(a)   No officer or employee shall participate in any official action that would constitute a conflict of interest under the statutes or common law of the State of Illinois.
   (b)   In addition to the requirements of subsection 2-152(a), no officer or employee shall have an interest in, or have a family relationship with a person having an interest in, a transaction that is incompatible with the proper discharge of his or her official duties in the public interest or that may impair his or her independence of judgment or action in the performance of his or her official duties.
   (c)   Any employee or any officer whose office is elective shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any transaction that comes before such employee or officer in the course of his or her official duties, whenever such employee or officer has actual knowledge that he or she has any interest in the transaction, any family relationship with a person having an interest in such transaction, or any interest in an applicant appearing before the employee or officer in an official capacity, even if the employee or officer does not have an interest in the transaction itself. Nor shall any officer whose office is elective personally represent any person other than either the village or the officer himself or herself or his or her spouse with respect to the personal residence of such officer in any transaction before the board on which such officer serves.
   (d)   Any officer whose office is appointive shall recuse himself or herself from any transaction that comes before such officer in the course of his or her official duties, whenever such officer has actual knowledge that he or she has any family relationship with a person having an interest in such transaction, or any interest in an applicant appearing before the officer in an official capacity, even though the officer does not have an interest in the transaction itself. Unless otherwise exempted pursuant to subsection 2-154(b) of this code, any officer whose office is appointive shall resign from such office in the event that any transaction comes before such officer in the course of his or her official duties and such officer has actual knowledge that he or she has any interest in such transaction; provided, however, that any officer who is a member of the historic preservation commission may recuse himself or herself in connection with such transaction in lieu of resignation.
   (e)   Examples of conflicts of interest include the following:
      (1)   Interest in a transaction before the board, commission or committee on which an officer serves as member:
         A.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she has an interest in a transaction pending before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall be required to resign from his or her office if such office is appointive and shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction if such office is elective;
         B.   An officer who has actual knowledge that a person with a family relationship with and residing with such officer has an interest in a transaction pending before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall be required to resign from his or her office if such office is appointive and shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction if such office is elective; or
         C.   An officer who has actual knowledge that a person (other than a spouse or minor child) with a family relationship with such officer but residing apart from such officer has an interest in a transaction pending before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction.
      (2)   Interest in a transaction pending before board, commission or committee other than the board, commission or committee on which officer serves as member:
         A.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she has an interest in a transaction pending before a board, commission or committee other than the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall not appear in person before such board, commission or committee relating to such transaction; or
         B.   An officer who has actual knowledge that a person with whom such officer has a family relationship has an interest in a transaction pending before a board, commission or committee other than the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall either not appear or participate in any way or manner in any village proceeding relating to such transaction or disclose such family relationship on the record prior to participating in any proceeding before a village board, commission or committee.
      (3)   Representation of applicant before board, commission or committee of which officer serves as member:
         A.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she, directly or indirectly, represents an applicant in a transaction pending before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall be required to resign from his or her office if such office is appointive and shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction if such office is elective;
         B.   An appointed officer who directly or indirectly appears on behalf of an applicant before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall be required to resign from his or her office. An elected officer or employee who indirectly appears on behalf of an applicant (e.g., through a partner in the officer's firm) shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction;
         C.   An elected officer shall not personally appear on behalf of another person before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves;
         D.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she, directly or indirectly, prepares materials for but does not appear on behalf of an applicant whose transaction is pending before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction; and
         E.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she represents, directly or indirectly, an applicant before the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves but in matters unrelated to the transaction before such board, commission or committee shall recuse himself or herself in connection with any official consideration of the transaction.
      (4)   Representation of applicant before board, commission or committee other than the board, commission or committee on which officer serves as member:
         A.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she, directly or indirectly, represents an applicant whose transaction is pending before a board, commission or committee other than the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall either not appear or participate in any way or manner in any village proceeding relating to such transaction, or disclose such interest on the record prior to participating in any proceeding before a village board, commission or committee; and
         B.   An officer who has actual knowledge that he or she, directly or indirectly, prepares materials on behalf of an applicant whose transaction is pending before a board, commission or committee other than the board, commission or committee on which the officer serves as a member shall either not appear or participate in any way or manner in any village proceeding relating to such transaction, or disclose such interest on the record prior to participating in any proceeding before a village board, commission or committee.
   (f)   To the extent that any of the foregoing examples is inconsistent with the other provisions of this article, such other provisions shall control.