(a) The Initiative shall provide support for the Council by providing data and information relevant to the Council’s decisions, by preparing drafts of the Outcomes Framework and the Plan, by implementing alignment of systems and coordination of services, and by evaluating submissions from City departments and SFUSD under this Section 16.127-8.
(b) The Initiative shall ensure that various community groups, agencies, and organizations responsible for providing support, including SFUSD, other government agencies, and community partners, work together in aligned, coherent, and effective ways.
(c) The Initiative shall ensure that the City maximizes opportunities to receive available funding for children and youth from the State and Federal governments. As part of their biennial budget submission under Article IX, City departments that provide services to children, youth, and families shall report on any State or Federal funding for which the department has applied or received funding.
(d) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance shall designate a department, commission, or other City entity to assume primary responsibility for supporting the Initiative and establish the responsibilities of constituent City departments and commissions within the Initiative. Funding for administrative support for the Initiative shall not be included in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline calculation.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(a) Citywide Community Needs Assessment. The Initiative shall assist the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families (“DCYF”) in developing a Citywide Community Needs Assessment (“CCNA”) for children, youth, and families. The CCNA shall supplement and expand upon the CNA described in Section 16.108(i)(1), and the Initiative and its constituent departments, commissions, and SFUSD shall use the CCNA to develop the San Francisco Children and Families Plan (the “Plan”) and Outcomes Framework. DCYF shall prepare the CCNA using the same process and timeline described in Section 16.108(i)(1).
(b) The San Francisco Children and Families Plan and Outcomes Framework. The Initiative shall support the Council in crafting the Plan and Outcomes Framework described in Section 16.127-5 and identifying relevant goals and strategies to align and coordinate the services to children and families provided by City departments, SFUSD, and community partners, and to maximize support for children and families. Through the Initiative, the Mayor shall invite SFUSD to participate in the planning process for the Plan and the Outcomes Framework.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(a) Outcomes Framework Analysis. By January 1, 2028 and at least once every five years thereafter in alignment with the beginning of the Five-Year Planning Cycle described in Section 16.108(i), the Initiative, in consultation with the Controller, shall develop a policy to help the Initiative evaluate whether the following types of expenditures are consistent with the Outcomes Framework: (1) expenditures that are included in, or are eligible to be included in, the Children and Youth Fund Baseline described in Section 16.108(h), and (2) expenditures from the Public Education Enrichment Fund (“PEEF”) and the annual PEEF Baseline appropriation (“PEEF Baseline”) described in Section 16.123-2.
(b) Budget Review and Approval for Proposed Appropriations in the Children and Youth Baseline, Public Education Enrichment Fund, and Public Education Enrichment Fund Annual Baseline Appropriations.
(1) By February 21 each year, beginning in 2026, each City department that anticipates expending funds for eligible services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline, the PEEF, or the PEEF Baseline in the subsequent fiscal year shall submit a written report with its anticipated expenditures to the Initiative for review. The Initiative may request that City departments provide additional reports on expenditures as the Initiative deems necessary.
(2) Beginning in Fiscal Year 2028-2029, the Initiative shall review and determine whether each department’s proposed expenditures under subsection (b)(1) and SFUSD’s annual report under Section 16.123-6(d) are consistent with the Plan and Outcomes Framework. The Initiative shall also review the department’s and SFUSD’s expenditures for eligible services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline, the PEEF, or the PEEF Baseline for the current and prior fiscal year, if any, to determine whether those expenditures were consistent with the Outcomes Framework. By April 30 each year, the Initiative shall provide a written report to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors evaluating whether each department’s current and prior year expenditures were consistent with the Outcomes Framework and stating whether the department’s proposed expenditures for the subsequent fiscal year are consistent with the Outcomes Framework. By April 30 each year, the Initiative also shall provide a written report to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors evaluating whether SFUSD’s current and prior year expenditures were consistent with the Outcomes Framework and stating whether SFUSD’s proposed expenditures for the subsequent fiscal year are consistent with the Outcomes Framework.
(3) In preparing the biennial budget under Article IX of this Charter, the Mayor shall consider the Initiative’s written report. In its evaluation of the proposed biennial budget, the Board of Supervisors also shall consider the Initiative’s written report and shall hold a public hearing on the Initiative’s report before finally approving the budget. The Initiative may provide an addendum or update to the report based on new information it receives following its initial report regarding the budget.
