Code Section: 170, 171
Subject: Applicability of Code
Effective Date:
See "Redevelopment Plan" in the Interpretations - Alphabetical
Code Section: 170
Subject: Applicability of Code versus Redevelopment Plan
Effective Date: 3/88
This Section states that if this Code is more restrictive than some other law, this Code governs. An exception to this rule is the agreement made between the Planning Commission and the Redevelopment Agency to the effect that the Planning Code does not control property in Redevelopment Areas approved by the Planning Commission in regards to those issues covered by the Redevelopment Plan. Issues not addressed by the Redevelopment Plan remain under the jurisdiction of the Planning Code. However, jurisdiction reverts back to the Planning Code when the Redevelopment Agency "closes out" a Redevelopment Area after a Redevelopment Area Plan is completed.
Code Section: 171
Subject: Jurisdiction of boundary properties
Effective Date: 12/85
When a lot on the City limit boundary has its street frontage in another jurisdiction, San Francisco does NOT maintain building permit jurisdiction and therefore the Planning Code does not apply to any portion of that lot.
Code Section: 171
Subject: Compliance of uses
Effective Date: 5/91
See Interpretation 181(a)
Code Section: 172(b)
Subject: Noncomplying building in rear yard
Effective Date: 3/88
This Section prohibits any building legally existing in the rear yard from being expanded in such a manner as would increase the discrepancy. An increase in the building envelope of a building in the required rear yard would constitute an increase in discrepancy. Section 188(a) would allow the building to remain and be renovated and maintained. Therefore, such noncomplying building could be raised temporarily for the purpose of gaining access to construct a new foundation and thereafter returned to its former legally existing elevation.