Reporting of Code Enforcement Activities. | |
Model Code Enforcement Forms. |
(a) This Section 2A.320 shall apply to the Department of Building Inspection, the Health Department, the Fire Department, and the Planning Department.
(b) All departments made subject to this Section by subsection (a) shall submit a quarterly report to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors regarding the department's code enforcement activities, in a format to be developed by City Administrator, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection, the Health Director, the Planning Director, and the Fire Chief. Nothing in this Section 2A.320 shall be construed to require the City or any department to waive any applicable attorney-client communication or attorney work product privilege.
(c) For every case referred to a hearing by the department pursuant to the procedures set forth in Building Code Section 102A, or similar hearing under the Health, Fire, or Planning Codes, the report shall disclose:
(1) Whether the matter has been resolved, the violations abated, and the penalties, along with any fees and costs, paid;
(2) Whether the matter has been or will be referred to the City Attorney for review and possible litigation; and, if appropriate,
(3) Other detailed explanation of how the matter is being handled.
(Added by Ord. 60-16, File No. 151085, App. 4/27/2016, Eff. 5/27/2016, Oper. 6/1/2016)
No later than July 1, 2016, the City Administrator, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection, the Health Director, and the Fire Chief and the heads of other interested City departments and agencies, shall prepare model forms for the Notice of Violation, Hearing Notice, and Administrative Order referenced in Building Code Section 102A. All City departments and agencies following the procedures of Building Code Section 102A, and the Fire Department and the Health Department, thereafter shall base their Notice of Violation, Hearing Notice, and Administrative Order on the model forms prepared by the City Administrator, although the departments may modify the model forms to meet their own operational needs.
(Added by Ord. 60-16, File No. 151085, App. 4/27/2016, Eff. 5/27/2016, Oper. 6/1/2016)
Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing. |
(a) Establishment. There is hereby created a Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“Department”). The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions.
(1) Under the supervision and direction of the Director, the Department shall manage and direct housing, programs, and services for homeless persons in the City including, but not limited to, street outreach, homelessness prevention and problem solving, coordinated entry, homeless shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing, as well as certain designated functions set forth in Chapter 20 of this Code.
(2) The Director or designee of the Director shall attend meetings of the Homelessness Oversight Commission (“Commission”), established by Charter Section 4.133, and the Department shall provide administrative and clerical staffing as needed to the Commission and the Local Homeless Coordinating Board and provide the Coordinating Board with the information they request in the exercise of their duties.
(3) The Department shall have such other duties and functions as are assigned by the Charter, an ordinance, or the Mayor pursuant to Charter Section 4.132.