(4) By no later than the date of final enactment of the biennial budget, beginning with the biennial budget for Fiscal Year 2029-2030, the Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, find that all anticipated expenditures for services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline and City department and SFUSD expenditures under the PEEF and the PEEF Baseline in the biennial budget are, on balance, consistent with the Outcomes Framework as provided in subsection (l)(2), or that specified expenditures are not consistent with the Outcomes Framework but otherwise serve an overriding public purpose.
(c) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may modify the deadlines in this Section 16.127-10.
(d) For purposes of Section 16.127-10(b)(2), the Controller and the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst shall jointly be responsible for approving the final determinations and reports of the Initiative. The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may designate a different City entity to perform the duties of the Initiative for the purposes of that subsection.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
1. So numbered in Proposition J, 11/5/2024.
(a) No later than February 21 of each year, beginning in 2026, each City department that anticipates expending funds from the City’s General Fund to procure or otherwise support any services related to children and youth in the subsequent fiscal year, other than funds for eligible services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline, the PEEF, or PEEF Baseline, shall submit to the Initiative a written report describing its anticipated expenditures. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2028-2029, the Initiative may evaluate whether the anticipated expenditures are consistent with the Plan and Outcomes Framework, and may provide a written report to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors detailing the expenditures that it has concluded are consistent with the Plan and Outcomes Framework and the expenditures that it has concluded are inconsistent with the Plan or Outcomes Framework and the reasons for such conclusions.
(b) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may modify the deadlines and the reporting requirements in this Section 16.127-11.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
If, by June 30, 2026, the Council ceases to exist, the Initiative shall assume the Council’s responsibilities described in Sections 16.127-1, 16.127-3, 16.127-5, and 16.127-6; provided that if those sections have been removed from the Charter by the voters, the City shall enact an ordinance designating the Initiative or a different City entity to assume the Council’s responsibilities.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(a) There is hereby established a fund, which shall be called the Dignity Fund (“Fund”), to be administered by the Department of Disability and Aging Services (“DAAS”), or any successor agency. Monies in the Fund shall be used or expended by DAAS, subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, solely to help Seniors and Adults with Disabilities secure and utilize the services and support necessary to age with dignity in their own homes and communities. For purposes of Section 16.128-1 through 16.128-12, “Senior” shall mean a person 60 years old or older, and “Adult with a Disability” shall mean a person 18 years old or older with a disability as defined under the Americans With Disabilities Act.
(b) The Dignity Fund is needed to ensure the health and well-being of Seniors and Adults with Disabilities for the following reasons:
(1) DAAS and the San Francisco Long Term Care Coordinating Council have advanced a vision and set of long-term goals that highlight best practices, strengthen access to services, coordinate across agencies and City departments, and develop a unified strategy.
(2) Important safety net services to Seniors and Adults with Disabilities such as adult day programs and/or other state-funded services directed to low-income populations have suffered significant losses in funding due in part to the reorganization of California’s health and long-term care services.
(3) San Francisco non-profit community based organizations are the City’s most valuable public assets in terms of supporting Seniors and Adults with Disabilities to age with dignity in their own homes and communities.
(4) Seniors and Adults with Disabilities are valuable contributors to the City’s vitality and must stay connected to friends and family who can help them age in place with dignity.
(5) Because a majority of the City’s Seniors and Adults with Disabilities live on fixed incomes, the growing economic divisions in the City are putting them increasingly at risk of poor health outcomes and institutionalization.
(6) San Francisco has the highest percentage of Seniors and Adults with Disabilities of any urban area in California and the number of Seniors continues to steadily increase, especially for those over the age of 85. Over 40% live alone with inadequate support networks, in part because their families have been forced to seek more affordable housing or employment elsewhere, or because they have no children or they lack supportive families.
(7) The constant increase in economic pressure and lack of support for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities has impacted the cultural and ethnic diversity of the City.
(8) As of 2015, over 19,200 people 55 years of age and older were living in San Francisco with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This number is projected to increase to 26,868 by 2030 – a 40% increase in 15 years.
