(a)   The GSTF shall meet at least quarterly on a day and time designated by it and may meet at other times upon the request of the Village President or the chair, or any two members of the GSTF. The facilities of the Village Hall shall be available to the GSTF for its meetings.
   (b)   The GSTF may adopt rules of order and procedure as it may deem necessary and advisable. These rules and procedures may be changed or altered as shall be consistent with village ordinances and other applicable laws.
   (c)   A majority of the currently appointed members of the GSTF shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business, notwithstanding the number of open seats on the GSTF. Any action or recommendation shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of members in attendance.
   (d)   Each member of the GSTF shall have one vote and the chair shall have the right to vote on all matters coming before the GSTF.
   (e)   All meetings of the GSTF shall be open to the public. The GSTF shall keep written records of its proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection as required under the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
   (f)   The GSTF, through its chair or other designated member, shall report at least annually in writing to the Board of Trustees and the Village Manager, and at such additional times as requested by the Village President. The annual report shall cover the activities of the GSTF for the preceding calendar year.
(Ord. No. 2022-16-3536)