The Mayor, the City Administrator, the Controller, or any board or commission appointed by the Mayor, relative solely to the affairs under its control, may require such periodic or special reports of departmental costs, operations and expenditures, examine the books, papers, records and accounts of, and inquire into matters affecting the conduct of any department or office of the City and County, and for that purpose may hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and compel the production of books, papers, testimony and other evidence. The Board of Supervisors shall have the same powers of inquiry and review, including the power to issue subpoenas and compel the production of evidence, with respect to matters affecting the conduct of any department or office of the City and County.
The following sections of the Charter of 1932, as amended, shall remain in effect as a part of this Charter as "Appendix A Employment Provisions," except that in instance of conflict or inconsistency between these sections of the Charter of 1932 and the body of this Charter, this Charter shall prevail, and subject to the following limitations and amendments:
1. All references to sections of "the Charter" or "this Charter" shall be construed to refer to the Charter of 1932, as defined above;
2. All definitions or descriptions included through such references shall remain in force, unless in conflict or inconsistent with definitions or descriptions in this Charter, or unless amended by the Board of Supervisors; and
3. Effective upon adoption of this Charter, references to "wife," "surviving spouse," "widow" or "widower" shall be construed to include "spouse," or "surviving spouse."
The following sections from the Charter of 1932, as amended, shall be included in Appendix A with full force and effect, and each shall be designated with a prefix "A":
7.204 | Contractors' Working Conditions |
8.329 | Certification of Eligibles |
8.341 | Removal or Discharge of Permanent, Non-Probationary Employees |
8.342 - 8.344 | Disciplinary Suspensions; Police and Fire Department Suspensions; Exoneration of Charges |
8.345 - 8.346 | Disciplinary Action-Strikes |
8.364 | Catastrophic Sick Leave |
8.400 - 8.406 | Salaries and Wages for Teachers, Muni, Police, Fire and Miscellaneous Employees |
8.409 - 8.409-6 | Collective Bargaining |
8.410 - 8.411 | Expenses |
8.420 - 8.429 | Health Service SystemBenefits |
8.430 [1st ¶] | "Medical Care" Defined |
8.431 - 8.432 | Health Service System Benefits |
8.440 - 8.441 | Vacations |
8.450 - 8.452 | Hours and Tours of Duty |
8.500 - 8.517 | Retirement System |
8.518 - 8.588-15 | Retirement System |
8.590-1 - 8.590-7 | Collective Bargaining for Fire, Police and Airport Police |
The provisions of Appendix A may be amended only pursuant to the provisions of state law governing charter amendments.
The following sections from the Charter of 1932, as amended, shall be included in Appendix B with full force and effect, and each shall be designated with a prefix "B":
3.581 - 3.585 | Port Transfer Agreement |
6.406 | Harbor Revenues and Expenditures |
7.305 | Revenue Bonds of the Port Commission |
The provisions of Appendix B may be amended only pursuant to the provisions of state law governing charter amendments.
The following sections of the Charter of 1932, as amended, shall be included in Appendix C with full force and effect, and each shall be designated with a prefix "C":
3.699-10 - 3.699-16 | Ethics Commission Procedures |
The provisions of Appendix C may be amended only pursuant to the provisions of state law governing charter amendments.
(Amended November 2003)
The following sections from the Charter of 1932, as amended, shall be included in Appendix D with full force and effect, and each shall be designated with a prefix "D":
3.750 - 3.750-8 | Department of Building Inspection |
The provisions of Appendix D may be amended only pursuant to the provisions of state law governing charter amendments.