(9) Over 70% of veterans in the City are over the age of 55 and 28% of those have disabilities. As of 2015, 40% of all veterans rely on Veterans Administration health care with the remainder reliant on outside agencies to provide care, representing a massive undertaking by community based organizations.
(10) As of 2015, approximately 60% of people with HIV in San Francisco were over 50 years old. In 2020, it is estimated, 70% of people with HIV in San Francisco will be over 50 years old.
(11) In 2013, the Insight Center determined that a single person 65 years of age or older needed a monthly income of $2,526 to rent housing and meet his or her basic needs in San Francisco. At that time, the fair market rent for a one-bedroom apartment was $1,500 a month and 62% of all Seniors could not afford that rent. As of 2016, the fair market monthly rent for the same apartment is $1,635. Many apartments have higher rents. The median rent for a one bedroom apartment in San Francisco is now approximately $3,600 per month.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016; Amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/5/2019)
(a) To ensure that San Francisco’s Seniors and Adults with Disabilities are provided the opportunity to age with dignity and with affordable, quality services and support.
(b) To ensure San Francisco is an aging- and disability-friendly city, helping individuals age with dignity in communities as an important part of the City population and civic culture.
(c) To focus on the prevention of problems and on supporting and enhancing the strengths of older adults, people with disabilities, and their hands-on care providers.
(d) To complement the City’s housing and community development efforts by providing needed long-term services and support in housing to keep individuals in their homes and communities.
(e) To strengthen a community-based network of services and support in all neighborhoods.
(f) To ensure that Seniors and Adults with Disabilities receive maximum benefit from the Fund and that equity is a guiding principle of the funding process.
(g) To distribute funds based on best practices, the highest need, and successful and innovative models in order to ensure maximum impact.
(h) To the maximum extent feasible, to distribute funds equitably among services for all eligible groups, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity or other identifying characteristics.
(i) To ensure Seniors and Adults with Disabilities are provided with gender responsive and culturally competent services.
(j) To strengthen collaboration around shared and agreed upon outcomes among service providers for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities and their hands-on care providers, including collaboration among public agencies and non-profit organizations.
(k) To fill gaps in services.
(l) To leverage other resources whenever feasible.
(m) To support programs that prioritize:
(1) Stabilizing people, through food, homecare, transportation, and case management services;
(2) Stabilizing housing to permit people to age in place successfully, through eviction protection, housing preservation, and accessibility improvements to existing housing;
(3) Preventive health care and healthy aging;
(4) Supporting transitions to the best home and community care and support, through ombudsman services, transitional care programs, and navigation assistance; and
(5) Caregiver support.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016)
(a) Annual Baseline Contributions to the Fund. Each year during the term of Charter Section 16.128-1 et seq., the City shall make an annual baseline contribution to the Fund in the amount of $38 million, representing the amount the City spent in fiscal year 2016-2017 to provide eligible services as identified in Section 16.128-4 to Seniors and Adults with Disabilities.
(b) Additional Contributions for FY 2017-2018 through FY 2026-2027. For fiscal year 2017-2018, the City shall increase its contribution to the Fund over the baseline amount in subsection (a) by $6 million. For each fiscal year from 2018-2019 through 2026-2027, the City shall increase its additional contribution to the Fund under this subsection (b) by $3 million over the prior year.
(c) Projected Budget Deficits. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), the City may freeze the City’s annual contribution to the Fund for any fiscal year 2017-2018 through 2026-2027 at the then-current amount when the City’s projected budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year at the time of the Joint Report or Update to the Five Year Financial Plan as prepared jointly by the Controller, the Mayor’s Budget Director, and the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst exceeds $200 million, adjusted annually beginning with fiscal year 2017-2018 by the percentage increase or decrease in aggregate City discretionary revenues, as determined by the Controller, based on calculations consistent from year to year. In determining aggregate City discretionary revenues, the Controller shall only include revenues received by the City that are unrestricted and may be used at the option of the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors for any lawful City purpose.
