The director of the Department of Administrative Services shall purchase all supplies, equipment and contractual services required by the several departments and offices of the City and County, except as otherwise provided in the Administrative Code. Except in cases of emergency, the director shall not enter into any contract or issue any purchase order unless the Controller shall certify thereon that sufficient unencumbered balances are available in the proper fund to meet the payments under such purchase order or contract as these become due. The director shall have charge of the central warehouses, central storerooms, central garage and shop.
The director shall by rules and regulations approved by the Controller, designate and authorize appropriate personnel within the Department of Administrative Services to exercise the director's signature powers for purchase orders and contract.
The director shall have authority to exchange used materials, supplies and equipment to the advantage of the City and County, advertise for bids, and to sell and otherwise dispose of personal property belonging to the City and County. The director shall have authority to require the transfer of surplus property in any department to stores or to other departments.
The director shall manage all public buildings, facilities and real estate of the City and County, unless otherwise provided for in this Charter.
Additional duties and functions of the Department of Administrative Services shall be assigned the City Administrator, by ordinance or pursuant to Section 4.132.
(Renumbered as Sec. 4.140 and amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/3/2020)
The County Clerk shall perform all duties of the County Clerk-Recorder until such office is merged into the Office of the Assessor-Recorder pursuant to Section 6.101.
The Mayor, by issuing a notice to the Board of Supervisors, may reorganize duties and functions between departments and other units of government within the executive branch. Such reorganization shall become effective 30 days after its issuance unless disapproved by the Board of Supervisors during that time.
A proposed reorganization shall provide for the transfer of:
1. Civil service employees who are engaged in the performance of a function or duty transferred to another office, agency or department; such transfer shall not adversely affect status, position, compensation or pension or retirement rights and privileges;
2. Any unexpended balances of appropriations and other funds available for use in connection with any office, agency, department or function affected by the reorganization; any unexpended balance so transferred shall be used only for the purpose for which the appropriation was originally made, except as this Charter otherwise permits.
(a) There shall be a Homelessness Oversight Commission (“Commission”) to oversee the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“Department”), or any successor agency. The Department shall, to the extent prescribed by ordinance, manage and direct housing, programs, and services for persons experiencing homelessness in the City, including, but not limited to, street outreach, homeless shelters, transitional housing, homelessness prevention, and permanent supportive housing.
(b) The Commission shall consist of seven members, appointed as follows:
(1) Seats 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Board of Supervisors. Each nomination of the Mayor shall be subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors, and shall be the subject of a public hearing and vote within 60 days of the date the Clerk of the Board receives notice of the nomination from the Mayor. If the Board fails to act on the nomination within those 60 days, the nominee shall be deemed approved. The appointment shall become effective on the date the Board adopts a motion approving the nomination or on the 61st day after the Clerk of the Board receives notice of the nomination, whichever is earlier. Seat 1 shall be held by a person who has personally experienced homelessness. Seat 2 shall be held by a person with significant experience providing services to or engaging in advocacy on behalf of persons experiencing homelessness. Seat 3 shall be held by a person with expertise in mental health service delivery or substance use treatment. Seat 4 shall be held by a person with a record of participation in a merchants’ or small business association, or neighborhood association. In addition to the aforementioned qualifications, at least one of the Mayor’s appointees shall have experience in budgeting, finance, and auditing.
(2) Seats 5, 6, and 7 shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Seat 5 shall be held by a person who has personally experienced homelessness. Seat 6 shall be held by a person with significant experience providing services to or engaging in advocacy on behalf of persons experiencing homelessness. Seat 7 shall be held by a person with significant experience working with homeless families with children and/or homeless youth.
(3) Section 4.101 shall apply to these appointments, with a particular emphasis on diversity in ethnicity, race, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and types of disabilities.
(c) Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities and may be removed by their appointing authorities at any time. Vacancies shall be filled by the respective appointing authorities as prescribed in subsections (b)(1) and (2).
(d) Commissioners shall serve four-year terms, beginning at noon on May 1, 2023; provided, however, the term of the initial appointees in Seats 1, 4, and 6 shall be a two-year term, expiring at noon on May 1, 2025.
(e) The Commission shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and officers for other such positions, if any, that it chooses to create.
