A department of public events is hereby established, which department shall be under the supervision of the director of public events, who shall be subject to appointment and removal by the city manager. The salary of the director of public events shall be in accordance with the compensation plan of the city.
(1964 Code, § 2-60) (Ord. 8698, § 1, passed 12-7-1982)
The director of public events shall have the power to appoint, employ and remove such officers, assistants, employees and personnel as he or she may deem necessary for the efficient administration of the affairs of the department of public events and to prescribe and fix their duties, scope of authority and qualifications.
(1964 Code, § 2-61) (Ord. 8698, § 1, passed 12-7-1982)
The director of public events shall be responsible for the leasing and operation of the facilities, buildings and space within buildings at the Will Rogers Memorial Complex. The director of public events shall additionally perform any other function assigned by the city manager to the extent authorized under the Charter of the city and within the guidelines as have been or may be from time to time adopted by the city council applicable to the lease of city-owned facilities.
(1964 Code, § 2-62) (Ord. 8698, § 1, passed 12-7-1982)
Editor’s note:
Section 1 of Ord. 21650-02-2015, adopted February 17, 2015, repealed former Div. 6, §§ 2-164 through 2-166, which pertained to the department of housing and economic development, and derived from § 2 of Ord. 17522, adopted April 24, 2007, as amended by § 2 of Ord. 18320-09-2008, passed September 30, 2008. Subsequently, Ord. 21652-02-2015, adopted February 17, 2015, enacted this new Div. 6, §§ 2-164 through 2-166, as set forth below.