(d) Additional Contributions for FY 2027-2028 through FY 2036-2037. For fiscal years 2027-28 through 2036-2037, the City’s annual contribution to the Fund shall equal its total contribution, including the baseline amount under subsection (a), for the prior year, beginning with Fiscal Year 2026-2027, adjusted by the percentage increase or decrease in aggregate City discretionary revenues, as determined by the Controller, based on calculations consistent from year to year. In determining aggregate City discretionary revenues, the Controller shall not include revenues received by the City under the increased rates in Business and Tax Regulations Code Sections 953.1(g), 953.2(h), 953.3(h), 953.4(e), 953.5(d), 953.6(f), 953.7(d), and 953.8(i) adopted by the voters at the general municipal election on November 3, 2020, and shall not include revenues received by the City under Article 36
of the Business and Tax Regulations Code adopted by the voters at the general municipal election on November 3, 2020. For purposes of this subsection (d), the “additional contribution” for these years shall mean the amount in excess of the baseline amount.
(e) The City may in any year contribute more to the Fund than the amounts required under subsections (a) through (d), but those increases shall not alter or affect the amounts of the City’s required contributions for subsequent years.
(f) The Controller shall maintain the Fund separate and apart from all other City funds. Any amount in the Fund unspent or uncommitted at the end of the fiscal year shall be carried forward to the next fiscal year and, subject to the budgetary and fiscal limitations of this Charter, shall be appropriated then or thereafter for the services and purposes specified in Section 16.128-4.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016; amended by Proposition F, Approved 11/3/2020)
The City shall only use monies from the Fund for the following categories of services and purposes, to benefit Seniors and Adults with Disabilities:
(a) Home and Community Based Long Term Care and Support: Home care, adult day health care, adult social day care, IHSS emergency homecare, short term interim housing options, housing stabilization and support services, respite care, transitional housing for those leaving institutional care, related transportation (not already mandated or funded), accessible transportation programs, and other similar services funded through the City’s Disability and Aging Services Community Living Fund, or any successor legislation.
(b) Food and Nutrition Programs: Nutrition programs, including group meals, home-delivered meals, home-delivered groceries, food stamps outreach, and related education and outreach programs such as chronic disease self-management programs.
(c) Consumer and Caregiver Education, Empowerment, and Support: Programs including computers and digital learning, peer support programs, employment and training programs not otherwise mandated, senior companions, information and assistance programs, health insurance counseling and advocacy counseling, service connection programs, including resource centers supporting those with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and family caregiver support programs.
(d) Senior/Disabled Community and Service Centers: Programs including senior centers, neighborhood-based village projects and similar programs, case management and care coordination, housing-based service connection programs, and other community-building activities that lead to more aging- and disability-friendly neighborhoods.
(e) Empowerment, Self-Advocacy and Legal Services Programs: Programs including benefits counseling and advocacy, eviction prevention, housing advocacy, long term care consumer rights, ombudsman programs, naturalization services, legal services and support, and IHSS/Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”)/Medi-Cal advocacy, including strengthening share of cost options.
(f) Health and Wellness Promotion: Programs including abuse and fraud prevention, grief counseling and suicide prevention, telephone reassurance, medication management, money management, and behavioral health not otherwise funded or mandated, health promotion and screening, and other activities that promote well-being and decrease social isolation.
(g) Targeted Services: Outreach, planning and targeted services and support to LGBT seniors, veterans, ethnic communities, people with disabilities and chronic conditions, their caregivers and other high-need groups as strong and integrated components of the service categories above.
(h) Funding for the Department of Disability and Aging Services to staff the Oversight and Advisory Committee created in Section 16.128-11 (“Oversight and Advisory Committee”), and to support planning and evaluation processes, and facilitate funding allocation;
(i) Administration of the Fund and evaluation of Fund goals and services;
(j) Technical assistance and capacity-building for service providers and community-based partners; and,
(k) Services that supplement, expand, or enhance existing programs for Seniors or Adults with Disabilities.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016; Amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/5/2019)
Notwithstanding Section 16.128-4, services paid for by the Fund shall not include:
(a) Services provided by the Police Department or other law enforcement agencies, courts, the District Attorney, Public Defender, City Attorney, the Fire Department, and detention or probation services mandated by state or federal law;
(b) Any service that benefits Seniors or Adults with Disabilities incidentally or only as members of a larger population of adults;
(c) Any service realigned by the State or for which a fixed or minimum level of expenditure is mandated and funded by state or federal law, to the extent of the level of funding provided;
(d) Acquisition of any capital item unless for the primary and direct use by Seniors and Adults with Disabilities and that is necessary for the expansion of services and support;
(e) Acquisition, other than by lease for a term of ten years or less, of any real property or land, or capital expenditures, or predevelopment or construction costs for housing;
(f) Maintenance, utilities, or any similar operating costs of any facility not used primarily and directly by Seniors and Adults with Disabilities or of any recreation or park facility, library, hospital, or housing;
(g) Medical health services, other than prevention, education, and behavioral and mental health support services; or
(h) Services provided by hospitals and long-term care institutions.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016)
(a) The City shall appropriate the additional contributions to the Fund under Section 16.128-3(b) and (d) according to a four-year planning process. This process is intended to: (1) increase transparency, accountability, and public engagement; (2) provide time and opportunities for community participation and planning; (3) ensure program stability; and (4) maximize the effectiveness of the services funded.