(f) The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) With respect to the Department, the Commission shall exercise all of the powers and duties of boards and commissions as set forth in Sections 4.102, 4.103, and 4.104, including but not limited to, approving applicable departmental budgets, formulating annual and long-term goals consistent with the overall objectives of the City and County, establishing departmental performance standards, holding hearings and taking testimony, conducting public education and outreach concerning programs and services for homeless persons in San Francisco, and issues concerning homelessness, and conducting performance audits of the Department to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department’s delivery of services to persons experiencing homelessness and persons participating in programs overseen by the Department, and the extent to which the Department has met the annual goals and performance standards established by the Commission.
(2) Notwithstanding the Commission’s authority to review and set policies, the Commission shall not have the authority to approve, disapprove, or modify criteria used to ascertain eligibility or priority for programs and/or services operated or provided by the Department, where such criteria are required as a condition of the receipt of state or federal funding.
(g) The Mayor and the Board of Supervisors shall make their initial appointments to Seats 1-7, respectively, on the Commission by no later than noon, March 1, 2023. The Commission shall come into existence upon the appointment, and confirmation where required, of four members, or at noon on May 1, 2023, whichever is later. The Commission shall have its inaugural meeting within 30 days of its coming into existence.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2022)
(Added November 1998; repealed November 2014)
Editor's Notes:
Divisions (h)–(j) of Sec. 4.133, as added by Proposition C, approved by the voters at the election of November 8, 2022, expired on April 17, 2024 according to the terms of their sunset provision and were removed from the Charter at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Divisions (h)–(j) of Sec. 4.133, as added by Proposition C, approved by the voters at the election of November 8, 2022, expired on April 17, 2024 according to the terms of their sunset provision and were removed from the Charter at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Sec. 4.133 pertained to the Taxi Commission. Exercising authority granted by Sec. 8A.101(b) of this Charter, the Board of Supervisors abolished the Taxi Commission and transferred its functions, powers, and duties to the Municipal Transportation Agency; see Police Code Art. 16, Sec. 1075.1. For current provisions relating to taxis (and vehicles for hire generally), see Transportation Code Article 1100. Former Sec. 4.133 was deleted from the Charter by Proposition C, approved by the voters at the election of November, 2014.
(a) There shall be a Small Business Commission to oversee the San Francisco Office of Small Business. The Commission shall consist of seven members, who shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. The Mayor shall appoint four members of the Commission; the Board of Supervisors shall appoint the remaining three members. The Mayor shall designate two of his or her initial appointments to serve for two-year terms; the Board of Supervisors shall designate one of its initial appointments to serve a two-year term. Thereafter, all commissioners shall serve for four-year terms.
(b) At least five of the individuals appointed to the Commission shall be owners, operators, or officers of San Francisco small businesses. One of the individuals appointed to the Commission may be either a current or former owner, operator, or officer of a San Francisco small business. One member of the Commission may be an officer or representative of a neighborhood economic development organization or an expert in small business finance.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 87103, individuals appointed to the Commission under this Section are intended to represent and further the interest of the particular industries, trades, or professions specified herein. Accordingly, it is found that for purposes of persons who hold such office, the specified industries, trades, or professions are tantamount to and constitute the public generally within the meaning of Government Code Section 87103.
(c) The Mayor and the Board of Supervisors shall select Commission members who reflect the diversity of neighborhood and small business interests in the City.
(Added November 2003)
GENERAL. There is hereby created a Historic Preservation Commission, which shall advise the City on historic preservation matters, participate in processes that involve historic or cultural resources, and take such other actions concerning historic preservation as may be prescribed by ordinance. The Historic Preservation Commission shall consist of seven members nominated by the Mayor and subject to approval by a majority of the Board of Supervisors.
The term and tenure of all members sitting on the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, created under Article 10 of the Planning Code, as of the effective date of this section shall terminate on December 31, 2008. Of the original appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission, four shall be for a four-year term and three for a two-year term as follows; the odd-numbered seats shall be for four-year terms and the even-numbered seats shall be for two-year terms. After the expiration of the original terms, all appointments shall be for four-year terms, provided however, that a member may holdover until a successor has been nominated by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Supervisors. There shall be no limit on the number of terms a member may serve.
The original nominations shall be made no later than 31 days after the date of the election creating this section. If the Mayor fails to nominate an original appointment within said period, the nomination for the original appointment may be made by the President of the Board of Supervisors, subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of Supervisors.
