Circumstances Permitting Removal. |

Publisher's Note: This section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 212-20, approved 10/29/2020, effective 11/29/2020). The text of the amendment will be incorporated under the new section number when the amending legislation is effective.
(a) Any Police Officer or Parking Control Officer is authorized, in accordance with all applicable requirements of this Code and the Vehicle Code, to remove or cause to have removed any vehicle that is:
(1) Parked in violation of Vehicle Code Section 22500, 22651 or 22652; (70, 70b) or
(2) Parked, disabled or abandoned in a manner as to obstruct the normal movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or in a condition to create a hazard to other traffic in violation of Vehicle Code Sections 22651(b) or 22654(c); (70, 70(b), 71b, 159) or
(3) Not a motorcycle and is Parked in an area designated as motorcycle parking only; (27, 219) or
(4) Interfering with the use of any Street for purposes other than the normal flow of traffic in violation of signs posted at least 24 hours before such use is scheduled to begin, in accordance with Vehicle Code § 22654(d) or 22651(m); (193, 193.4) or
(5) Parked at a Stand when such vehicle is not within the class of vehicles authorized to use such Stand, or is Parked at a Stand outside of the hours that such vehicle is authorized to use a Stand; (33.5A) or
(6) Parked in such a manner that it blocks any entrance to any residence or blocks access to electric vehicle charging bays; (32.21, 32.21A, 32.22) or
(7) Parked in violation of any restriction or prohibition in Division II for which Division II authorizes removal of vehicles in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 22651(n); (32.4.1, 32.4.3, 27) or
(8) Parked in violation of a Parking restriction or prohibition posted at a curb painted white, yellow, green or red; (33.3, 38.B, 38.C) or
(9) Parked on a Street for 72 or more consecutive hours (3 days), except that no vehicle may be removed pursuant to this Section except in compliance with all procedural requirements of this Code; (37(a), 159, 159.10) or
(10) Parked in any Municipal Parking Facility in any manner which violates this Code, or which is left in a Municipal Parking Facility for more than 24 hours after the expiration of the period for which the parking fee was paid for that vehicle; (32.14, 32.19) or
(11) A bicycle left unattended in any manner that obstructs a sidewalk, street, alley, transit access or other public place; (219.2) or
(12) Parked in a Parking Space designated by the Municipal Transportation Agency's Board of Directors for the exclusive use of car share vehicles which have been issued a Car Share Vehicle Parking Permit.
(b) Any peace officer or other employee authorized to enforce Port Regulations who finds any vehicle or animal unattended and standing or Parked in violation of Port Regulations may remove the vehicle or cause it to be removed to the nearest garage or such animal to the nearest place of safety. (220)
(c) Any peace officer who arrests the operator of a vehicle that is licensed as a charter-party carrier of passengers by the CPUC for operating as a taxicab may impound the vehicle in accordance with California Public Utilities Code § 5411.5.
(d) Any peace officer who arrests the operator of a vehicle for conduct in violation of subsection (2) of Section 23109.2 of the California Vehicle Code, as may be amended from time to time, shall impound the vehicle in accordance 1 San Francisco Police Code Article 56.
1. So in Ord. 212-20.