(a) Whenever in this Transportation Code words or phrases are used that are not defined by the provisions of this Code, but are defined in the Vehicle Code, the definition and meaning shall be applied as set forth in the Vehicle Code.
(b) Any words or phrases that are not defined in the Vehicle Code or in Division II of this Code shall have the meanings set forth below.
California Public Utilities Commission, CPUC. The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California.
Chief of Police. The Chief of the San Francisco Police Department, or his or her designee(s).
City. The City and County of San Francisco.
Code. The Transportation Code of the City and County of San Francisco, consisting of Division I, under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and Division II, under the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Transportation Agency.
Director of Public Health. The Director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health or his or her designee(s).
Director of Transportation. The Director of Transportation of the Municipal Transportation Agency or his or her designee(s).
Division I. Division I of the Transportation Code, under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
Division II. Division II of the Transportation Code, under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors.
Final SFMTA Decision. A decision upon which the SFMTA has taken the last action according to procedures set forth in Division II, Section 203 (Final SFMTA Decision; Request for Review).
Fire Chief. The Chief of the San Francisco Fire Department of the City and County of San Francisco, or his or her designee(s).
Municipal Parking Facility. An off-street parking lot or off-street parking garage owned, leased or operated by the City or the Parking Authority of the City and County of San Francisco.
Newsgathering Vehicle. A vehicle displaying a permit issued by the Police Department pursuant to Section 939.2 of the Police Code.
Non-motorized User-propelled Vehicle, NUV. Any device of two or more wheels lacking a belt, chain, or gears that is powered by the rider through pedals or by pushing off of or kicking at the ground, including, but not limited to, in-line skates, roller-skates, kick or push scooters, skateboards, and toy vehicles.
Park. To park or stop a vehicle, as defined in the Vehicle Code, or to cause or permit a vehicle to be parked or stopped, unless the context requires a different meaning.
Parking Control Officer, PCO. A City employee authorized by the Municipal Transportation Agency to enforce state laws and the San Francisco Municipal Code related to Parking of vehicles.
Parking Meter. Any device, including any electronic pay station, that, upon payment, registers the amount of time for which a vehicle is authorized to Park in a particular Parking Space.
Parking Permit. A permit issued by the Municipal Transportation Agency to a person or a vehicle which, when current, valid and properly displayed, entitles the vehicle or a vehicle occupied by the person to specified exemptions from the Parking regulations of this Code.
Parking Space. A space demarcated by painted lines or other indicators for the Parking of a single vehicle.
Placard. A placard issued by a state agency to a person with disabilities pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 22511.55 or 22511.59 that entitles the holder to Parking privileges as specified in Vehicle Code Sections 22511.5 et seq.
Police Officer. An employee of the San Francisco Police Department authorized to enforce the criminal laws of the state and of the San Francisco Municipal Code.
Port Commission. The Port Commission of the City and County of San Francisco.
Port Regulations. With respect to any property under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Port Commission, such Parking and traffic conditions and regulations as are imposed by and on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Port Commission.
Proof of Payment or Proof of Payment Program. A fare collection system that requires transit passengers to possess a valid fare receipt or transit pass upon boarding a transit vehicle or while in a Proof of Payment Zone, and which subjects such passengers to inspections for proof of payment of fare by any authorized representative of the transit system or duly authorized peace officer.
Proof of Payment Zone. The paid area of a subway or boarding platform of a transit system within which any person is required to show proof of payment of fare for use of the transit system.
Public Property. Property owned or controlled by a public agency that is not within the public right-of-way.
Request for Review. A form submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors that seeks Board of Supervisors' review of a Final MTA Decision.
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency or SFMTA. The Municipal Transportation Agency of the City and County of San Francisco.
Sidewalk Bicycle. Any bicycle with wheel diameter of less than 21 inches overall, including tires.
Special License Plate. A license plate issued by a state agency to the vehicle of a person with disabilities pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 5007 that entitles the holder to Parking privileges as specified in Vehicle Code Sections 22511.5 et seq.
Special Traffic Permit. A permit issued by the Municipal Transportation Agency required for any obstruction of traffic upon a street or sidewalk area by any construction, excavation or other activity, to the extent that such activity will not be conducted in accordance with City contract specifications or with the Municipal Transportation Agency's "Regulations for Working in San Francisco Streets" (otherwise known as the "Bluebook").
Stand. A zone established by the Municipal Transportation Agency for the exclusive use of a class or classes of vehicles identified by signs posted at such Stand.
State. The State of California.
Truck. A commercial motor vehicle with six or more wheels that is designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of goods.
Truck Loading Zone. A zone for the exclusive use of Trucks while loading or unloading freight, subject to any posted time limits.
Vehicle Code. The Vehicle Code of the State of California.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 280-13, File No. 131119, App. 12/18/2013, Eff. 1/17/2014)
In undertaking the adoption and enforcement of this Division I, the City is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers or employees, an obligation for breach of which the City is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)