Article I. Vital Statistics
   21-1   Duty of health officer to keep records
   21-2   Registrar
Article II. Control of Disease
Division 1. Generally
   21-3   Duty of persons to report diseases dangerous to public health
   21-4   Diseases transmissible to man from animals
   21-5   Educational, etc., programs
Division 2. Communicable Diseases
   21-6   Definitions
   21-7   Enforcement of state law
   21-8   Promulgation of rules and regulations
   21-9   Investigation by health officer; isolation and quarantine generally
   21-10   Community education programs
   21-11   Securing material for laboratory examination
   21-12   Isolation or restriction of carriers
   21-13   Emergency measures
Article III. Environmental Sanitation
Division 1. Air Pollution
   21-14   Determination of status
   21-14.1   Definitions
   21-14.2   Emission of dense smoke prohibited and declared nuisance
   21-14.3   Escape of air contaminants prohibited and declared nuisance
   21-14.4   Open burning regulations
   21-15   Pollutants of natural origin
   21-15.1   Penalty and abatement both applicable for violations
Division 2. Water Supply
   21-16   Polluters; cross-connections
Division 3. Disposal of Human Excrement
   21-17   Disposal in public sanitary sewer required; permit for exceptions; rescission of permit
Division 4. Insects Dangerous to the Public Health
   21-18   Prohibited generally
   21-19   Flies
   21-20   Mosquito breeding water - defined
   21-21   Same - prohibited; treatment by owner or occupant of premises
   21-22   Same - proof of mosquito breeding
Division 5. Rodents
   21-23   Infested premises and breeding sites
Division 6. Housing
   21-24   Prohibited when dangerous to public health
Article IV. Promotion of Public Health
   21-25   Duty of health officer
Article V. Milk and Food
Division 1. Generally
   21-26   Milk and milk products generally
   21-27   Food processing and handling generally
Division 2. Food Service Establishments and Food Stores
(Ord. No. 98-19-2062)
Subdivision I. Generally
   21-28   Adoption of retail food store sanitation code/1992; where filed
   21-29   Adoption of 2013 food sanitation code
   21-30   Permit required
   21-31   Issuance of permit
   21-32   Suspension of permit
   21-33   Revocation of permit
   21-34   Service of notice
   21-35   Hearings
   21-36   Application after revocation
   21-37   Inspection frequency
   21-38   Access
   21-39   Report of inspection
   21-40   Correction of violations
   21-41   Examination and condemnation of food
   21-42   Submission of plans; inspection
   21-42A   Procedure when infection is suspected
   21-43   Sale of food from sources outside jurisdiction of the village
   21-44   Violations and penalties
Division 3. Food Vending Machines
   21-45   Adoption of the vending of food and beverages/1978; where filed
Article VI. Hazardous Materials
   21-46   Definitions
   21-47   Discharge of hazardous materials; cleanup or abatement; liability for costs
   21-48   Billing responsible persons; payment to the village; appeal
Charter reference:
   As to power of village in connection with prevention of contagious diseases, etc., see char., art. IV, § 5
   As to board of health generally, see §§ 2-111 to 2-115
   As to diseased animals generally, see § 6-14
   As to dogs suffering with rabies, etc., see § 6-40 to 6-43
   As to employment of infectiously diseased persons in laundries, see § 12-15
   As to employment of infectiously diseased persons in dry cleaning establishments, see § 12-8
   As to health department generally, see §§ 2-103 to 2-110
   As to sanitary, etc., inspection of taxicabs, see § 32-28
   As to sanitary, etc., requirements for florists, see § 18-5
   As to sanitary regulations for barbershops, see §§ 8-7 to 8-22
   As to sanitation, etc., of busses, see § 32-35
   As to sanitation generally in connection with private swimming pools, see § 9-70
   As to sanitation in connection with public garages, see § 15-16
   As to sanitation in laundries, see § 12-14
   As to sanitation of tobacco dealers' premises, see § 33-3
   As to water generally, see ch. 36
Statutory reference:
   As to public health generally, see Ill. Rev. Stat., ch. 111 ½
   As to vital statistics, see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 111 ½, §§ 73-1 to 73-29