To operate a commercial motor vehicle with a seating capacity of eight or more passengers, used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit upon the streets or areas designated in Division II, Section 503, except as permitted in that Section.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on an on-street parking place for the purpose of displaying same for sale unless the vehicle is parked within 600 feet of the residence of the registered owner of the vehicle.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
For the driver of any City Tour Bus to engage in Tour Narration while such vehicle is in motion on any public street. For purposes of this Section 7.2.89, "City Tour Bus" shall mean a bus carrying passengers for compensation that is not required to be authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission to operate as either a charter party carrier or a passenger stage corporation under the California Public Utilities Code, and "Tour Narration" shall mean providing regular or ongoing oral information to passengers other than communications concerning payment of fares, announcement of stops, vehicle operation, safety or emergency procedures, occasional brief responses to questions initiated by passengers, or any communication to passengers that is required by law. "Tour Narration" shall also not include any communication to passengers made by a person other than the operator, or any recorded communication delivered to passengers.
(a) To fail to display a valid fare receipt, transit pass, Clipper card, Limited Use ticket, or electronic fare media at the request of any authorized representative of the transit system or duly authorized peace officer while in or about any public transit station (including an outdoor high-level boarding platform or station operated by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District), Proof of Payment area, light rail vehicle, streetcar, cable car, motor coach, trolley coach or other public transit vehicle to evade any fare collection system or proof of payment program instituted by the Municipal Transportation Agency.
(b) To knowingly use or attempt to use any illegally printed, duplicated, or otherwise reproduced token, card, transfer or other item for entry onto any transit vehicle, Proof of Payment area, or into any transit station with the intent of evading payment of a fare.
(c) For any unauthorized person to use a discount ticket, Clipper card, or Limited Use ticket, or fail to present, upon request from a system fare inspector, acceptable proof of eligibility to use a discount ticket. If an eligible discount user is not in possession of acceptable proof at the time of request, an issued notice of fare evasion or passenger conduct violation shall be held for a period of 72 hours to allow the user to produce acceptable proof. If the proof is provided, the notice shall be voided. If the proof is not produced within 72 hours, the notice shall be processed. (127)
For any passenger or other person in or about any public transit station (including an outdoor high-level boarding platform or station operated by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District), Proof of Payment area, streetcar, cable car, motor coach, trolley coach or other public transit vehicle to commit any of the acts described below:
(a) Playing unreasonably loud sound equipment on or in a system facility or vehicle, or failing to comply with the warning of a transit official related to disturbing another person by loud or unreasonable noise;
(b) Smoking, eating, or drinking in or on a system facility or vehicle in those areas where those activities are prohibited;
(c) Expectorating upon or within a system facility or vehicle;
(d) Willfully disturbing others on or in a system facility or vehicle by engaging in boisterous or unruly behavior;
(e) Carrying an explosive or acid, flammable liquid, or toxic or hazardous material in a system facility or vehicle;
(f) Urinating or defecating in a system facility or vehicle, except in a lavatory. However, this paragraph shall not apply to a person who cannot comply with this paragraph as a result of a disability, age, or a medical condition;
(g) Willfully blocking the free movement of another person in a system facility or vehicle.
(h) Skateboarding, roller skating, bicycle riding, or roller blading in a system facility, vehicle, or parking structure. This restriction does not apply to an activity that is necessary for utilization of the transit facility by a bicyclist, including, but not limited to, an activity that is necessary for parking a bicycle or transporting a bicycle aboard a transit vehicle as permitted by the Municipal Transportation Agency. (128)
(i) Selling or peddling any goods, merchandise, property, or services of any kind whatsoever on transit facilities, vehicles, or property of the Municipal Railway without the express written consent of the Municipal Railway or its duly authorized representatives.
(j) For any person to engage any operator of any streetcar, cable car, bus or trolley coach in conversation, except for the purpose of procuring necessary information.
(k) Failing to yield seating reserved for an elderly person or person with disabilities.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 130-16, File No. 160385, App. 7/20/2016, Eff. 8/19/2016)