The maximum number of members of the GSTF shall be set by the Village Board by resolution duly adopted. The Village President and Board of Trustees, in appointing members to the GSTF, shall consider benefits to the village and its residents of having members whose training, interest, background or experience will aid the Task Force in its work.
   (a)   The Village President, with the consent of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint all members and the chair of the GSTF. The chair shall set the meeting agenda and shall preside over each meeting of the GSTF. All vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Village President, with the consent of the Board of Trustees, for the unexpired term. Any member may be removed by the Village President without hearing for failure to attend three consecutive meetings, or otherwise for cause after a public hearing.
   (b)   Each member of the GSTF shall be a resident of the village and shall serve without compensation. Any appointed member who ceases to be a resident will be deemed to have resigned from the GSTF.
   (c)   The term of office of each member shall be for three years. If the Village Board reduces the membership of the GSTF by resolution duly adopted, the reduction will not serve to terminate any current member's term. All members whose terms continue beyond the date which the reduction becomes effective shall continue in office until the end of their term. Any reduction in membership may only be effectuated through the natural expiration of terms or resignations of members.
   (d)   The Village Manager shall staff the GSTF with a secretary, who shall be a village employee. The secretary shall take minutes of each meeting and distribute copies of the official minutes to the Village President, Board of Trustees, Village Manager/Clerk and the GSTF members, and shall assist the GSTF in preparing its annual report and other reports as necessary.
   (e)   Expenses for the operation and conduct of the affairs of the GSTF shall be paid from funds provided for that purpose in the annual appropriation ordinance and annual budget of the village, or as otherwise specifically approved by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. No. 2022-16-3536)