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   (a)   The department shall provide for the administration of programs and the expenditure of funds for housing and neighborhood revitalization with both public funds, public and private grants, and private donations.
   (b)   The department shall coordinate the implementation of neighborhood and community development projects endorsed by the city council.
   (c)   The department shall oversee projects designed to increase investment in the central city areas of Fort Worth and other targeted areas.
   (d)   The department shall use incentives as allowed by law to encourage new investment and business expansion in targeted areas of the City of Fort Worth as designated from time to time by the city council.
   (e)   The department shall manage City of Fort Worth special corporate entities created for the furthering of economic development and affordable housing activities.
   (f)   The department shall conduct and participate in activities that promote job opportunities for citizens of the City of Fort Worth in targeted areas as designated from time to time by the city council.
(Ord. 21651-02-2015, § 1, passed 2-17-2015)