Removing, erasing, rubbing out, or otherwise removing or concealing, any chalk or other mark from the tires of a vehicle placed by a Parking Control Officer for the purpose of enforcing Parking regulations. (21)
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
To construct or cause to be constructed or repair or cause to be repaired any vehicle or any part of any vehicle upon any public street except such repairs as may be necessary in case of an accident or breakdown to enable the removal of the vehicle from the street. (65)
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
(a) To use or display a facsimile or counterfeit Parking Permit;
(b) To knowingly make any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement or representation on any application for, or request for renewal of, any Residential Parking Permit issued by the Municipal Transportation Agency pursuant to Section 905. In addition to any penalty set forth in Section 302, the Municipal Transportation Agency may impose administrative penalties pursuant to Section 314.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 225-11, File No. 110984, App. 11/15/2011, Eff. 12/15/2011)
To Park a vehicle other than in a designated Parking Space, or across any demarcation of the boundaries of a Parking Space, or in any manner such that the vehicle is not entirely within the area demarcated for the Parking of a vehicle of the Parking Space. (58(c), 32.4.2(b))
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
To Park a vehicle in a Parking Space designated by the Municipal Transportation Agency’s Board of Directors for the exclusive use of Shared Vehicles when Municipal Transportation Agency signs or markings are posted giving notice. Vehicles Parked in violation of this section are subject to removal pursuant to Section 8.1(a)(12) of this Code.
To Park a vehicle over twenty-two feet in length or seven feet in height, or camp trailers, fifth-wheel travel trailers, house cars, trailer coaches, mobilehomes, recreational vehicles, or semi-trailers as defined by the California Vehicle Code and Health and Safety Code, between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. when Municipal Transportation Agency signs are posted giving notice. This section shall be operative on March 31, 2013.
(Added by Ord. 211-12, File No. 120142, App. 10/9/2012, Eff. 11/8/2012, Oper. 3/31/2013)