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   (a)   Jurisdiction. The ERC shall have jurisdiction to review and make findings and conclusions concerning an alleged violation of Division 1 of this article and, if a violation of Division 1 of this article is determined to have occurred pursuant to the process outlined herein, to levy sanctions in accordance with Division 4.
   (b)   Powers. Once the ERC is convened in accordance with and subject to the purposes set forth in § 2-240(c), the ERC shall have the following powers:
      (1)   To establish rules and procedures governing its own internal organization and operations, consistent with this article and the city’s Charter and ordinances;
      (2)   To prescribe forms for reports, statements, notices and other documents required by this article;
      (3)   To cause sufficient copies of this ordinance, and other ordinances, City Charter provisions and state statutes defining and prohibiting conflicts of interest, to be prepared and published and see that the same are made available to officers, employees, advisory board members, elected officials and the general public;
      (4)   To provide or assist in providing orientations to officers, employees and advisory board members concerning the provisions of this article;
      (5)   To review all statements and reports filed with the ERC in order to obtain compliance with this article;
      (6)   To direct the city secretary to preserve statements and reports filed with the ERC for a period of five years from the date of receipt;
      (7)   To review this article when deemed necessary and make appropriate recommendations to the city council;
      (8)   To request the city attorney’s interpretation of or opinion on any provision of this article except in cases involving a complaint filed in accordance with this article, in which case § 2-248 shall apply;
      (9)   In accordance with this article, to review, conduct hearings and make determinations regarding all sworn complaints alleging violations of Division 1 of this article by persons other than members of the city council;
      (10)   In any hearing conducted pursuant to this article, to administer oaths and affirmations, take evidence, request and issue subpoenas for witnesses to attend and testify, and request and, subject to § 2-255, issue subpoenas for the production of books, papers, records, or other evidence needed for the performance of the ERC’s duties or the exercise of its powers;
      (11)   To request the city council and city manager to provide such assistance as the ERC may require in the discharge of its duties;
      (12)   On the ERC’s own motion or at the request of the city council, to report to the city council when deemed necessary concerning the activities of the ERC; and
      (13)   To exercise such other powers and duties as may be established by this article.
   (c)   Meetings. The ERC shall meet as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities. The city secretary, the chairperson, or any three members of the ERC may call a meeting provided that notice is given to each member and written notice is posted in accordance with provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Government Code Chapter 551.
(Ord. 20548-12-2012, § 1, passed 12-18-2012, eff. 12-22-2012; Ord. 23992-12-2019, § 2, passed 12-17-2019)