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   (a)   For services rendered, the following schedule of fees and charges is hereby adopted; provided, however, that such fees may be waived or refunded by action of the city council in accordance with policies adopted by the city council:
Application Fees
Application Fees
Alarm system permits
   Other alarm system locations
   Variance request to City Council
   Distance check
   75 acres or less
(Fee waived for commercial/industrial use only of 25 acres or less)
   More than 75 acres
(*Plus $10 per acre over 75 acres)
   Limited purpose annexation
   Downtown Design Review Board
   Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission
   Urban Design Commission
City Plan Commission
   Concept plan
      Preliminary plat
(*Plus $30 per each acre nonresidential)
(*Plus $15 per lot residential)
      Final plat
(*Plus $30 per lot residential)
(*Plus $25 per acre nonresidential)
      Re-plat (with public hearing)
(*Plus $25 per lot residential)
(*Plus $25 per acre nonresidential)
      Minor plat and re-plat (no public hearing)
(*Plus $25 per lot residential)
(*Plus $25 per acre nonresidential)
      Conveyance plat
      Plat revisions after first revision
      Plat correction
      Plat vacation
   Waivers and other matters of business
   Filing fees with the county: Collection of filing fees for the appropriate county will be in addition to the fee rates above
Agreements Application Fees
   Community Facilities Agreement and amendments
   Stormwater Facilities Management Agreement
   Transportation Impact Fee Credit Agreement
   Easements and Vacations by Separate Instrument
(Fee for processing application)
Credit Access Business
(Application and renewal)
Comprehensive Plan Inconsistency
(For a change in zoning that is incompatible with the city comprehensive plan and future land use)
Hearing Continuance
   * At applicant’s request (after public notice) of board of adjustment, city plan commission and zoning commission public hearings
Inspection and Testing Fees
   a.   Administrative Material Testing Service Fee
$24.50 per test
   b.   Construction Inspection Service Fee
$300 per day
   c.   Water Testing Lab Fee
$30 per test
Infrastructure Plan Review Center
   Design Review Fee: Cost Per Design Page
$387 per page | The total number of detail pages shall be considered one page
   IPRC Pre/Post Submittal Conference
Stormwater Development Services
   Drainage Study Review
(Plus $10 per acre over 1 acre)
Transportation Development Review
   Transportation Impact Analysis Review
Master Thoroughfare Plan - Amendment
Miscellaneous Projects
   Application Fee
   Review Fee
$387 per design sheet
   Project Management Fee
3% of total construction costs
   Permit Fees
   Application fee per applicant plus, per newsrack
Paper Filing Fee
   * Additional fee assessed for any development application that can be submitted online
Parkway Permit
Pre-submittal Meeting
Private ETJ Release
Sexually Oriented Businesses; Application for Specialized Certificate of Occupancy
   Amended, modified, renewal or transfer
Special Districts (MUDS/WCIDS)
   Agreement amendments
Street Name Change
Technology Fee for all Permits
Traffic Control Review Plan
"CR," "C," and "D" Zoning Districts Site Plan
Unified Sign Agreement
Urban Forestry
   Application fee for staff review
      Base fee - First five acres (up to 5.00 acres), including one revision
      Additional acreage - 5.01 acres and over, per acre above base fee
      Additional revisions (each)
      After-the-fact base fee - First five acres (up to 5.00), including one revision
      After-the-fact additional acreage - 5.01 acres and over, per acre above base fee
      *   The acreage will be based on the preliminary plat or site plan, whichever is appropriate, at the time of submission of the urban forestry plan
      Vesting Letters
      Permit Renewal
      Developer Agreement
   Application fee for appeal hearing before urban design commission
Tiered, $550 - $5,000
Waivers to Urban Forestry Ordinance; waiver from tree planting and nonprotected trees: $550;
Waiver from preservation of protected trees: $1,000;
Waiver from preservation of significant trees or large trees - city wide: $5,000;
Waiver from preservation of significant tree or large trees east of I35: $3,000 (lower threshold)
Vacations or Closures, ROW, Emergency and Public Access Easements
   Public access or emergency easement vacation
   Street and alley vacations
Zoning Board of Adjustment
   Interpretation request
      Nonresidential/other residential
Plus an additional $400 for each additional variance requested in same application for owner-occupied residential.
