For the purposes of this division 2, the following terms shall have the following meanings.
   EMPLOYEE. All full-time, part-time and contractual employees of the village.
   FAMILY RELATIONSHIP. Any relationship of spouse, parent, child or sibling or any personal relationship that would prevent an officer or employee from acting with impartiality.
   INTEREST. Any economic interest or relationship, whether by ownership, trust, purchase, sale, lease, contract, option, investment, employment, gift, fee or otherwise; whether present, promised or reasonably expected; whether direct or indirect, including interests as a consultant, representative or other person receiving (or who may be receiving) remuneration, either directly or indirectly, as a result of a transaction; whether in the person itself or in a parent or subsidiary corporation, or in another subsidiary of the same parent; whether such interest is held directly or indirectly by the officer or employee, the spouse or minor child of such officer or employee, or any other person with a family relationship with such officer or employee owning or sharing the same household as the officer or employee. INTEREST shall not include interest in a mutual fund or managed account, an ownership interest of less than 5% in any business entity or an interest of general applicability affecting others in similar situations. An example of an "interest of general applicability affecting others in similar situations" that is not an INTEREST for purposes of this division 2. might include the following: an officer who owns property in the central business district serves as a member of a board that is considering a proposed amendment to the zoning code that would affect all property within the central business district.
   OFFICER. All appointed and elected officials of the village, regardless of whether the official is compensated; provided, however, that a member of a task force, blue ribbon committee or similar group that is established solely for the purpose of advising the village board on policy issues shall not be considered an OFFICER for the purposes of this division 2.
   RECUSE. To refrain from participation in any official discussion or deliberation regarding a transaction and abstain from any vote on such transaction.
   TRANSACTION. Any matter, including without limitation contracts, work or business with the village, the sale or purchase of real estate by the village, and any requests for zoning, development or subdivision approvals, including without limitation rezonings, variations and special use permits, pending before the village, upon which an officer or employee performs an official act or action.
(Ord. No. 06-01-3143)