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   (a)   The department shall oversee projects designed to increase investment in all areas of the City of Fort Worth in order to expand the city’s economy and tax base and to increase local employment.
   (b)   The department shall endeavor to provide a positive business environment in which local businesses can grow, flourish and create high-paying jobs with benefits for citizens of the City of Fort Worth.
   (c)   The department shall use incentives as allowed by law to encourage new investment and business expansion in the City of Fort Worth as designated from time to time by the city council.
   (d)   The department shall provide skills development, technical advice, and financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs in the City of Fort Worth.
   (e)   The department shall promote international trade from and to the City of Fort Worth and employ various initiatives to increase local awareness of global economic issues and opportunities.
   (f)   The department shall conduct and participate in activities that promote job opportunities for citizens of the City of Fort Worth.
   (g)   The department shall encourage close cooperation with other local jurisdictions, chambers of commerce, and organizations interested in promoting the economic well-being of areas within the City of Fort Worth.
(Ord. 21652-02-2015, § 1, passed 2-17-2015)