(a) The people of the City and County of San Francisco find and declare that major urban school districts, such as San Francisco, serve an ethnically and economically diverse student population that requires more resources than currently provided under state guidelines. In adopting this measure, the people of San Francisco choose to provide additional City resources to complement, and not supplant, state funding for the San Francisco Unified School District.
(b) Consistent with subsection (a), the people of the City and County of San Francisco specifically find that their contributions to and disbursements from the baseline appropriations and the Public Education Enrichment Fund are discretionary expenditures by the City for the direct benefit of the children of San Francisco, their families, and the community at large. In the event that the State attempts, directly or indirectly, to redistribute these expenditures to other jurisdictions or to offset or reduce State funding to the School District because of these expenditures, the City shall transfer said monies that would otherwise be distributed to the School District each year to the City's Children's Fund established in Charter Section 16.108, for the provision of substantially equivalent services and programs.
(Added March 2004)
(a) The Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, designate as a "watch law" any state or federal law or regulation that calls for, authorizes, or requires the production by any City officer, employee, agency, department or office of information, records, or other tangible things held by the City, the disclosure of which could violate the rights of any individuals under the State or Federal Constitutions.
(b) The Board of Supervisors may provide, by ordinance, that it shall respond on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco to all orders or requests for the production of information, records or other tangible things served on the City and County under any law designated as a watch law.
(c) The Board may adopt procedures for expedited consideration of orders or requests for production where necessary to comply with legal deadlines for responding. Prior to acting by resolution of the full Board of Supervisors, the Board may refer the order or request to a committee of its members for a recommendation to the full Board, after consultation with the City Attorney, on an appropriate course of action. To the extent federal or state law would prohibit public disclosure of information that the Board of Supervisors needs to discuss in order to discharge its powers under this Section, the Board may meet in closed session for the limited purpose of discussing that information.
(Added March 2004)
The Board of Supervisors may, by a vote of three-fourths of its members, amend or repeal the voter approved Domestic Partnership Ordinance, as codified in Chapter 62 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, as it deems necessary (1) to eliminate any residency requirement for establishing a Domestic Partnership by filing with the County Clerk, (2) to recognize domestic partnerships formed in other jurisdictions to the same extent as marriages formed in other jurisdictions, and (3) to afford domestic partners, to the fullest extent legally possible, the same rights, benefits, responsibilities, obligations and duties as spouses.
(Added March 2004)