      Residential (owner-occupied)
Plus an additional $500 for each additional variance requested in the same application for nonresidential property or other residential property
      Sign - Nonresidential/other residential
Plus an additional $1,000 for each additional variance requested in the same application for nonresidential property or other residential property.
   Special exception
      Nonresidential/other residential
Plus an additional $300 for each additional special exception requested in the same application for nonresidential property or other residential property.
      Residential (owner-occupied)
Plus an additional $150 for each additional special exception requested in same application for owner-occupied residential.
   Multifamily Dwelling (MFD/PD) Waiver
$600 for first waiver, $300 for each next waiver
Zoning Commission
   Administrative site plan amendment
   “CD” Conservation District overlay rezoning
No fee
   “HC,” “HSE” and “DD” Historic and Cultural Landmarks District overlay rezoning
No fee
   Planned Development (PD) site plan review*
      0—5 acres
      For application requests of less than one acre in size, when down zoning to a one- or two-family districts that is consistent with the most current adopted Comprehensive Plan, a fee of $450 is required.
      5.01—10 acres
      10 acres or more acres*
(Plus $75 per acre, not to exceed $9,000)
      PD or CUP Waiver Fee
(PD or CUP with requested development standard waivers)
   Vendor permit: holiday and 10-day
   Zoning Application:
Designated fee shall be twice the amount shown when double noticing and special city council consideration is required or requested, apart from the normal processing schedule. Double fee charge is not exempt of incentive programs granted to the project.
      Less than 1 acre*
      For application requests of less than one acre in size, when down zoning to a one- or two-family districts that is consistent with the most current adopted Comprehensive Plan, a fee of $450 is required.
      1—5 acres*
      5.01—10 acres*
      10.01—25 acres*
      25.01 or more acres (base fee)*
(Plus $75 per acre, not to exceed $9,000)
   Zoning verification letter:
      10-day letter
      3-day letter
   *In addition to Zoning Change Application Fee
   (b)   No final approval of a plat shall be given by the city plan commission of the city unless and until a receipt is furnished to the secretary of such commission showing that the fee provided for in this section has been paid; no petition shall be docketed with the zoning commission of the city unless and until a receipt has been furnished to the secretary of such commission showing that the fee provided for in this section has been paid; no application for relief shall be docketed with the board of adjustment of the city unless and until a receipt is furnished the secretary of such board showing that the fee provided for in this section has been paid and no petition shall be docketed with other boards and commissions of the city unless and until a receipt has been furnished to the secretary of such commission and boards showing that the fee provided for in this section has been paid.
(Ord. 17522, § 4, passed 4-24-2007; Ord. 17718, § 1, passed 8-21-2007; Ord. 18460-02-2009, § 1, passed 2-3-2009; Ord. 20426-09-2012, § 1, passed 9-25-2012, eff. 11-5-2012; Ord. 21190-04-2014, § 1, passed 4-1-2014, eff. 4-8-2014; Ord. 22373-08-2016, § 1, passed 8-30-2016; Ord. 23383-09-2018, § 1, passed 9-18-2018, eff. 10-1-2018; Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 3, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019; Ord. 23820-09-2019, § 1, passed 9-10-2019, eff. 10-1-2019; Ord. 24449-09-2020, § 1, passed 9-22-2020, eff. 4-1-2021; Ord. 25772-09-2022, § 1, passed 9-27-2022, eff. 10-1-2022; Ord. 25816-11-2022, § 1, passed 11-8-2022)