(b) Year 1 – Community Needs Assessment. Beginning in fiscal year 2017-2018 and during every fourth fiscal year thereafter, DAAS shall conduct a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify services to receive monies from the Fund. The CNA shall include qualitative and quantitative data sets collected through interviews, focus groups, surveys, or other outreach mechanisms to determine service gaps and unmet needs. In conducting the CNA, DAAS shall also review needs assessments prepared by community and other governmental entities. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, DAAS may contract with consultants and outside experts for such services as it may require to prepare the CNA. DAAS shall undertake a robust community process to solicit input from Seniors and Adults with Disabilities, in consultation with the Mayor’s Office on Disability or any successor agency.
DAAS shall, in consultation with the Oversight and Advisory Committee, develop a plan for how to conduct the CNA with the Oversight and Advisory Committee. The CNA shall include a gap analysis comparing actual performance with potential or desired performance and an equity analysis of services and resources for Seniors, Adults with Disabilities, and their caregivers.
DAAS shall develop a set of equity metrics to be used to establish a baseline of existing services and resources for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities in low-income neighborhoods and disadvantaged communities, compared to services and resources available in the City as a whole. This equity analysis shall include an examination of eligibility for existing programs and will seek to provide more services and support for those low and modest income residents who are not currently eligible for assistance with home and community-based services.
The outreach for the CNA shall create opportunities for a robust cross-section of stakeholders, including Seniors, Adults with Disabilities, their caregivers, nonprofit agencies, and other members of the public, to provide input. By September 1, DAAS shall provide its plan for conducting the CNA to the Oversight and Advisory Committee, the Service Provider Working Group created in Section 16.128-11(e), the Disability and Aging Services Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The plan shall be a public document.
By March 1, DAAS shall complete a draft CNA and provide this draft to the Oversight and Advisory Committee and the Service Provider Working Group for review. DAAS shall also provide the draft CNA to interested City departments and commissions, including but not limited to the Disability and Aging Services Commission, the Mayor’s Office on Disability, the Long Term Care Coordinating Council, the Human Services Commission, the Health Commission, the Recreation and Park Commission, the Adult Probation Department, the Veterans Affairs Commission, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Police Commission, the Library Commission, and the Arts Commission. The CNA shall include an Executive Summary and clear description of the categories of services provided and unmet needs to be addressed.
By April 1, DAAS shall submit a final version of the CNA to the Disability and Aging Services Commission and the DAAS Advisory Council. The final version of the CNA may incorporate any comments or suggestions made by the Oversight and Advisory Committee, the public, or the agencies that received copies of the draft CNA. The Disability and Aging Services Commission and the Oversight and Advisory Committee shall hold a joint public hearing to review the CNA.
By May 1, the Disability and Aging Services Commission shall provide input on and approve or disapprove the CNA. If the Disability and Aging Services Commission disapproves the report, DAAS may modify and resubmit the report.
By June 1, the Board of Supervisors shall consider and approve or disapprove, or modify, the CNA. If the Board disapproves the CNA, DAAS may modify and resubmit the CNA, provided, however, that the City may not expend monies from the Fund until the Board of Supervisors has approved the CNA.
