The village manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the village. He or she may head one or more departments and shall be responsible to the board of trustees for the proper administration of all affairs of the village. To that end, he or she shall have power and shall be required to:
   (a)   Appoint and, when necessary for the good of the service, suspend or remove all officers and employees of the village, except as he or she may authorize the head of a department or office to appoint, suspend or remove subordinates in such department or office;
   (b)   Prepare the budget annually and submit it to the board of trustees together with a message describing the important features and be responsible for its administration after adoption;
   (c)   Keep the board of trustees advised of the financial condition and future needs of the village, and make such recommendations as he or she may deem desirable;
   (d)   Recommend to the board of trustees a standard schedule of pay for each appointive office and position in the village service;
   (e)   Recommend to the board of trustees from time to time adoption of such measures as he or she may deem necessary or expedient for the health, safety or welfare of the community or for the improvement of administrative services;
   (f)   Consolidate or combine offices, positions, departments or units under his or her jurisdiction, with the approval of the board of trustees;
   (g)   Attend all meetings of the board of trustees unless excused therefrom and take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the board of trustees;
   (h)   Supervise the purchase of all materials, supplies and equipment for which funds are provided in the budget in accordance with the village’s purchasing policy, duly adopted pursuant to § 2-82 of this code; let contracts necessary for operation or maintenance of village services for amounts up to and including $25,000, authorize the procurement of goods, supplies, and equipment in amounts up to and including $25,000, and advise the board of trustees on the advantages or disadvantages of contract and bid proposals. No purchase shall be made, contract let or obligation incurred for any item or service which exceeds the current appropriation without a supplemental appropriation by the board of trustees. No contract or procurement requiring an aggregate expenditure in excess of $25,000 and no contract for new construction shall be let except with the approval of the board of trustees as set forth in the village’s purchasing policy;
   (i)   See that all laws and ordinances are duly enforced;
   (j)   Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the village, and in regard to service maintained by the public utilities in the village, and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the village are faithfully observed;
   (k)   Devote his or her entire time to the discharge of his or her official duties; and
   (l)   Perform such other duties as may be required by the board of trustees, not inconsistent with the charter, law or ordinances.
   (m)   Establish and administer policies and procedures for purposes of determining whether an employee or former employee is eligible to receive benefits pursuant to the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act (820 ILCS 320/1 et seq.) (“PSEBA”).
(Ord. No. 2017-23-3431; Ord. No. 2020-08-3474)