(a) Any person who willfully violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to punishment as provided in § 1-6 of the city code.
(b) Persons convicted of a misdemeanor under this article shall, for a period of five years, be ineligible for appointment to or employment in a position in the city service. If at the time of their conviction they are an officer or employee of the city, they shall automatically forfeit their office or position.
(Ord. 11921, § 2 (13), passed 4-18-1995)
(a) City employees are required to reside within the United States of America as a condition of employment.
(b) City employees are not required to reside within the city limits as a condition of employment. This subsection (b) does not prohibit the establishment of such a residency requirement for:
(1) The mayor, a city council member, a candidate for mayor or a candidate for city council member.
(2) The city manager, city attorney, city secretary, city auditor, parking bureau hearing officer or judges of the municipal courts.
(c) City employees who reside outside the city limits and are subject to being called to respond to a civil emergency are required to reside at a location which allows them to respond to such an emergency within 30 minutes from the time the call is received. The response time shall be measured by the time required for the employee to travel from their residence to the emergency by automobile at posted speed limits in ordinary weekday traffic.
(d) Subsection (c) above shall not apply to city employees who reside outside the city limits and were hired on or before April 1, 1992. Such employees who are subject to the emergency response time requirement shall meet the requirements of subsection (c) above within six months after they are hired.
(e) When the city manager must fill a position which is subject to the response time requirements of subsection (c) above but is not reasonably able to find a person who meets such requirements, the city manager may grant an exception therefrom. Such exception must be in writing and signed by the city manager, and maintained in the employee’s personnel file.
(Ord. 11921, § 2 (14), passed 4-18-1995)
(a) Pursuant to Tex. Local Government Code Chapter 172, the City of Fort Worth may provide certain benefits, including group health coverage, to its officers, employees and retirees, and to the dependents of officers, employees and retirees. Pursuant to Article 16, § 66 of the Texas Constitution, such benefits are not a constitutionally protected right, and may be changed or discontinued at any time.
(b) Tex. Local Government Code Chapter 175 permits a person who is entitled to receive pension coverage from the City of Fort Worth to purchase continued health coverage for the person and the person’s dependents, as defined by the city, if health benefit coverage is provided to employees, and if the person is not eligible for group health coverage through another employer. This chapter does not require the city to offer health coverage, and does not require the city to pay any portion of the cost for health coverage if it makes coverage available.
(c) The City of Fort Worth provides health benefit coverage for its employees and retirees, and their dependents, and for surviving dependents of retired and vested employees on a variable contribution basis. Although the city is not required to pay any portion of the cost of this coverage, the city will pay a percentage of the cost of health benefits for retired employees who were hired prior to January 1, 2009, and their dependents, as approved by city council.
(d) The city will not contribute to the cost of health benefits for employees and their dependents upon the retirement of the employee if the employee was hired on or after January 1, 2009.
(e) Coverage under subsection (c) above is not a contractual right, nor a guarantee of future coverage. The city may change health benefits or discontinue health benefits at any time. Additionally, city contributions to health coverage in any fiscal year are contingent on sufficient funds being allocated in the City of Fort Worth’s annual budget for that fiscal year.
(f) The city shall establish a separate account for the purpose of funding the city’s retiree healthcare liability. City council shall determine the amount to be allocated to this account in the City of Fort Worth’s annual budget. The funds in this account may be invested as allowed by state and federal law.
(Ord. 18287-09-2008, § 1, passed 9-16-2008)
Editor’s note:
Ord. 20471-10-2012, adopted Oct. 23, 2012, repealed former Ch. 2, Art. VI (“RETIREMENT”) in its entirety and enacted new Ch. 2.5 pertaining to the same subject matter. See the Code Comparative Table.
Editor’s note:
Ord. 20548-12-2012, § 1, adopted December 18, 2012, amended this division in its entirety as set forth below. Prior to the passage of that ordinance, this division pertained to similar subject matter and derived from Ord. 10617, § 1(1), adopted June 26, 1990. Prior to the passage of that ordinance, this division pertained to similar subject matter and derived from 1964 Code, § 43-1(A) through (E); Ord. 7582, § 1, adopted July 26, 1977; Ord. 7704, § 1, adopted February 21, 1978; Ord. 7830, § 1, adopted October 17, 1978; Ord. 8041, § 1, adopted February 5, 1980 and Ord. 8778, § 1, adopted April 12, 1983.