Charter reference:
Authority to regulate and control use of streets and other public places, see Ch. II, § 1
Department of transportation and public works, see §§ 2-146 et seq.
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Subdivision ordinance, see Ch. 31
Vehicles for hire, see Ch. 34
Zoning regulations, see App. A
Statutory reference:
Provisions authorizing cities to grant use of portions of streets and sidewalks for private purposes, see Tex. Transportation Code Ch. 316
Provisions authorizing home rule cities to open, improve, control, regulate, etc., streets, sidewalks and public places generally, see Tex. Transportation Code Chs. 311 through 317
Provisions in regard to streets, alleys and street improvements generally, see Tex. Transportation Code Chs. 311 through 317
Street improvements generally, see Tex. Local Government Code Ch. 273
Article I: In General
30-1 Construction or reconstruction of sidewalks, driveways, etc.; defective sidewalks, driveways, etc., declared nuisance; duty of owner or tenant to repair, upon notice; right to appeal
30-2 Distributing, selling or soliciting on medians and traffic islands
30-3 Displaying goods, wares, etc.
30-4 Soliciting trade or patronage
30-5 Obstructing free use of streets, sidewalks
30-6 Obstructing entrances, alcoves, steps
30-7 Solicitations
30-8 Driving or riding on streets under repair
30-9 Vehicles with lugs, cleats, etc., on paved streets
30-10 Establishment of line and grade
30-11 Supervision of work in changing grade
30-12 Private use of streets and sidewalks
30-13 Parkways established
30-14 Painting house numbers on curbs or driveways—License and bond required; license fee; permission from property owners
30-15 Same—Application; term, display and revocation of license; amount and term of bond; statement of qualifications
30-16 Aggressive panhandling or solicitation
30-17 Reserved
30-18 Climbing utility poles
30-19 Use of city rights-of-way for small cell infrastructure
30-20 Damage to and in public right-of-way
Appendix A: Design Manual
30-21—30-30 Reserved
Article II: Parkway Contractors
30-31 Definition
30-32 License; bond; permit
30-33 License application; required information; conditions
30-34 Work permit; certificate of compliance with specifications
30-35—30-50 Reserved
Article III: Street and Storm Drain Contractors
30-51 Definitions
30-52 License; bond; permit—Required
30-53 Same—License application; required information; conditions
30-54 Same—Exceptions to license requirement
30-55—30-65 Reserved
Article IV: Excavations and Obstructions
30-66 Permit required to open
30-67 Deposit required; refund procedure
30-68 Restoration of surface; inspection
30-69 Lights and barricades
30-70 Only necessary material to be removed; exception
30-71 Disposal of excavated material
30-72 Condition re surplus material included in bond
30-73 Erection of wire-bearing poles, etc.—Permit required
30-74 Same—Submittal of plans, specifications; fee; permit issuance
30-75 Temporary obstruction of public ways with building materials or rubbish
30-76 Building extensions over streets and sidewalks
30-76.1—30-76.10 Reserved
Article V: Reserved
30-76.11—30-88 Reserved
Article VI: Valet Parking
30-89 Definitions
30-90 Purpose and applicability
30-91 Valet parking license required; application; issuance; renewals
30-92 Violations
30-93 Fees
30-94 Denial or revocation of valet parking license; temporary suspension
30-95 Appeal of denial or revocation of a valet parking license
30-96 Standards for operation of a valet parking service
30-97 Valet parking service stands
30-98 Location of a valet parking service
30-99 Insurance
30-100 Indemnification and hold harmless
30-101 Signs and markings
Article VII: Newsracks
Division 1: Purpose
30-102 Purpose
Division 2: Definitions
30-103 Definitions
Division 3: Applicability
30-104 Applicability
Division 4: Permits
30-105 Permits
Division 5: Prohibited Locations
30-106 Newsracks prohibited
Division 6: Reserved
Division 7: Location, Placement and Number
30-107 Location, placement and number
Division 8: Lettering, Signs and Logos
30-108 Lettering, signs and logos
Division 9: Standards for Maintenance and Installation
30-109 Standards for maintenance and installation
Division 10: Seizure, Removal of Newsracks in Violation, Right to Hearing
30-110 Seizure, removal of newsracks in violation, right to hearing
30-111—30-150 Reserved
Article VIII: Transportation Impact Fees
Division 1: General Provisions
30-151 Short title
30-152 Purpose
30-153 Authority
30-154 Definitions
30-155 Applicability
30-156 Computation of maximum impact fees per service unit
30-157 Use of proceeds of impact fee accounts
30-158 Establishment of accounts
30-159 Functions of capital improvements advisory committee for transportation impact fees
30-160 Use of other financing mechanisms
30-161 Impact fee as additional and supplemental regulation
30-162—30-170 Reserved
Division 2: Assessment and Collection of Impact Fees
30-171 Assessment and collection schedules for impact fees
30-172 Assessment of impact fees
30-173 Collection of impact fees
30-174—30-180 Reserved
Division 3: Credits Against Impact Fees
30-181 Credits against transportation impact fees
30-182 Agreement for credits
30-183—30-190 Reserved
Division 4: Update and Relief Procedures
30-191 Updates to plans and revision of fees
30-192 Appeals
30-193 Refunds
30-194 Rebates
30-195 Waivers and exemptions
30-196 Relief procedures
30-197 Annexations
30-198—30-200 Reserved
Division 5: Transportation Impact Fees
30-201 Transportation service areas
30-202 Transportation improvements plan
30-203 Transportation impact fees
Appendix B: Schedule 1 - Maximum Assessable Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle- Mile
Appendix C: Schedule 2 - Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile
(a) Installation of sidewalk, parkway, driveway, curb and gutter. An owner of property abutting any existing street shall install sidewalk, parkway, driveway or curb and gutter along said frontage when sidewalk, parkway, driveway or curb and gutter is absent. A property owner shall install sidewalk, parkway, driveway and curb and gutter in accordance with the then-current design standards of the city. The requirement to install sidewalk, parkway, driveway and curb and gutter applies only if the owner of the property is building new construction or redeveloping the property where construction will equal or exceed 50% of the assessed value of the then-existing improvements, as determined by the appraisal district in which the property is located.
(b) Maintenance of defective sidewalk, driveway or curb. Any sidewalk, parkway, driveway or curb which has become or is defective, unsafe or hazardous is declared a nuisance. It shall be the duty of the owner or the agent in charge, or the tenant, of the property abutting on any street, avenue, public alley, place, square, section or part thereof along which a sidewalk, curb or driveway is ordered by the director of the department of public works to be constructed, reconstructed or repaired within 30 days from the receipt of notice from the director of public works, to construct, reconstruct or repair such sidewalk, curb or driveway. The failure of any owner or the agent of any owner, or the tenant, to construct, reconstruct or repair any such sidewalk, curb or driveway ordered to be constructed, reconstructed or repaired by the director of public works shall be a misdemeanor.
(c) Appeal. Any owner or the agent of any owner, or the tenant, required to install, construct, reconstruct or repair any such sidewalk, parkway, driveway or curb and gutter under this section may appeal such requirement to the director of the transportation and public works department or his/her designee. An appeal of a decision by the director or his/her designee may be brought to the city manager responsible for overseeing the department of transportation and public works.
(1964 Code, § 33-1) (Ord. 23658-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019)
It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute or to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, merchandise or thing of value on any median or traffic island within any right-of-way for any street, alley or thoroughfare in the city.
(1964 Code, § 33-2.1) (Ord. 5892, § 1, passed - -; Ord. 7419, § 1, passed 9-13-1976; Ord. 14875, § 2, passed 12-4-2001)