Article I. In General
   2-1   Contracts - signatures required
   2-2   Same - interest of village officers and employees
   2-2A   Officers and official indemnification and defense
   2-2B   Employee indemnification and defense
   2-2C   Gift ban (DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY - Ord. No. 06-01-3143)
   2-2D   Civil emergencies
   2-2E   Paid leave policies
Article II. Board of Trustees
   2-3   Regular meetings
   2-4   Special meetings; emergency meetings
   2-5   Committees
   2-6   Appropriation and tax levy ordinances
   2-7   Disturbing meetings
   2-8   Clerk
   2-9   Order of business
   2-10   Quorum
   2-11   Members required to vote; vote necessary for passage of ordinances, resolutions and motions; abstentions
   2-12   When vote reconsidered
   2-13   Resolution to be in writing
   2-14   Decorum
   2-15   Robert's Rules of Order
Article III. Officers and Employees Generally
Division 1. Village President
   2-16   Chief executive of village, etc.
   2-17   Powers and duties generally
   2-18   Bond
   2-19   To attend meetings of board, etc.
Division 2. Village Manager
   2-20   Office created
   2-21   Appointment, term, qualifications, etc.
   2-22   Bond
   2-23   Compensation
   2-24   Removal from office
   2-25   Powers and duties generally
   2-26   Absence from village, etc.
   2-27   Board not to interfere with appointments or removals, etc.
Division 3. Village Treasurer
   2-28   Office created
   2-29   Appointment
   2-30   Compensation; bond
   2-31   Duties generally
   2-32   Village warrants
   2-33   Receipt of interest and money
   2-34   Maintenance of books and accounts; reports
Division 4. Village Clerk
   2-35   Appointment; term
   2-36   Compensation; bond
   2-37   Powers and duties generally
   2-38   Posting, etc., of ordinances
   2-39   Docketing and filing documents
   2-40   Notification of persons of election or appointment
Division 5. Village Attorney
   2-41   Office created; appointment
   2-42   Compensation
   2-43   Term of office
   2-44   Duties
   2-45   Vacancy
   2-46   Special counsel
Division 6. Village Collector
   2-47   Appointment; term
   2-48   Bond
   2-49   Duties
   2-50   Reports and records
   2-51   Vacancy
Division 7. Village Prosecutor
   2-52   Office created
   2-53   Appointment
   2-54   Duties
   2-55   Compensation
   2-56   Vacancy
Division 8. Street Commissioner
   2-57   Appointment; term
   2-58   Bond
   2-59   Duties
   2-60   Reports and records
   2-61   Vacancy
Division 9. Village Marshal
   2-62   Appointment; term
   2-63   Bond
   2-64   Duties
   2-65   Reports and records
   2-66   Vacancy
Division 10. Police Constable
   2-67   Election
   2-68   Bond
   2-69   Powers and duties
   2-70   Reports and records
   2-71   Vacancy
   2-72   Negligence or violation of duty
Article IV. Village Departments
Division 1. Department of Public Works
   2-73   Creation; composition
   2-74   Director of public works - office created; appointment
   2-75   Same - compensation
   2-76   Same - powers and duties
Division 2. Department of Finance
   2-77   Creation; composition
   2-78   Director of finance - office created; appointment
   2-79   Same - compensation
   2-80   Same - duties generally; supervision by village manager
   2-81   Same - purchasing coordinator
   2-82   Purchasing policy
Division 3. Police Department
   2-84   Creation; composition
   2-85   Director of public safety - office created
   2-86   Same - compensation
   2-87   Same - powers and duties
   2-88   Deputy chiefs - powers and duties
   2-89 - 2-90   Repealed (Ord. 90-5-1814)
   2-91   Powers and duties of members generally
   2-92   Appointment and discipline of members
   2-93   Acceptance of gifts
   2-94   Duty to report delivery of seized property, etc.
   2-95   Badge to be worn, etc.
   2-96   Duty of members to return property issued by the village upon resignation, etc.
