Code Section: 212(a)
Subject: Open uses, pushcart
Effective Date: 5/88
This Section requires that in C-1 and C-2 Districts, all uses be conducted within an enclosed building. An exception may be made in the case of a pushcart when it is part of a commercial complex (such as Ghirardelli Square or Pier 39) and is shielded from view from any public right-of-way. (See also Interpretation 240.2(e).)
Code Section: 212(e)
Subject: C-3 residential conversion/
Effective Date: 5/90
This Section requires a conditional use authorization to demolish a residential use or convert it to nonresidential use in a C-3 District. In the case where two residential hotel units were converted to a communal kitchen, storage and building mechanical space, there had been no conversion to nonresidential use since these uses were accessory to the residential use. Note: This interpretation may not apply to Section 803.5(b) which is worded differently.
Code Section: 215
Subject: Dwelling on split-zoned lot, use of industrial portion
Effective Date: 4/64
This Section allows dwelling units in the C-M through M-2 Districts only with a conditional use authorization. In the case where a portion of a lot is in one of these industrial districts, a dwelling may not occupy such portion of the lot without a conditional use authorization, but such portion may nevertheless be used to satisfy rear yard and open space requirements for a dwelling constructed on the residential portion.
Code Section: 215(a)
Subject: Dwelling double density in non-R Districts
Effective Date:
See Interpretation 209.1(m)
Subject: Nonresidential use table, distancing requirement
Effective Date: 3/96
Numerous subsections in the nonresidential use table require distancing the use from the nearest R District. Sometimes the boundary line of a zoning district is along the center of a street right-of-way, in which case the required distance shall be measured to the nearest residentially zoned property outside a street right-of-way.
In cases where multiple uses occupy a single lot, this distance shall be measured from where the use itself is located on the lot. The location of a use shall be considered to be the entire contiguous property controlled by the operator of the use. Therefore, in the case where a proposed kennel operator owned or leased the entire lot, the distance to the R District was measured from the lot containing the proposed establishment rather from the kennel structures or from any other specific establishment structure or function. If they had controlled only a portion of the lot, the distance would be measured from that point.