reclaimed Water Service
   35-173   Provision of reclaimed water service
   35-174   Request for reclaimed water service
   35-175   Proof of compliance with the minimum design and operation standards
   35-176   Cross-connections with potable water mains prohibited
   35-177   Distribution mains and the policy for the installation of community facilities
   35-178   Reclaimed water agreement
   35-179   Discontinuance of service
   35-180   City’s responsibilities
   35-181   User’s responsibilities
   35-182   Use of reclaimed water
   35-183   Annual inspection; right of inspection of reclaimed water system onsite facilities
   35-184   Identification of reclaimed water onsite facilities
   35-185   Maintenance of reclaimed water service pipes
   35-186   Violations; prohibited uses
   35-187   Offenses
   35-188   Rates and charges
   35-189   Inaccurate meter readings
   35-190   Billing
   35-191   No grant or transfer of water right or ownership interest
Division 3: Transportation of Reclaimed Water
   35-192   Reclaimed water transportation
   35-193   Reclaimed water transportation permit required
   35-194   Reclaimed water transportation permit application procedures
   35-195   Vehicles and containers requirements
   35-196   Reclaimed water transportation permit modification
   35-197   Issuance and display of reclaimed water transportation permit
   35-198   Grounds for reclaimed water transportation permit denial
   35-199   Reclaimed water transportation permit conditions
   35-200   Transporter responsibilities
   35-201   Transportation offenses
   35-202   Grounds for suspension or revocation of reclaimed water transportation permit
   35-203   Suspension or revocation of reclaimed water transportation permit; request of a hearing
   35-204   Hearings
   35-205   Responsibilities for users of reclaimed water transportation
   35-206   Additional reclaimed water transportation permit holder responsibilities