Within 60 days of the expiration of a term or other vacancy the Mayor shall nominate a qualified person to fill the vacant seat for the term, or the remainder of the term, subject to approval by a majority of the Board of Supervisors who shall hold a public hearing and vote on the nomination within 60 days of the Mayor's transmittal of the nomination to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. If the Mayor fails to make such nomination within 60 days, the nomination may be made by the President of the Board of Supervisors, subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of Supervisors. The appointment shall become effective on the date the Board of Supervisors adopts a motion approving the nomination or after 60 days from the date the Mayor transmits the nomination to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors if the Board of Supervisors fails to act.
Members may be removed by the appointing officer only pursuant to Section 15.105.
QUALIFICATIONS. In addition to the specific requirements set forth below, members of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be persons specially qualified by reason of interest, competence, knowledge, training and experience in the historic, architectural, aesthetic, and cultural traditions of the City, interested in the preservation of its historic structures, sites and areas, and residents of the City. Six of the members of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be specifically qualified in the following fields:
1. Seats 1 and 2: licensed architects meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for historic architecture;
2. Seat 3: an architectural historian meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for architectural history with specialized training and/or demonstrable experience in North American or Bay Area architectural history;
3. Seat 4: an historian meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for history with specialized training and/or demonstrable experience in North American or Bay Area history;
4. Seat 5: an historic preservation professional or professional in a field such as law, land use, community planning or urban design with specialized training and/or demonstrable experience in historic preservation or historic preservation planning.
5. Seat 6 shall be specially qualified in one of the following fields or in one of the fields set forth for Seats 1, 2, or 3;
a. A professional archeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for Archeology;
b. A real estate professional or contractor who has demonstrated a special interest, competence, experience, and knowledge in historic preservation;
c. A licensed structural engineer with at least four years of experience in seismic and structural engineering principals applied to historic structures; or
d. A person with training and professional experience with materials conservation.
Seat 7 shall be an at large seat subject to the minimum qualifications set forth above.
LANDMARK AND HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGNATIONS. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to recommend approval, disapproval, or modification of landmark designations and historic district designations under the Planning Code to the Board of Supervisors. The Historic Preservation Commission shall send recommendations regarding landmarks designations to the Board of Supervisors without referral or recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Historic Preservation Commission shall refer recommendations regarding historic district designations to the Planning Commission, which shall have 45 days to review and comment on the proposed designation, which comments, if any, shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors together with the Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation. Decisions of the Historic Preservation Commission to disapprove designation of a landmark or historic district shall be final unless appealed to the Board of Supervisors.
CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS. The Historic Preservation Commission shall approve, disapprove, or modify certificates of appropriateness for work to designated landmarks or within historic districts. For minor alterations, the Historic Preservation Commission may delegate this function to staff, whose decision may be appealed to the Historic Preservation Commission.
For projects that require multiple planning approvals, the Historic Preservation Commission must review and act on any Certificate of Appropriateness before any other planning approval action. For projects that (1) require a conditional use permit or permit review under Section 309, et seq., of the Planning Code and (2) do not concern an individually landmarked property, the Planning Commission may modify any decision on a Certificate of Appropriateness by a 2/3 vote, provided that the Planning Commission shall apply all applicable historic resources provisions of the Planning Code.
For projects that are located on vacant lots, the Planning Commission may modify any decision on a Certificate of Appropriateness by a two-thirds vote, provided that the Planning Commission shall apply all applicable historic resources provisions of the Planning Code.
The Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission's decision on a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be final unless appealed to the Board of Appeals, which may modify the decision by a 4/5 vote; provided, however, that if the project requires Board of Supervisors approval or is appealed to the Board of Supervisors as a conditional use, the decision shall not be appealable to the Board of Appeals, but rather to the Board of Supervisors, which may modify the decision by a majority vote.
SIGNIFICANT OR CONTRIBUTORY BUILDING AND CONSERVATION DISTRICT DESIGNATIONS IN THE C-3 DISTRICTS. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to recommend approval, disapproval, or modification of Significant or Contributory building and Conservation District designations under the Planning Code to the Board of Supervisors. The Historic Preservation Commission shall send recommendations regarding Significant or Contributory Buildings to the Board of Supervisors without referral or recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Historic Preservation Commission shall refer recommendations regarding Conservation District designations to the Planning Commission, which shall have 45 days to review and comment on the proposed designation, which comments, if any, shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors together with the Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation, Decisions of the Historic Preservation Commission to disapprove designation of a Significant or Contributory building or Conservation District shall be final unless appealed to the Board of Supervisors.