Division 4. Fire Department
   2-97   Duties of citizens
   2-98   Creation; composition
   2-99 - 2-101   Repealed (Ord. No. 90-5-1814)
   2-102   Powers and duties of members
Division 5. Health Department
   2-103   Creation; composition
   2-104   Health office - officer created
   2-105   Same - appointment; qualifications
   2-106   Same - general nature of office
   2-107   Same - compensation
   2-108   Same - powers and duties
   2-109   Same - notice of violations and procedure for prosecution of violators
   2-110   Contractual services
Article V. Boards and Commissions
Division 1. Board of Health
   2-111   Creation; composition
   2-112   Meetings
   2-113   Attendance of health officer
   2-114   Rules and regulations
   2-115   Enforcement of orders
Division 2. Board of Local Improvements
   2-116   Creation; composition
   2-117   Powers and duties
   2-118   Records
Division 3. Plan Commission
   2-119   Creation; membership
   2-120   Voting
   2-121   Meetings; hearings; procedures
   2-122   Decisions and reports
   2-123   Comprehensive plan
   2-124   Maps and plats of subdivisions
   2-125   Records
   2-126   Power and duties
Division 4. Glencoe Sustainability Task Force
   2-127   Established; purpose; duties
   2-128   Organization and membership
   2-129   Rules and procedures
Division 5. Electrical Commission
   2-130   Creation; compensation; appointment and term of members
   2-131   Functions
Division 6. Playground Commission
   2-132   Established; powers and duties generally
   2-133   Composition
   2-134   Repealed
   2-135   Officers
   2-136   Rule making powers; other powers enumerated
   2-137   Contracts, etc.
   2-138   Reports; repeal of division
Division 7. Public Safety Commission
   2-139   Creation; composition
   2-140   Appointment; term
   2-141   Qualifications; oaths; bond; removal
   2-142   Powers and duties
   2-143   Secretary; duties; compensation
   2-144   Members to serve without compensation
Division 8. Joint Emergency Telephone System Board
(Ord. No. 2017-2-3410)
   2-145   Authorization
   2-146   Reserved for future use
Division 9. Glencoe Council for Inclusion and Community
   2-146.1   Creation
   2-146.2   Purposes of Council
   2-146.3   Organization and membership
   2-146.4   Rules and procedures
Article VI. Code of Ethics
(Ord. No. 06-01-3143)
Division 1. General Provisions
   2-147   Policy and purpose
   2-148   Impartiality; special treatment of others
   2-149   Private use of public property
   2-150   Disclosure of confidential information
Division 2. Conflicts of Interest
   2-151   Definitions
   2-152   Conflicts of interest
   2-153   Disclosure of real estate
   2-154   Advisory opinions; ethics board
   2-155   Effect of conflict of interest on decision
Division 3. Gift Ban and Prohibited Political Activities
   2-156   Gift ban and prohibited political activities
   Article VII. PSEBA Policy and Procedures
(Ord. No. 2020-08-3474)
   2-157   Purpose
   2-158   Application process and initial review
   2-159   Administrative hearing process; determination of hearing officer
   2-160   Designation of basic group health insurance plan; award of benefits
Charter reference:
   For charter provision as to marshal and police officers generally, etc., see char., art. III, § 7
   For charter provision as to police, etc., constables, see char., art. III, § 9
   For charter provision as to prevention of contagious diseases, etc., see char., art. IV, § 5
   For charter provisions as to fire prevention, etc., generally, see char., art. IV, § 13
   As interfering with, etc., firefighters, see § 24-33
   As to authority of village manager in connection with parking, see §§ 23-88, 23-89
   As to authority of village manager in connection with regulation of traffic, etc., see §§ 23-59 to 23-62
   As to civil defense, see ch. 10
   As to duty to assist firefighters, see § 24-33
   As to electrical code, see ch. 13
   As to electrical contractors, see ch. 14
   As to false alarms, see § 24-22
   As to fines and imprisonment, see ch. 16
   As to fire prevention generally see ch. 17
   As to health and sanitation generally, see ch. 21
   As to loitering, etc., in fire engine rooms, etc., see § 24-36
   As to retailer's occupation tax, see ch. 28
   As to vehicle approaching fire department vehicle, see § 23-81