Code Section: 173
Subject: Compliance of lots
Effective Date: 3/87
This Section requires compliance of lots. A substandard lot which is not a lot of record remains a legal lot if a governmental agency makes it substandard by buying only a portion of it without compensating the owner for making the whole lot unbuildable.
Code Section: 173
Subject: Compliance of lots
Effective Date: 3/88
This Section requires compliance of lots. Four adjacent lots under single owner ship contained buildings which were nonconforming or noncomplying. Addition ally, two of the lots were noncomplying having been illegally split. However, since they are under single ownership, the lots could be legalized by merging all four into a single lot or by merging them into the original 25 feet by 120 feet configuration and granting easements to buildings which encroach onto the other lot, or by lot line adjustments. The conformity of the buildings are a separate matter and any illegality of their situation would not hamper the ability of the lots to be merged.
Code Section: 173(b)
Subject: Lot split, density exceeded
Effective Date: 1/88
This Section requires compliance of lots. A through lot with two residential buildings at either end was over the density limits. The owner wanted to split the lot into two lots. This raised the issue about whether splitting the lot in this way would exacerbate the noncomplying situation as to density and therefore would be tantamount to a rezoning. Such lot split would not be tantamount to a rezoning if the area of each lot is proportional to their relative number of units.
Code Section: 174
Subject: Developing ground floor accessory rooms in residential buildings
Effective Date:
See Appendix
Code Section: 174
Subject: Modifications of conditions
Effective Date: 8/96
See Interpretation 303(e)
Code Section: 175.6
Subject: Sunset of 'Pipeline' Provisions
Effective Date: 5/09 (Revised 1/14)
The intent of this Section is to 'provide an orderly transition from prior zoning' [emphasis added] to the new Eastern Neighborhoods controls. While Section 175.9 requires that pipeline projects obtain a site or building permit within 36 months of receiving a final entitlement, there is no initial time limit for such projects to receive required entitlements from the Planning Commission. Nonetheless, it is implicit that the zoning 'transition' in question is not intended to continue in perpetuity. Accordingly, projects which seek authorization under this Section must receive required entitlements from the Planning Commission or Department prior to January 19, 2011, which is two years from the effective date of the Eastern Neighborhoods Plan. This date may be extended by the Zoning Administrator due to circumstances beyond the applicant's controls, as set forth in Section 175.9(e)(2), such as appeals or court challenges. It should be noted that, together with the three-year authorization period set forth in Section 175.9, pipeline projects will be afforded a five-year window to receive required building permits.
Code Section: 176
Subject: Determining illegality
Effective Date: 6/92
The Department normally will use building permit history to determine the legality of a use. Because all building permit records were destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire, we will assume that any unit shown to have been created before the 1906 earthquake and fire is legal barring evidence to the contrary.