ALTERATION OF SIGNIFICANT OR CONTRIBUTORY BUILDINGS OR BUILDINGS IN CONSERVATION DISTRICTS IN THE C-3 DISTRICTS. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to determine if a proposed alteration is a Major Alteration or a Minor Alteration. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to approve, disapprove, or modify applications for permits to alter or demolish designated Significant or Contributory buildings or buildings within Conservation Districts. For Minor Alterations, the Historic Preservation Commission may delegate this function to staff, whose decision may be appealed to the Historic Preservation Commission.
For projects that require multiple planning approvals, the Historic Preservation Commission must review and act on any permit to alter before any other planning approval action. For projects that (1) require a conditional use permit or permit review under Section 309, et seq., of the Planning Code and (2) do not concern a designated Significant (Categories I and II) or Contributory (Category III only) building, the Planning Commission may modify any decision on a permit to alter by a 2/3 vote, provided that the Planning Commission shall apply all applicable historic resources provisions of the Planning Code.
For projects that are located on vacant lots, the Planning Commission may modify any decision on a permit to alter by a two-thirds vote, provided that the Planning Commission shall apply all applicable historic resources provisions of the Planning Code.
The Historic Preservation Commission's or Planning Commission's decision on a permit to alter shall be final unless appealed to the Board of Appeals, which may modify the decision by a 4/5 vote; provided, however, that if the project requires Board of Supervisors approval or is appealed to the Board of Supervisors as a conditional use, the decision shall not be appealable to the Board of Appeals, but rather to the Board of Supervisors, which may modify the decision by a majority vote.
MILLS ACT CONTRACTS. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to recommend approval, disapproval, or modification of historical property contracts to the Board of Supervisors, without referral or recommendation of the Planning Commission.
PRESERVATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. The Historic Preservation Commission shall recommend to the Planning Commission a Preservation Element of the General Plan and shall periodically recommend to the Planning Commission proposed amendments to such Preservation Element of the General Plan. Other objectives, policies, and provisions of the General Plan and special area, neighborhood, and other plans designed to carry out the General Plan, and proposed amendments thereto, that are not contained within such Preservation Element but that concern historic preservation shall be referred to the Historic Preservation Commission for its comment and recommendations prior to action by the Planning Commission. When the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection proposed amendments to the General Plan that concern historic preservation, any recommendation or comments of the Historic Preservation Commission on such proposed amendments shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for its information.
REFERRAL OF CERTAIN MATTERS. The following matters shall, prior to passage by the Board of Supervisors, be submitted for written report by the Historic Preservation Commission regarding effects upon historic or cultural resources: ordinances and resolutions concerning historic preservation issues and historic resources; redevelopment project plans; waterfront land use and project plans; and such other matters as may be prescribed by ordinance. If the Planning Commission is required to take action on the matter, the Historic Preservation Commission shall submit any report to the Planning Commission as well as to the Board of Supervisors; otherwise, the Historic Preservation Commission shall submit any report to the Board of Supervisors.
OTHER DUTIES. For proposed projects that may have an impact on historic or cultural resources, the Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to review and comment upon environmental documents under the California Environmental Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. The Historic Preservation Commission shall act as the City's local historic preservation review commission for the purposes of the Certified Local Government Program, may recommend properties for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and may review and comment on federal undertakings where authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act. The Historic Preservation Commission shall review and comment upon any agreements proposed under the National Historic Preservation Act where the City is a signatory prior to any approval action on such agreement. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the authority to oversee and direct the survey and inventory of historic properties.
Once a quorum of members of the Historic Preservation Commission has been originally appointed and approved, the Historic Preservation Commission shall assume any powers and duties assigned to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board until the Municipal Code has been amended to reflect the creation of the Historic Preservation Commission.
BUDGET, FEES, DEPARTMENT HEAD, AND STAFF. The provisions of Charter subsections 4.102(3), 4.102(4), 4.102(5), and 4.102(6) shall not apply to the Historic Preservation Commission. The Historic Preservation Commission may review and make recommendations on the Planning Department budget and on any rates, fees, and similar charges with respect to appropriate items coming within the Historic Preservation Commission's jurisdiction to the department head of the Planning Department or the Planning Commission. The department head of the Planning Department shall assume the powers and duties that would otherwise be executed by an Historic Preservation Commission department head. The Planning Department shall render staff assistance to the Historic Preservation Commission.
(Added by Proposition J, 11/4/2008)