(a)   The finance committee shall present to the board of trustees on or before the second Thursday of May of each year an appropriation ordinance, appropriating such sums of money as may be deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the village, specifying particularly the objects and purposes for which such appropriations are made and the amount appropriated for each object or purpose.
   (b)   The board of trustees shall pass such ordinance within the first quarter of the fiscal year.
   (c)   The board of trustees shall pass a tax levy ordinance which shall incorporate such appropriation ordinance as originally passed, or as the same may be lawfully amended, on or before the second Thursday of August of each year, which ordinance shall specify in detail the purposes for which such appropriations are made and the sum or amount appropriated for each purpose, respectively, and which shall levy the amount so ascertained upon all the property subject to taxation within the village as the same is assessed and equalized for state and county purposes for the current year.
   (d)   The village clerk shall thereupon file a certified copy of such tax levy ordinance with the county clerk as is required by state law.
Charter reference:
   For charter provisions prohibiting members of council from making, etc., contracts with council, etc., see char., art. II, § 8
   As to taxes generally, see char., art. V, §§ 1 to 8