Charter reference:
Authority of city to define, prohibit, abate, suppress and prevent all things detrimental to the health of the inhabitants of the city, see Ch. II, § 1
Authority of city to make and enforce local police, health and sanitary regulations, see Ch. II, § 1
Alcoholic beverages, see Ch. 4
Ambulances/emergency medical services, see Ch. 5
Animals and fowl, see Ch. 6
Buildings and building regulations, see Ch. 7
Emergency reporting equipment and procedures, see Ch. 12
Fire prevention and protection, see Ch. 13
Gas, see Ch. 15
Plumbing, see Ch. 26
Smoking, see Ch. 29.5
Transportation of hazardous materials, see § 22-116
Water and sewers, see Ch. 35
Water safety, see §§ 18-36 et seq.
Statutory reference:
Local public health reorganization act, see V.A.C.S. Article 4436b
Article I: In General
16-1 Manufacturing establishments, requirements as to toilet facilities, safety devices, etc.
16-2 Persons operating water supplies to furnish annual list of customers
16-3 Collections of offensive substances within two hundred feet of wells
16-4 Raw milk
16-5—16-10 Reserved
16-11 Samples of water
16-12 Duty of police as to enforcement of chapter
16-13 Public health service fees
16-14 Applicability of service fees
16-15 Penalty
16-16—16-30 Reserved
Article II: Department of Public Health
16-31 Established; supervision
16-32 Director; qualifications; duties generally
16-33 Selection of members of the department
16-34 Powers and duties of officers generally
16-35 Expenditure of money for public health programs through donations, grants or contracts
16-36 Fees
16-37—16-50 Reserved
Article III: Reserved
16-51—16-100 Reserved
Article IV: Food Establishments
Division 1: General Provisions
16-101 Definitions
16-102 Purpose
16-103 Administration
16-104 Inspections
16-105 Risk analysis
16-106—16-110 Reserved
Division 2: Permits and Plans Review
16-111 Food establishment permits—General requirements
16-112 Classification of permits
16-113 Permit denial, suspension and revocation
16-114 Submission and review of plans
16-115 Fees
16-116 Prepermit requests for services
16-117—16-120 Reserved
Division 3: Regulation of Sanitation
16-121 State laws and regulations adopted
16-122 Equipment and sanitary facilities
16-123 Meat, poultry and fish
16-124 Miscellaneous food protection requirements
16-125 Roadside vending
16-126—16-130 Reserved
Division 4: Requirements for Certain Establishments
16-131 Mobile food units
16-132 Reserved
16-133 Catering services
16-134 Bed and breakfast homes
16-135 Farmers markets
16-136—16-139 Reserved
Division 5: Food Managers and Food Handlers
16-140 Food manager certification
16-141 Food handler certification
16-142 Fees
16-143—16-145 Reserved
Division 6: Enforcement
16-146 Enforcement options
16-147 Criminal citation
16-148 Emergency closure of a food establishment
16-149 Reconsideration
16-150 Hearings
16-151 Nuisance
16-152 Nuisance abatement
16-153 Judicial remedies and penalties
16-154—16-170 Reserved
Division 7: Pushcarts
Subdivision I: General Requirements for All Pushcarts
16-171 Generally
16-172 Permit requirements for all pushcarts
16-173 Pushcart sanitation requirements
16-174 Attention-getting devices
16-175 Single service articles
16-176 Commissary
16-177 Servicing area
16-178 Servicing operation
16-179 Water system
16-180 Waste retention
16-181 Enforcement
16-182 Appeal
Subdivision II: Requirements for Pushcarts that Operate Elsewhere Than in the Downtown Area
16-183 Pushcart specifications
16-184 Pushcart locations, hours, and products
16-185 Flower pushcarts
Subdivision III: Special Requirements for Downtown Area Pushcarts
16-186 Permits
16-187 Downtown area hours of operation and location
16-188 Slot permit fees
16-189 Revocation of slot permit
Articles V—VIII: Reserved
16-190—16-225 Reserved
Article IX: Reserved
16-226—16-250 Reserved
Article X: Reserved
16-251—16-265 Reserved
Article XI: Reserved
16-266—16-280 Reserved
Article XII: Nuisances
16-281—16-293 Reserved
16-294 Depositing filth on public and private property
16-295 Same—Duty of police
16-296 Allowing slaughtered hogs, beeves, etc., to remain unclean
16-297 Green or unsalted hides
16-298 Rendering materials from dead animals
16-299—16-307 Reserved
16-308 Abatement—Ordering owner or occupant of premises to abate or remove
16-309 Same—Failure of owner or occupant to obey orders, etc.; abatement by city; expense to be charged against owner and constitute lien
16-310 Same—Statement of expenses to be forwarded to city attorney; collection
16-311 Same—Right of owner to appear and show cause why order should not be complied with; extension of time
16-312 Authority of director of public health in case of public epidemic
16-313 Power of director of public health and his or her assistants to make arrests, administer oaths, enter premises, etc.
