(a) The department shall assign priority to policy issues associated with the city's long-term growth and development, the creation of a balanced and sustainable tax base, the efficient and effective delivery of municipal services, and the allocation of financial resources for those services.
(b) The department shall be responsible each year for producing four mutually consistent policy documents:
(1) A long-range Comprehensive Plan that forecasts Fort Worth's population and economic growth during the subsequent twenty-year period, sets forth a common vision for the city's future development, and presents the policies, programs, and projects by which the City intends to realize that vision;
(2) A five-year Strategic Plan that describes the City's goals and how the organization intends to achieve them, thereby guiding the preparation of each department's annual business performance plan;
(3) A five-year Capital Improvements Program that serves to implement the Comprehensive Plan and the Strategic Plan by scheduling capital projects for which the City has identified appropriate funding sources; and
(4) The City's annual Budget.
(c) The Comprehensive Plan, the Capital Improvements Program, and the Budget shall be subject to review and adoption by the City Council through a process of full and meaningful public participation. The Strategic Plan, being oriented around the management of City government, shall be subject to review and approval by the City Manager. Beyond the production of these policy documents, the department shall also be responsible for conducting various planning, performance, and budget studies addressing critical policy issues in accordance with an annual work program to be approved by the City Manager.
(d) In addition to the duties set forth in the Fort Worth City Charter, as prescribed by the city council, and as directed by the city manager, the Department of Planning and Data Analytics shall also have the following duties and responsibilities:
(1) Developing and monitoring the city's operating budgets; coordinating, establishing, monitoring, reporting and projecting the city's budgetary expenses and revenues; recommending and assisting with implementation of budget goals and objectives, performing analytical and evaluative studies and completing research and special projects;
(2) City-wide tracking and reporting of the capital improvement program (CIP) and other capital projects, capital projects research and policy development; grant writing and research; and special projects as needed;
(3) Monitoring of all city grants, auditing and contract compliance; and
(4) Providing research and recommendations to the city council on the city's franchised utilities, reconciling the city's electric billing for accuracy and performing utility studies/research.
(Ord. 24030-02-2020, § 6, passed 2-4-2020)