(a) Definition. As used in this section, the term CITY BOARD shall mean any board, commission,
committee or other body of the city whose members the city council has the power to remove.
(b) Reports to city secretary. When a member of any city board, as defined in subsection (a) of this section, is absent from three successive meetings of such board, or misses 25% or more of the meetings of such board in a 12-month period, the chairperson, vice-chairperson or secretary of such board shall report this fact to the city secretary in writing, within ten days of the third missed meeting.
(c) Attendance and records thereof.
(1) Members of each city board, as defined in subsection (a) of this section, are generally expected to attend all regularly scheduled and special called meetings. If a member of a city board is unable to attend a meeting, that member is expected to advise the departmental staff liaison in advance whenever possible and to provide an explanation for any absence for which advance notice was not provided. If a member does not attend a meeting and fails to provide either advance notice or an after-the-fact explanation, such absence shall be deemed an unexcused absence.
(2) The city secretary's office shall develop and promulgate standardized attendance forms for use by each city board, as defined in subsection (a) of this section.
(3) The departmental staff liaison assigned to each city board, as defined in subsection (a) of this section, is responsible for making a written record of attendance at each regular and special meeting of the city board, utilizing the form provided by the city secretary's office.
(4) Completed attendance documentation for each meeting of a city board, as defined in subsection (a) of this section, must be submitted to the city secretary's office within 24 business hours of when the meeting is held.
(d) Report to city council; removal of board members. At least monthly, the city secretary's office shall submit to the city council a summarized written attendance report for all city boards, as defined in subsection (a) of this section, with a preference for such reports to be included on a work session agenda to allow for city council discussion. The city secretary's office shall also directly contact the nominating councilperson to apprise them of any recurring attendance issues observed with their appointees. Removal of a city board member for attendance issues is at the discretion of the member for the district from which the city board member was appointed.
(1964 Code, § 2-34) (Ord. 8758, § 1, passed 3-15-1983; Ord. 9272, § 1, passed 12-13-1984; Ord. 26353-08-2023, § 6, passed 8-8-2023)
(a) Unless otherwise provided by state law, City Charter or city council exception, all city boards shall be composed of 11 members. Board members shall serve for terms of two years. No member shall serve more than three consecutive terms. Each such board shall have 11 places, and all appointments shall be made for two-year terms, as follows:
(1) Odd-numbered places. Terms expire October 1, each odd-numbered year; and
(2) Even-numbered places. Terms expire October 1, each even-numbered year.
(b) Those boards excepted from the provisions of this section regarding the number of members serving on the board, and regarding the length of terms of service, because of conflicting state law, city Charter provision or city council exception, shall include currently, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(1) Civil service commission;
(2) Dallas-Fort Worth international joint airport zoning board;
(3) Meacham Field joint airport zoning board; city council exception (ordinance);
(4) Dallas-Fort Worth international airport board; state law exception;
(5) Board of commissioners of the Fort Worth housing authority; state law exception;
(6) Fort Worth human relations commission; and
(7) Neighborhood resources development council; federal law.
(c) Those boards exempted from the provisions of this section regarding the limitation on the number of terms which may be served, because of conflicting state law, City Charter provision of city council exception shall include currently, but shall not be limited to, the following: Board of trustees of the employee retirement fund—city council exception (ordinance).
(1964 Code, § 5-35) (Ord. 8758, § 1, passed 3-15-1983; Ord. 8971, § 1, passed 11-15-1983; Ord. 9272, § 2, passed 12-13-1984; Ord. 11921, § 1, passed 4-18-1995; Ord. 14849, § 1, passed 11-13-2001; Ord. 21197-04-2014, § 6, passed 4-15-2014, eff. 4-25-2014; Ord. 26353-08-2023, § 7, passed 8-8-2023)
Aviation advisory board, see § 3-20