16-314 Power of director of public health and assistants to require identification
16-315—16-325 Reserved
Article XIII: Outdoors Public Gatherings
16-326 Definition
16-327 Toilet facilities
16-328 Solid waste facilities
16-329 Food sanitation
16-330—16-345 Reserved
Article XIV: Miscellaneous Permits
16-346 Definitions
16-347 Permit required
16-348 Application and issuance of permit
16-349 Fees
16-350 Submission and review of plans
16-351 Criminal offense
16-352 Prepermit request for service
16-353—16-370 Reserved
Article XV: Ratproofing of Business Buildings
16-371 Definitions
16-372 New construction to be ratproofed
16-373 Inspection of existing building; notice to ratproof
16-374 Minimum requirements for rat stoppage
16-375 Material and installation
16-376 Protective coatings required
16-377 Masonry or concrete exterior wall construction—Foundation and exterior wall openings
16-378 Same—Doors
16-379 Same—Windows and other openings
16-380 Same—Pipes, wires and conduits
16-381 Same—Light wells in sidewalks
16-382 Wood frame exterior construction—When curtain walls required
16-383 Same—Openings in ground floors
16-384 Same—Wall openings, doors and windows
16-385 Precautions against climbing or roof rat
16-386 Construction of markets
16-387 Business buildings
16-388 Trapping
16-389 Poisoning
16-390 Accumulations of lumber, boxes, etc.
16-391—16-405 Reserved
Article XVI: Vital Statistics
16-406 City registrar of vital statistics designated
16-407 Vital statistics fees
16-408 Reserved
16-409—16-419 Reserved
Article XVII: Day Care Centers
16-420 Purpose
16-421 Definitions
16-422 Health department certificate of inspection; inspection and compliance
16-423 Health department certificate of inspection application
16-424 Health department certificate of inspection duration and renewal
16-425 Conditions of a certificate of inspection
16-426 Inspection fee
16-427 Display of health department certificate of inspection
16-428 Minimum requirements
16-429 General facility design standards
16-430 Interior design, activity areas
16-431 Exterior premises
16-432 Sanitation and hygiene standards for day care center personnel
16-433 Food service requirements
16-434 Animal care
16-435 Child care worker certificate required
16-436 Applicable building code permits
16-437 Requirements for change of ownership of business
16-438 Applicability of other city permits and certificates
16-439 Enforcement
16-440 Penalty for violations
16-441—16-455 Reserved
Article XVIII: Public Swimming Pools and Spas
16-456 Definitions
16-457 Purpose
16-458 Fees
16-459 Swimming pool permit required
16-460 Issuance of permit
16-461 State standards adopted and applied
16-462 Permit conditions
16-463 Plans review; new and remodeled pools and spas
16-464 Pre-operation inspection
16-465 Nationally accredited or trained pool/spa operators
16-466 Maintenance of pool/spa records
16-467 Grounds for permit denial
16-468 Grounds for suspension or revocation of permit
16-469 Right of entry
16-470 Inspection reports
16-471 Closure order
16-472 Hearings procedures
16-473 Nuisance
16-474 Penalties and enforcement
16-475—16-499 Reserved
Article XIX: Recreational Aquatic Spray Grounds
16-500 Purpose
16-501 Definitions
16-502 Permit required
16-503 Technical standards
16-504 Filing application for permit
16-505 Fees
16-506 Examination, water testing and maintenance of records
16-507 Plans review
16-508 Pre-operation inspection
16-509 Right of entry
16-510 Inspection reports
16-511 Variance
16-512 Waiver
16-513 Issuance of permit
16-514 Denial of permit
16-515 Suspension or revocation of permit
16-516 Closure order
16-517 Hearings procedures
16-518 Nuisance
16-519 Penalties and enforcement
All manufacturing establishments and other businesses in the city employing more than five employees shall have, accessibly located, sufficient toilet and lavatory facilities. In case as many as two women are employed, a separate toilet and rest room shall be provided for women. Such toilets and rest rooms shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times, and no common towel shall be used. Safe drinking water shall be provided and made available in a sanitary manner. Common drinking cups are expressly prohibited. All rooms shall be well-lighted and well-ventilated. Employers shall provide proper safety devices for all machinery which is dangerous to the life or limb of any employee. Seats, benches, tables, machines, etc., shall be of such height and construction that no unnatural or harmful position need be maintained by any workman. All processes or operations which require or give off obnoxious smoke or fumes shall be carried on under a hood provided with such draft as may be necessary to prevent such fumes escaping outside of the hood to the annoyance or detriment of their own employees or others.
(1964 Code, § 19-434)
Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, see Ch. 20
All persons owning or operating water supplies from which water is sold through piping shall furnish to the director of the department of public health once annually a complete list of the names and addresses of all customers so supplied and shall also furnish the name and address of each new customer as added.
(1964 Code, § 19-436)