Day-to-day administration of the Fort Worth public art program shall be provided by an appropriate entity selected by the Fort Worth city council through a contract for services. The administrative duties of the selected entity shall include the following:
(a) Preparation of the annual public art plan, in consultation with the Fort Worth art commission, the city manager and/or his or her designee, the directors of all city departments with eligible projects included in that plan, and the mayor and city council, as appropriate;
(b) Preparation and presentation of recommendations for the annual public art plan to the Fort Worth art commission and to the mayor and council members and the city manager;
(c) Administration of all aspects of the public art program, including, the following:
(1) The establishment of program policies and guidelines;
(2) The development of program budgets, artist selection processes and juries; and
(3) Public education and all other aspects of carrying out the program.
(d) Reporting annually to the Fort Worth art commission and Fort Worth city council and city manager regarding prior year activities related to the public art program;
(e) Provision of staff support to the Fort Worth art commission;
(f) Development of policies and procedures, in consultation with appropriate city representatives, for approval by the city council, to ensure that public projects into which public art is to be incorporated can be designed, bid and constructed in such a manner that the incorporation of public art does not adversely impact the design or construction of those projects;
(g) Conducting surveys of the condition of the City of Fort Worth public art collection every two years. Each survey would include a report on the condition of each artwork, prioritized recommendations for the restoration, repair and maintenance of the artwork and estimated cost for that restoration, repair and maintenance. The report shall be reviewed by the Fort Worth art commission and approved by the Fort Worth city manager;
(h) Conducting insurance and conservation surveys on the condition of the artwork in the City of Fort Worth public art collection. Coordinated with the city’s risk management function, these surveys will be updated at least once every five years;
(i) Conducting an evaluation of the public art program five years after adoption of the enabling ordinance for the program, and presenting the results to the Fort Worth city council and city manager; and
(j) Development of a conservation plan for the City of Fort Worth public art collection in consultation with the Fort Worth art commission, with particular attention to any artwork requiring extraordinary operations or maintenance costs. The conservation plan shall be reviewed by the Fort Worth city manager and approved by the Fort Worth city council.
(Ord. 14794, § 1, passed 10-2-2001; Ord. 21122-02-2014, § 3, passed 2-11-2014)