(a)   The village shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless its current and former non-compensated trustees, commissioners, board members and officers, as well as representatives serving on other bodies who have been appointed by the village board of trustees, against any civil, criminal or administrative investigation, claims, actions or proceedings, and any judgments, fines, liabilities and other costs thereof, including reasonable attorney's fees and any amounts paid in any settlement concurred in by the village, based upon any act, error or omission that could reasonably be construed to be within the exercise of their lawful duties. This section shall not apply to provide defense or indemnification to any such trustee, commissioner, board member, officer or representative in any such investigation, claim action or proceeding instituted by the village against such trustee, commissioner, board member, officer or representative.
   (b)   The foregoing rights shall not be exclusive of any other rights which any current or former non-compensated trustee, commissioner, board member, officer or representatives on other bodies who have been appointed by the village board of trustees, may have as a matter of law. The foregoing rights shall, in the case of the death of such trustee, commissioner, board member, officer or representative, inure to the benefit of his or her successors.
   (c)   The liability of the village for payments hereunder may be insured to the extent permitted by law but to the extent not insured shall be payable out of the funds and monies of that village.
(Ord. No. 86-6-1727; Ord. No. 91-11-1852)