All applications for benefits pursuant to PSEBA must be submitted and will be considered according to the following process:
   (a)   Application form. Any person seeking PSEBA benefits from the village (“applicant”) must complete and submit to the village the standard application form prepared by the village, and all supporting documentation required by the application. The PSEBA application must be completed, sworn, and notarized as to the content of the application.
   (b)   Time period for submission of application. The completed application for PSEBA benefits must be submitted either by hand delivery or certified mail to the attention of the Village Manager, Village of Glencoe, 675 Village Court, Glencoe, Illinois, 60022, not later than one year after the date on which the event took place for which the applicant claims to qualify for PSEBA benefits; provided, however, the time to submit an application for an applicant who has timely filed an application for pension benefits with the village’s police pension fund board be the date that is 30 days after the date of any final ruling by the applicable pension board concerning any duty-related disability.
   (c)   Processing of application. Upon receipt of a timely, complete, and executed application form, the village manager or their designee shall promptly review the materials and other relevant information necessary or appropriate to analyze whether the applicant is eligible for PSEBA benefits. If the village determines that additional fact-finding is necessary or appropriate, the applicant will respond to a written request by the village for additional information not later than 30 days after receipt of the village’s request. If the applicant does not respond to or cooperate with the village’s written request for additional information, the village will send a reminder notice to the applicant explaining the duty of full cooperation in the fact-finding process. If the applicant does not provide the requested information or otherwise cooperate with the village within 21 days after receipt of such additional notice, then the village may deem the application for PSEBA benefits to be withdrawn and waived.
   (d)   Initial determination of eligibility by village manager. The village manager or their designee will review the facts contained in the completed application, supporting materials, and any other information gathered through any additional fact-finding. If the village manager or their designee determines based on this review that the applicant is eligible for PSEBA benefits, the village manager or their designee will grant the applicant’s request for benefits and coordinate the provision of benefits to the applicant consistent with PSEBA’s requirements and § 2-160 of this article. If the village manager or their designee determines that the applicant is not qualified for PSEBA benefits, the application will be considered by the village’s hearing officer at an administrative hearing pursuant to § 2-159 of this article.
(Ord. 2020-08-3474)