(c) Year 2 – Services and Allocation Plan. Beginning in fiscal year 2018-2019 and during every fourth fiscal year thereafter, DAAS, in consultation with the Oversight and Advisory Committee, shall prepare a Services and Allocation Plan (“SAP”) to determine services that will receive monies from the Fund. All services identified in Section 16.128-4 are potentially eligible to receive funding, but DAAS is not required to classify allocations according to the service categories in that section. DAAS shall use the following process to prepare the SAP:
(1) DAAS shall disseminate a draft SAP to interested City departments and commissions, including but not limited to the Disability and Aging Services Commission, the Mayor’s Office on Disability, the Long Term Care Coordinating Council, the Human Services Commission, the Health Commission, the Recreation and Park Commission, the Adult Probation Department, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Police Commission, the Library Commission, and the Arts Commission. In preparing the draft SAP, DAAS shall confer with the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families to coordinate funding for services for Transitional-Aged Youth, as defined in Charter Section 16.108(e), with Disabilities from both the Dignity Fund and the Children and Youth Fund.
The SAP must:
(A) Demonstrate consistency with the CNA and with Citywide vision and goals for the Fund;
(B) Include all services for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities to secure and utilize the services and support necessary to age with dignity in their own homes and communities;
(C) Be outcome-oriented and include goals and measurable and verifiable objectives and outcomes;
(D) Include capacity-building and evaluation of services as separate funding areas;
(E) State how services will be coordinated and have specific amounts allocated towards specific goals, service models, populations, and neighborhoods;
(F) Include funding for neighborhood-initiated projects totaling at least 3% of the total proposed expenditures from the Fund for the four-year planning cycle established in this Section 16.128-6;
(G) Include funding for pilot programs to develop and test new and innovative programs, in an amount not to exceed 3% of the total proposed expenditures from the Fund for the cycle;
(H) Include funding for an undesignated contingency reserve, in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total proposed expenditures from the Fund for the cycle;
(J) Include evaluation data from the previous funding cycle; and
(K) Incorporate strategies to coordinate and align services for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities funded by all governmental or private entities and administered by the City, whether or not those services are eligible to receive monies from the Fund.
(2) The SAP shall reference the gap analysis and equity analysis of services and resources for Seniors, Adults with Disabilities, and their caregivers included in the CNA. Using the equity metrics developed for preparation of the CNA, the SAP shall compare proposed new, augmented, and coordinated services and resources for low-income and moderate-income neighborhoods and disadvantaged communities with services and resources available to the City as a whole.
(3) Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, DAAS may contract with consultants and outside experts for such services as the Department may require to prepare the SAP, including the equity analysis of services and resources for Seniors, Adults with Disabilities, and their caregivers.
(4) The Board of Supervisors shall by ordinance outline the timeline for the development of the Services and Allocation Plan. Prior to completion of the first SAP and while the first planning cycle is in process, DAAS, in consultation with the Oversight and Advisory Committee, may expend monies from the Fund based on existing needs assessment analysis.
(d) Years 3 and 4 – Selection of Contractors. Beginning with Fiscal Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 and during every fourth fiscal year thereafter, DAAS shall conduct competitive solicitations for services to be funded from the Fund. Requests for proposals will be grouped by issue area and spread out on a schedule known in advance to provide for a smooth and efficient timeline. The Human Services Agency and the Department of Disability and Aging Services shall work together and manage resources so that the RFP process will keep to the schedule and contract awards will be made within a reasonable time.
(e) Years 3 and 4 – Service Cycle Begins. Contracts for services shall start on July 1, beginning with Fiscal Year 2019-2020. During subsequent years of the four-year planning cycle established in this Section 16.128-6, DAAS, with the consultation and input of the Oversight and Advisory Committee, may issue supplemental competitive solicitations to address amendments to the SAP and emerging needs.
(f) DAAS may recommend, and the Oversight and Advisory Committee and the Board of Supervisors may approve, changes to the due dates and timelines provided in this Section 16.128-6. The Board of Supervisors shall approve such changes by ordinance.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016; Amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/5/2019)
DAAS shall provide for the evaluation on a regular basis of all services funded through the Fund, and shall prepare on a regular basis an Evaluation and Data Report for the Oversight and Advisory Committee. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, DAAS may contract with consultants and outside experts for such services as the Department may require to conduct such evaluations and to prepare the Evaluation and Data Report. This evaluation process is intended to be reasonable in scope and to build on and strengthen existing program evaluations.
(Added by Proposition I, Approved 11/8/2016)